"Heavenly? Do we have the ability to cut the sky? "

Rainbow Cat looked shocked and couldn't help but ask.

He never expected Zhang Sanfeng to propose such an operation against the sky.

"Angry against heaven? Change Providence? "

The corners of Qin Shihuang's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

It is already very bold to angrily denounce the heavens, and now it is even more crazy to destroy the heavens.

"Zhang Zhenren's plan is very good, just do it."

"Once we trigger the relevant group tasks, even if we win the government, I am afraid it will be difficult to make too much contribution."

Xiongba's expression was extremely excited.

Once the plan is successful, whether it is them or Ying Zheng, they will all become the role of playing soy sauce.

They don't need to worry about winning a lot of points.

"Then we will prepare the heavenly sacrifice ceremony now, angrily denouncing the heavenly "seven five zero", why should we be so cruel to human beings. "

"If the way of heaven is not benevolent, it should be angry against heaven, and if heaven does not repent, we will destroy heaven."

"Hehe, when I think of Fa Tian, I feel excited."

"Hurry up and get ready! We want to trigger this new group mission before His Majesty triggers the hidden mission. "

The rest of the chat group was shocked by Zhang Sanfeng's idea.

However, it is very much agreed and supported.

Especially the old people in the chat group, they had seen Ye Hao suppress the Heavenly Dao, and they were not too afraid of the Heavenly Dao.

"If that's the case, let's get started!"

Zhang Sanfeng said and bought a special yellow rune paper from the points mall, the heavenly rune.

This is a kind of talisman refined by the Heavenly Mechanic, which can communicate the Heavenly Dao and spy on the Heavenly Providence.


With the input of mana, the yellow rune paper became somewhat transparent, exuding a divine and mysterious aura, as if it had become the only one in heaven and earth.

Almost at the same moment, the powerhouses of the Fengyun comic world all felt something and looked at the location where the Heavenly Rune was.

"What's going on there?"

The powerhouses of the Fengyun comic world, such as Xiao San Xiao, Great Demon God, and Wu Invincible, frowned, and felt an indescribable depression.

Heavenly Fu communicates the Heavenly Dao and spies on how against the heavenly will is.

If it weren't for the fact that the chat masses could rely on the chat group to cover up the heavenly machine and breath, the moment Zhang Sanfeng used the heavenly rune, I am afraid that the heavenly path would descend the boundless thunder tribulation and bombard it.

"Heavenly Dao, you beast, what's wrong with human beings, you actually want to bring down a thousand calamities?"

At this moment, Xiao Sanxiao, Great Demon God, Wu Invincible and others felt a reprimanding sound sound.

The moment Zhang Sanfeng used the Heavenly Rune, Xiongba couldn't wait to start operating.

He was not afraid of Heavenly Dao's anger, he was afraid that Heavenly Dao would be indifferent.

"Heavenly Dao, you immediately change the will of heaven, otherwise, the old man will punish you."

"Heavenly Dao, the Thousand Autumn Tribulation has not yet broken out, you still have room for redemption, you admit your mistake now, I can still get past without blame, otherwise, hum I let you not survive, you can't ask for death."

"Heavenly Dao, give you ten breaths of time, and immediately change the will of heaven, otherwise, I will destroy the sky and crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

"If you don't repent of this Heavenly Dao, then I will kill the old heaven and reshape the new heaven."

The rest of the chat group also used the power of the heavenly rune to constantly reprimand the heavens.

Some people even directly threatened the Heavenly Dao.

"Is this someone yelling at heaven?"

Xiao San Xiaoxiao was stunned, stared at the location where the Heavenly Rune was, and lost his voice.

He has been trying to find a way to resolve the catastrophe, but he has never thought of scolding the heavens.

"It's really self-defeating."

The Great Demon God was shocked and mocking again.

Although I don't know who is reprimanding the heavens, a group of mortals actually want to reprimand the heavens and change the will of heaven, which is really beyond their strength.

How high is the Dao of Heaven?

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

At this moment, the sky of the Fengyun Comic World instantly turned black, and the purple thunder that was thousands of feet long was like a purple dragon shuttling through the clouds.

Every thunder is mixed with a terrifying aura of destruction.

Any thunder can easily obliterate a seventh-order martial artist.

Although the Heavenly Dao of the Fengyun comic world has no feelings, it has its own rule logic.

For those who dare to go against the sky, it will bring down severe punishment.

If it's just chatting with the masses and insulting Heavenly Dao, Heavenly Dao won't care.

Because, it can't be heard at all...

But now it's different!

The chatting masses used the Heavenly Talisman to communicate the Heavenly Dao, as if standing in front of the Heavenly Dao, directly reprimanding the heavens and despising the heavens.


Xiao San Xiao, Great Demon God, Wu Invincible and the others looked at the suddenly drastic change of the celestial phenomenon, and they all couldn't help but gasp and look shocked.

Heavenly Dao is furious!

It was obvious that those who had just angrily denounced the Heavenly Dao, their words were actually perceived by the Heavenly Dao. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is really stabbing the sky!

"Ding-dong! Trigger group missions, heaven is not benevolent! "

"Heavenly Dao intends to descend the great calamity and let the living beings be ruined, as a person who practices martial arts, it is time to stand up, go against the sky, and change the will of heaven."

"All group members can participate in this mission, and points are awarded according to the completion of the task, and points are distributed according to the contribution."

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded in the ears of the chattering masses.


The chatting crowd couldn't help but show a strong smile on their faces, looking excited.

Plan successful!

"Today's catastrophe will be caused by an island nation shaped like a half-moon with the sun as its emblem."

"As long as this force rises like the rising sun, at that time, Shenzhou will face great disaster, and thousands of innocent lives will inevitably be slaughtered."

"Yue Mou can be sure that it is definitely Fuso."

"Let's do it now!"

Yue Buqun couldn't wait and said.

Although 5.4 prevented a catastrophe, it could not be resolved, but it was only postponed for a while.

However, at least if you change Providence, you can definitely get a certain point reward.

"Then destroy all the Fuso people?"

Xiongba's eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, ready to move.

At this time, Fusang has more than 10 million people, and when used to cultivate the Demon Dao, he can definitely be promoted to the Jiedan Realm.

"Are you sure you can finish it?"

"As long as there is a Fuso person left, maybe this Fuso person will become the key to the great calamity, and his strength will skyrocket in a short period of time, and he will have the ability to launch a great calamity."

Xiongba No. 2 defied, Dao.

"The old man thinks that if the island country is sunk, in this way, there will be no island country."

Hsiung Ba No. 2 voiced his own advice.

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