"Even if you sink the island country, as long as there are Fuso people alive, they can completely establish a new Fuso."

Xiongba did not hesitate and directly objected.

"If the remaining Fuso people want to establish a new Fuso country, I am afraid it will take a long time."

"In this way, the goal of delaying the catastrophe will also be achieved."

Xiongba No. 2's face remained unchanged and said.

"According to your previous reasoning, the strength of the remaining Fuso people may quickly explode and give birth to many strong people."

"As long as the strength is strong enough, the re-establishment of the country may be a matter of a few years."

Xiongba sneered.

"If it is only to delay the catastrophe for a few years, the contribution to the group mission is very low."

"The trouble now is that Heavenly Dao is promoting the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, even if there is only one person left in Fuso, Heavenly Dao can make this person grow into a peak powerhouse in a short period of time, and can continue to promote the Thousand Autumn Tribulation."

"It's not easy to destroy all the Fuso people, not to mention the rest, there are some mixed blood who have passed with the Fuso people in Shenzhou, do you say they are Fuso people, or Shenzhou people?"

"I really want to attack the Heavenly Dao and hit the Heavenly Dao hard, so that it will not have the heart 24 to continue to promote the Thousand Autumn Tribulation."

The chatting masses spoke one after another, their brows slightly wrinkled.

They must ensure that the means they stay behind can still influence the Great Tribulation after they leave the world of Fengyun Comics.

Otherwise, it would only have a slight impact on the Great Tribulation.

The Heavenly Dao only needs to be slightly adjusted to get the Thousand Autumn Tribulation back on track again.

Perhaps because of their intervention, the Great Tribulation broke out in advance.

"Can we deduce the key figures of the outbreak of this Thousand Autumn Tribulation, and if we suppress all the key figures this time, then we should be able to postpone the Thousand Autumn Tribulation for a while."

Qiao Feng set his sights on Zhang Sanfeng.

The Thousand Autumn Tribulation is the heavenly machine deduced by Zhang Sanfeng using the Heavenly Machine Talisman.

"Then you need a more advanced Heavenly Mechanism Talisman."

Zhang Sanfeng replied.

"Let's pay points together and buy a more advanced Heavenly Mechanism Talisman, otherwise, we will not only destroy Fuso, but also all the people of Fuso's bloodline."

"Even some people who do not have Fuso blood, but we also need to suppress those who consider themselves Fuso people."

"There are too many people to kill."

Guo Jing analyzed, said.

"The two sons of Xiao Sanxiao, the Great Demon God and the Great Boss, are the keys to promoting the Great Tribulation of the Thousand Autumns?"

"The protagonist of the Thousand Autumn Tribulation is Lian Chengzhi?"

"Stephen Yun is also the one who should be robbed?"

Relying on a three-pin heavenly machine talisman, the chat masses quickly got the information they wanted.

It's just that after getting this information, the faces of the chattering masses became very solemn.

"Whether it is Lian Chengzhi or Stephen Yun, all of them are very easy to solve, but the two sons who smile are very troublesome."

"In my opinion, you need to deal not only with the two sons who laugh three smiles, but also with the three smiles."

"That's right, with the strength of laughing three smiles, he must know the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, and he must also know that his two sons are the key to promoting the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, and now that his two sons are alive and well, then the attitude of laughing three times is already very obvious."

"Maybe if we take action to suppress the Great Demon God and the Great Dang, we will stand up and stop it with a smile."

After knowing more information about the catastrophe, the chat crowd did not feel any ease.

Instead, it became more and more troublesome.

With the strength of everyone, killing Lian Chengzhi is a very easy thing.

However, if they killed Lianchengzhi, Heavenly Dao could make another Lianchengzhi No. 2 and Lianchengzhi No. 3, which did not affect the promotion of the Great Tribulation at all.

In their opinion, killing the two people of the Great Demon God and the Great Boss Family was more conducive to delaying the outbreak of the Great Tribulation.

Otherwise, with the people of Shenzhou, the number of strong people born must be far above Fuso. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As long as the strong people in Shenzhou are stronger than the strong people in Fuso, it will be difficult for the Thousand Autumn Tribulation to break out.

However, now that Fuso has the help of the Great Demon God and the Great Boss, the situation is completely different.

The Great Demon God and the Great Boss are the sons of laughing three smiles, and have the inheritance of laughing three smiles.

The inheritance of Xiao San Xiao must be even stronger than the inheritance of Di Shitian.

If the Fuso people learn the inheritance of laughing three smiles, coupled with the Heavenly Dao Bell, Fuso will definitely give birth to a very powerful warrior.

"Otherwise, we will directly use the Great Method of Transshipment to connect Fuso's Qi Operation to Shenzhou."

"As long as we ensure that the formation is advanced enough, the Heavenly Dao cannot be destroyed."

"In this case, Shenzhou will always press Fuso."

Ah Jiu hesitated and spoke his thoughts.

"This level of transshipment formation, the price is not cheap."

"Moreover, since you purchased such a high-level formation, why do you only absorb the qi luck of Fusang country, you can completely absorb all the qi luck of the entire world to Shenzhou."

Yue Buqun added.

"The catastrophe involved not a few people, but two countries."

"Even if we kill the key figures of the Great Tribulation, the Great Demon God, the Great Boss, Stephen Yun, and Lian Chengzhi, Heavenly Dao can completely re-choose other people who should be robbed."

Yue Buqun analyzed.

"With our strength, if we want to completely solve the catastrophe, there is no 220 possibility at all."

"Therefore, we just need to delay the outbreak of the Thousand Autumn Tribulation as much as possible."

Yue Buqun spoke his mind.

"As long as Shenzhou remains strong, or Fuso remains weak, the Great Tribulation of the Thousand Autumns will continue to be postponed."

"We can completely control Emperor Fuso, let him sacrifice Fuso's luck, and curse and kill the Great Demon God and the Great Boss."

He is now cultivating the Demon Dao, and he knows the methods of the Demon Dao very well.

"If you go further, through the blood sacrifice, you can even intercept the origin of the Heavenly Dao."

Yue Buqun didn't say anything.

If you want to complete this level of blood sacrifice, you must invest at least tens of millions of living beings.

After the blood sacrifice, I am afraid that there will not be a few people left in Fuso.

"Didn't we just say we were going to cut the sky?"

"Since Heavenly Dao wants Fusang to slaughter Shenzhou so much, then we will control Fusang and slaughter Heavenly Dao."

Qin Shi Huang smiled and said his thoughts.

"As long as Fuso has the last drop of blood left, the felling sky can not stop."

"The heavens are successful, the Heavenly Dao is damaged, and the Thousand Autumn Tribulation is naturally delayed."

"If the heavens fail, the Heavenly Dao will definitely punish Fuso, and Fuso will definitely decay, and the Great Tribulation of the Thousand Autumns will naturally be delayed."

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