Heaven can actually be killed?

This concept has too much impact on people in the world of Fengyun comics.

The sky is high, whether it is the change of time or the battle of stars and rivers, the sky is not easy.

"Sky hurt?"

Laughing three times in disbelief, lost his voice.

Although Fuso's battle to destroy the sky, - was instantly suppressed by the Heavenly Dao.

However, everyone could see that a part of the Heavenly Dao had obviously become transparent.

"Fuso's battle to destroy the sky this time is definitely not Fuso's own will, it is likely to be controlled by a black hand behind the scenes."

"If Fuso prepares carefully, will it cause more damage to the Heavenly Dao?"

"The Central Plains are much stronger than Fuso, if the Central Plains also fights the battle to destroy the sky, will the sky suffer a greater blow?"

Whether it is a smile or a smile, or the powerhouses of the Fengyun comic world such as the Great Demon God, the Great Dangjia, and Wu Invincible, almost came to the same inference.

The power of the Heavenly Dao is indeed very powerful, but the Heavenly Dao is not invincible.

As long as all sentient beings unite, they definitely have the power to severely damage the Heavenly Dao.

If the Central Plains, Fusang, Tianzhu and other countries participate in the battle to destroy the sky together, even many strong people will join it.

Even if it doesn't kill the Heavenly Dao, I'm afraid it can crush the Heavenly Dao.

"What do the people behind the scenes want?"

The powerhouses of the Fengyun comic world, such as Xiao San Xiao, Wu Invincible, and Great Demon God, all looked solemn and extremely shocked.

Even people who are slow to react can feel everything that is happening today, and there is an invisible force controlling it.

Perhaps the suppression of Emperor Shitian's government belongs to the same force as the black hand that controls Fusang Fatian.

"Heavenly Dao is really angry!"

Ye Hao's gaze suddenly looked into the universe, looking playful.

The consequences of the battle of Fusang Fatian were much more serious than the chatters imagined.

Fuso's battle to destroy the heavens did cause some damage to the Heavenly Dao, and it only took hundreds of years for the Heavenly Dao to recover.

Tiandao didn't care about this injury at all.

Hundreds of years is not a short time even for immortals like Xiao Sanxiao and Di Shitian, and their lifespan is only a few years.

However, for the Heavenly Dao that existed for hundreds of millions of years, it was too short.

What really makes Heavenly Dao angry, Fuso's battle to destroy the sky allows the life of the Fengyun comic world to see the reality of Heaven's Dao.

As long as all sentient beings work together, the way of heaven can be destroyed.

This is a taboo that Heaven's Dao absolutely cannot allow to exist.

In the past, although countless people shouted out against the sky, shouted out the opening that the sky was dead.

However, none of these people had seen the Heavenly Dao and did not know what the Heavenly Dao looked like.

Their so-called anti-heaven, the sky is dead, is just a simple slogan.

It's different now!

The beings in the Fengyun comic world really saw the origin of the Heavenly Dao, saw the battle of the Heavenly Dao, and saw that the Heavenly Dao was injured.

Since there is one battle against the sky, then there will be a second.

The second battle to destroy the sky will probably be even more ferocious.

Of course, it is also possible that the second battle of the sky may not appear.

However, Heavenly Dao does not gamble.

There were too many surprises today.

There are too many variables.

It is also planting the seeds of death for it.

So, it intends to perish.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Under the traction of the Heavenly Dao, in the starry sky of the universe, meteorites flew quickly towards the earth.

This is not one meteorite, not ten, a hundred.

The entire earth is like a huge magnet, and the meteorites in the starry sky of the universe are like iron filings, densely packed, tens of thousands, converging towards the earth.

Once these meteorites really succeed in hitting the earth, I am afraid that only a few people such as Xiao Sanxiao will survive.

Even these surviving people will fall into endless loneliness in the face of the near-extinction of life on Earth.

A thousand years is okay?

Okay for 10,000 years?

What about 100,000 years?

Even if you laugh three times, I am afraid that you will not be able to endure the loneliness of 100,000 years, and it is very likely that your will will collapse and die.

Not to mention 100,000 years, it is a million years, and it is also a very short time for the Heavenly Dao.

"Why didn't Heavenly Dao lower the punishment for Fuso?"

Zhang Sanfeng, Qin Shihuang, Xiongba and the others looked at the sky suspiciously, looking puzzled.

They could clearly feel the state of Fuso, and the environment of heaven and earth was no different from before the battle against the heavens.

"Could it be that the battle of Heaven Destroyer will only punish those who cut the Sky?"

The chatting masses couldn't help but guess and said.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

And Xiao Sanxiao, Wu Invincible, Great Demon God and others all rushed towards the Central Plains Imperial City.

They only have one thought now, and they must find out who the government is and what kind of forces it belongs to. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What's going on? How do I have a feeling of unease? "

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Sanxiao suddenly stopped, suddenly looked at the sky, and his pupils shrank sharply.

The power of destruction.

The power of endless destruction.


Xiao Sanxiao suddenly saw a little light appear above the earth, and the light quickly became larger and was seen by him.


A meteorite almost ten feet in size flew quickly.

If it is just such a large meteorite, no matter where it is hit, it will cause the destruction of a city at most.

The place that really made Xiao San Xiao tremble was that behind this meteorite, there were dense points of light.

They should all be meteorites.

There are hundreds, thousands, if not thousands, of meteorites that will fall on Earth.

This is a catastrophe.


Almost at the same moment, Ying Zheng also looked at the sky, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Great Qin Zulong: "Everyone, look at the sky, the battle of the heavens has caused the destruction of the Heavenly Dao, do you think about how to solve it?" "

Ying Zheng contacted the chat masses at the first time.

It is clear that the task is out of control.

Princess Changping: "There are dense meteorites falling from the sky, and the Heavenly Dao is to completely exterminate the life of the Xiongju No. 2 world." "

Xiongba No. 2: "What now?" What to do? "

Xiongba No. 2 was suddenly anxious.

Play so big, now it's good.

The Heavenly Dao directly perished.

Heavenly Dao is destroyed, what should he do?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Don't worry, let's buy a fourth-order defense array together, which is enough to resist the destruction of the Heavenly Dao." "

Although Zhang Sanfeng was shocked by the ruthlessness of Heavenly Dao, he did not panic.

The chatting masses now have a lot of points in their hands, and one person may not be able to afford the four-rank defense array.

However, if they bought a four-rank defensive array together, it would be very easy.

"Ding-dong! The battle of the heavens led to the destruction of the Heavenly Dao, as a person who practiced martial arts, how could he bear to see the lives in ruins? "

"Do your best to stop the battle of the sky."

"The higher the completion of the mission, the greater the reward."

At this moment, the crisp voice of the group system sounded.


The chatting crowd breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions instantly became relaxed.

It's okay!

Since the group task is triggered, Daxian will definitely make a move.

Daxian shot, all problems are not a problem.

They can play to their heart's content.

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