Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "There is no problem in purchasing a fourth-order defense array, but the heaven and earth aura of the No. 2 world is simply not enough to maintain a fourth-order defense array. "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "A fourth-order defensive array is fully operational, and every spirit stone consumed by breathing is probably a huge number. "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Even if we block the meteorite attack in the sky, with the current situation of the Heavenly Dao, not only will we not stop, but I am afraid that we will continue to increase our attacks." "

Yue Buqun obviously did not expect that the Heavenly Dao of the Fengyun Comic World would be so indifferent, and in order to cover up the truth of the battle against the sky, he actually planned to destroy the world directly.

If it is just a single meteorite, or several meteorites, the chat crowd is still sure to smash the meteorite.

Or move elsewhere.

At this time, the sky looked around, and the light blooming of meteorites was like stars in the night, covering the sky, thousands of them.

Even the light of the "693" sun was obscured, making the whole world seem to turn into a huge ball of light.

The world will help the master: "Da Ri Rulai is an eighth-order martial artist, if you divide the strength of the Heavenly Dao, it is definitely stronger than Da Ri Rulai." "

The world will help the master: "According to the previous task rewards involving eighth-order warriors, I am afraid that the points awarded by this level of tasks will exceed 100 million." "

The world will help the Lord: "We can invest with confidence and will never suffer losses." "

The hero is extremely excited.

This time, the chat group did not divide him into the villain camp and calculated his point reward separately.

Xiao Li Feidao: "The reward of points at this level is indeed over 100 million, that is the reward for completing the group task, are you sure we can stop the calamity of the Heavenly Dao?" "

Graphic designer: "If we have been passive defense, we will not be able to hold on, after all, our points are also limited." "

Qiao Feng, the gang leader: "We should defend against the world-destroying attack of the Heavenly Dao while attacking the Heavenly Dao, if we can severely damage the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao will not launch the Annihilation of the World again." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "If you want to completely solve the destruction of the Heavenly Dao, either destroy the Heavenly Dao or make the Heavenly Dao submit, no matter which possibility, the difficulty is not small." "

While discussing the way to deal with the destruction of the Heavenly Dao, the chatting masses quickly purchased the four-product defense array.

No matter how they deal with the destruction of the Heavenly Dao next, they must block this wave of meteorite attacks in front of them.

Otherwise, let all these meteorites fall, and the world of Fengyun Comics will become a dead and silent world.

"Meteorite! Lots of meteorites! How could so many meteorites fall? "

"It's not easy? We see taboos that should not be seen, these meteorites are likely to be the handiwork of Heaven's Dao, and Heaven's Dao is going to perish. "

"Me! Fuso on dog day, don't take us with you TM to death! "

"With so many meteorites, how can I hide? Where are the wells? I'm going to hide in the well. "

As the meteorites in the sky continue to approach, don't say that the top masters of the Fengyun comic world, such as Xiao Sanxiao, the Great Demon God, and Wu Invincible, are ordinary people who can clearly see the meteorites in the sky.

Although the meteorite has not yet landed on the ground, everyone can feel a huge sense of oppression, or the breath of death.

Once all these meteorites fall to the ground, it will be the sky will collapse and the lives will be ruined.

Most of them are afraid to die.

"What are we going to do?"

The two brothers of the Great Demon God and the Great Boss looked at the scene of destruction in the sky and looked at each other.

Once the meteorite falls, they are still confident of surviving.

However, others may not survive.

"At that time, the whole world will not be just our two brothers, and him, right?"

The big patriarch's face was very ugly.

He and the Great Demon God pushed the Thousand Autumn Tribulation entirely to take revenge on Xiao Sanxiao.

However, this does not mean that they want the complete extinction of the creatures in the world of Fengyun comics.

He also has desires.

If there were only three of them left in the world of Fengyun Comics, how boring would the whole world be?

I'm afraid he'll go crazy.

"It's over!"

The Great Demon God's face was also very ugly.

The Heavenly Dao Annihilation was much more terrifying than the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, and it was enough to take revenge on his father.

However, this was not the result he wanted.

If there are only three of them left in the whole world, father and son, not even a single grass, flowers, trees, birds, animals, insects and fish, and there is desolation and death everywhere, it is absolutely terrifying.

"Damn it! What a damn for these behind-the-scenes masterminds! "

Wu Invincible was completely unable to hold back, and his expression appeared panicked.

He was confident that he would survive the meteorite landing, but his son and his wife were not capable of doing so.

When the meteorite falls, he may be alone.

Even in his life, he may never see a person again, never see a single flower or tree again.

What a bleak and miserable life?


Just when the sentient beings in the Fengyun Comic World fell into panic and fear, a golden layer of energy instantly enveloped the earth...

The meteorite landed on the golden energy layer, only rippled layer by layer, and then quickly calmed down.

All the beings within the golden energy layer did not even feel any energy fluctuations.

The four-rank top defense array, the Vajra Bodhi array.

Graphic designer: "It's so distressing!" I myself was reluctant to use medium-grade spirit stones to cultivate, and as a result, a large array instantly consumed thousands of medium-grade spirit stones. "

Space station navigator: "Where is this?" If we regard the Heavenly Dao as an eighth-order martial artist, we have only fought with the other party now, and then we may have to fight a hundred and eighty moves, and I am afraid that the spirit stones consumed will be even more. "

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "It shouldn't be so much, right?" Heavenly Dao has induced so many meteorites, I am afraid that it will have to pay a certain price. "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "If it weren't for the fear of causing the collapse of the Xiongba No. 2 world, I really wanted to buy a more advanced large array and directly seal or refine the Heavenly Dao." "

The chatting masses stood at the core of the large array, looking at the constantly consuming mid-grade spirit stones, and everyone couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

The redemption price of a Lower Spirit Stone is 1 point.

The exchange price of a medium-grade spirit stone is 1,000 points.

The value of a thousand medium-grade spirit stones is 100,000 points!

Every breath of the fourth-order top great array running, that consumption is not a spirit stone at all, it is completely a point!

"Boom!" , "Boom 3.2! "Boom! "

One by one, meteorites were like dense cannonballs, bombarding the Vajra Bodhi Array, and under the nervous and expectant eyes of everyone in the Fengyun comic world, the large array stood from beginning to end.

"The meteorites are all blocked?"

The sentient beings of the world of Fengyun comics fell into the joy of the rest of their lives after the disaster.


At this time, the body of the Heavenly Dao, the huge energy light mass all trembled slightly.

The appearance of the Vajra Bodhi Array exceeded its expectations.

The Vajra Bodhi Array easily blocked the world-destroying calamity it launched, which was beyond the expectations of the Heavenly Dao.

In the rule logic of the Heavenly Dao, there should not be so many variables, nor should there be such a powerful formation.

What the hell is wrong with this world?

It is the way of heaven!

Everything should be under its control.

However, it now feels strange to its own world.

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