"It's a pity!"

"It's a pity!"

"What a pity!"

Ye Hao's eyes scanned the Douqi Continent with a look of regret.

His strength is still not strong enough.

If his strength is strong enough, he is sure that he will move the Vindictive Continent to his Cave Mansion and become a part of his Cave Mansion.

In the future, when entering other similar advanced worlds, you can also move a part of the territory to expand your own cave mansion.

In the future, he may be able to create a cave mansion that condenses the laws of the heavens and realms.

Moreover, the Douqi Continent is also rich in resources.

Even for Ye Hao now, the Douqi Continent is of great value.

"However, I can't move the Douqi Continent to my Cave Mansion, but I can move the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion to my Cave Mansion."

The Cave Mansion of the Ancient Emperor of Doshe was opened before the Ancient Emperor of Doshe left the Douqi Continent. "920"

In the Douqi Continent, stepping into Dou Zun can use the power of space.

And once you step into the Dou Sheng realm, you can open up a space for people to live in from the void space.

The space opened up by the Doudi is even more vast, and the ancient realm where the ancient eight races lived is the space opened by the Doudi once opened.

Each ancient world is larger than the earth, and millions of ancient people live.

Ye Hao mastered the six reincarnation techniques, as long as he operated divinely, he could also open a space.

He once transformed the moon of the Blue Blood Sword World into his own cave mansion.

Today, the territory of the cave has long exceeded the moon, and is even wider than the sun.

However, the space opened by Ye Hao did not contain any living beings in it, and it only contained the magical rules he mastered.

And the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion not only has the rules of heaven and earth of the Douqi Continent, but also has the inheritance left by the ancient emperor of Tuoshe and the treasure land full of various creations.


Ye Hao stepped into the void, and instantly came to the sky above Canaan Academy, and then entered the underground magma world with a movement of his mind.

The Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion is in the magma world.

In front of him was a stone gate, a huge stone gate of tens of thousands of zhang.

The stone gate stands quietly in this vast space, as if it has existed forever.

An ancient, reckless aura slowly spread out from it, rippling in this heaven and earth.

At the top of the stone gate, there are four ancient fonts, which do not look too gorgeous, however, in the plain, there is an endless majesty that rises above heaven and earth!

Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion!

"Can the grave breaker hold the ancient jade?"

At this moment, in front of the stone gate, a behemoth with a purple-gold body and icy scales covering its whole body suddenly spoke, interrupting Ye Hao's gaze admiring the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

The old dragon emperor of the Tai Void Ancient Dragon clan, Candle Kun.


After Ye Hao finished speaking, he directly pushed the door and entered the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

Candle Kun is completely unlucky.

Thousands of years ago, in order to obtain the inheritance of the ancient emperor of Doshe, he came to explore the cave house of the ancient emperor of Doshe.

As a result, it was designed by the ancient emperor of Doshe to become a guardian beast to guard the cave mansion of the ancient emperor of Tuoshe.

"Are you Doudi?"

"Lord Doudi, save me!"

Candle Kun looked at Ye Hao, who easily pushed the door and entered the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, first startled, and then quickly asked for help, and said.

As the existence of the peak of the Nine-Star Dou Saint, Candle Kun was very aware of the terrifying nature of the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

Just the coercion carried by the Ancient Emperor Mansion itself was not something that a Dousheng level powerhouse could contend with.

The only existence that can compete with Doudi is Doudi.

This suddenly appeared, incomparably young figure, able to easily push open the existence of the gate of the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, is definitely a Dou Di.

"Wait until I finish visiting the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion."

Ye Hao's figure appeared in the depths of the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, silently, and directly grabbed the old man in a simple robe in his palm.

"What are you?"

This old man, who looked the same as the ancient emperor of Toshe, found that he was instantly suppressed, and he was directly stupid, looking at Ye Hao with a shocked face.

He's an imperial pill!

The strength is comparable to the half-step Dou Di.

How could anyone be able to suppress him with one move?

"It's magical."

Ye Hao's divine insight into the essence of the Emperor Pin's Pill couldn't help but marvel.

He is now an eighth-grade alchemist, or an eighth-grade alchemist promoted by the chat group, and he is only one step away from being able to refine a real elixir.

Even if he possessed such alchemy, the elixir he refined would not be able to transform into form.

"The reason why the elixir of the Douqi Continent can give birth to spiritual wisdom and even transform into cultivation is related to the special rules of heaven and earth of the Douqi Continent."

After Ye Hao's in-depth deduction, he gained insight into the essence of the Douqi Continent's alchemy system.

"It is worthy of the Doudi inheritance."

Ye Hao did not take the Emperor Pinpindan, and grabbed a tall stone statue...

Around the stone statue, there are many light masses flying, which look extremely gorgeous from afar.

Among those light masses, there were some ancient scrolls, and on that scroll, he felt extremely spiritual. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This kind of spirituality is not inferior to the so-called Heaven-level advanced exercises or fighting skills in the outside world.

In other words, Ye Hao had harvested hundreds of heaven-level high-level fighting techniques and exercises in the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion.

"The most precious thing about the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion is it."

Ye Hao flicked his fingers, and the huge stone statue exploded, turning into a colorful sea of fire formed by all kinds of different fires.

In the depths of the sea of fire, the flames instantly condensed into a huge flame bud, and the bud slowly bloomed, and an old figure dressed in dark robes.


However, the appearance of this old figure did not affect the sea of fire flying towards Ye Hao in the slightest.

"Are you the newly born Dou Di?"

The ancient emperor of Toshe left behind the remnant soul that guarded the inheritance, and looked at Ye Hao with some surprise.

According to his memory, there was no source qi in the Douqi Continent except for the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, and it was impossible to give birth to Doudi again.

Ye Hao was able to easily control the sea of fire and suppress his power, which was obviously the power of the Doudi level.

"I'm not a Dou Di."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"Are you from the Upper Realm?"

Ancient Emperor Tuoshe suddenly thought of something and looked at Ye Hao in amazement.

As a remnant soul of the Dou Emperor, he naturally knew very well the reason why the Dou Emperor who was born in Dou Qi 3.4 disappeared.

After becoming a Dou Emperor, it won't be long before he leaves through a spatial passage.

Although the Ancient Emperor of Doshe did not know what was behind the spatial passage, he could be sure that it was definitely an extremely advanced world.

On one side, there is a world that accommodates many Doudi powerhouses, and there are even existences that are more powerful than Doudi.

"Your essence is dead, will you follow me?"

Ye Hao sent out an invitation.

The ancient emperor of Tuoshe was able to refine the emperor pill, and he was obviously an emperor-level alchemist.

In the future, what elixir the chatting masses need, it can be completely refined by the ancient emperor of Toshe.

Moreover, the ancient emperor of Doshe is still a different fire, and it should not be difficult to learn to refine the weapon.

With a helper, he saves a lot of trouble.

Ancient Emperor Doshe: "??? "。

I'm dead?.

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