"My body is dead? How could I possibly die? "

The remnant soul of the ancient emperor looked incredulous, and even his body trembled.

He was a remnant soul mark left by the Ancient Emperor of Doshe before he left the Douqi Continent.

Once the lineage of the ancient emperor of Toshe found a suitable inheritor, he would disappear immediately.

"I'm a Dou Di!"

"Even if the world connected by the spatial passage is very powerful, Dou Di should not be a weak person when he enters the Upper Realm, right?"

Emperor Dosher was apparently unable to accept the news of his death.

It has only been less than 10,000 years since his body traveled to the Great World.

In such a short time, he fell?

"Not only have you fallen, but the ancestors of the Doudi of the Ancient Eight Races have also all fallen."

These simple information, Ye Hao can still deduce with the Heavenly Mechanics.


"Absolutely impossible!"

The remnant soul of the ancient emperor of Doshe was obviously unable to accept this news.

He could be sure that after Dou Di flew to the Great Thousand World, he was definitely not a weak person.

If it was just the death of one of his ascensions, it could also be said to be an accident.

Since ancient times, there have been dozens of Douqi Emperors who have soared to the Great Thousand World, or even more than 24.

And Doudi's lifespan is definitely more than 10,000 years.

"The world after your ascension is a great world, where thousands of planes meet, where ten thousand races stand and where all the heroes gather."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the extraterritorial evil race invaded the Great Thousand World, and invaded half of the Great Thousand World, and assimilated the spiritual power of this half of the Great Thousand World into demonic qi."

"In this battle, the world has won a temporary victory."

"However, the vitality of the Great Thousand World has been greatly damaged, too many strong people have fallen, and the number of Dou Di level powerhouses has fallen into tens of thousands."

"Even now, the extraterritorial evil race still firmly occupies half of the world."

Ye Hao introduced.

The ancient emperor of Tuoshe practiced the anti-heavenly technique of incineration, and as long as he continued to devour all kinds of alien fire and divine fire, his strength could be continuously improved.

The ancient emperor of Toshe himself is a different fire, and his talent is no worse than Xiao Yan.

Even if the Ancient Emperor of Doshe could not become a great master after cultivating for ten thousand years, or even become a Saint Pin Tian Supreme, there was still no problem in becoming an Immortal Pin Tian Supreme.

As a result, when the ancient emperor of Doshe flew to the great world, although the leader of the extraterritorial evil race, the Heavenly Evil God, had been suppressed, the great war between the two sides did not stop.

In this case, the newly ascended Emperor Doshe Ancient Emperor fell without any time to grow.

"Who the hell are you?"

The remnant soul of the ancient emperor of Toshe carefully looked at Ye Hao, and found that he could not sense any of Ye Hao's breath at all, extremely dignified, and said.

The young man in front of him may be a strong man far beyond his imagination.

"I am a passer-by of the world, and I will leave in a day."

Ye Hao replied.

"Someone outside the world?"

Emperor Doshe secretly guessed.

Even if there are extraterrestrial evil races outside the world, then there are other races.

Or there are other dimensional worlds similar to the Great Thousand World.

"Can you revive me?"

Ancient Emperor Doshe hesitated and said.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao ran his divine power, and a divine light hit the remnant soul of the ancient emperor of Doshe.

The divine light shrouded the body of the ancient emperor of Doshe, and the remnant soul of the ancient emperor of Doshe quickly solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath on his body became more and more terrifying.


At the moment when Ye Hao used the Six Reincarnation Techniques to resurrect the Ancient Emperor of Doshe, Ye Hao also had insight into all the secrets and all the cultivation perceptions of the Ancient Emperor of Doshe.

"Is this Doudi?"

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he directly transformed his realm into the realm of Dou Di, perceiving the mystery of the Dou Qi system.

If there are people in the Douqi Continent who are related to him, if he lets go of the cover of the chat group, these people will instantly awaken the bloodline of the Dou Di, and it is very easy to become a Dou Zong, Dou Zun, and even a Dou Sheng in an instant.

"Thank you, senior!"

The fully resurrected Ancient Emperor of Tosher looked respectful and bowed to Ye Hao.

Being able to resurrect a remnant soul that completely relied on the origin of the emperor to survive, this method is simply beyond imagination.

"Void Shifting Array!"

Ye Hao nodded lightly towards the Ancient Emperor of Toshe, and then he laid a series of magic seals towards the void.

By constantly searching for the divine souls that exist in various inheritances or relics in the Immortal World, as well as the masters of capturing the Demon Dao, Ye Hao's formation at this time also reached the eighth rank.

The Void Shifting Array is the Eight-Rank Top Array.

Ye Hao planned to move the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion directly to his own cave mansion.


Under the shocked gaze of the ancient emperor of the top, the ancient emperor cave mansion was directly moved to the blue blood sword world.

"Hahaha, I'm free!"

"I'm finally free!"

The ancient emperor cave mansion was moved, and the old dragon emperor candle kun, who had been imprisoned for thousands of years, was also freed, and the whole person shouted excitedly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Thank you, Lord Doudi."

"Are you the Ancient Emperor of Doshe?"

However, when he saw the ancient emperor of Doshe behind Ye Hao, Candle Kun's face changed drastically, his voice stopped abruptly, and his face was terrified.

For this Dou Di who made him lose his freedom for thousands of years, he was full of resentment and fear.

"Well, don't be afraid, I will also make you a Dou Emperor later."

Ye Hao said casually.

"Let me be a Dou Di?"

Candle Kun quickly came back to his senses and looked at Ye Hao with a fiery expression.

"You are now the peak of the Nine-Star Dou Saint, and you only need to absorb the source qi to be able to break through to the Dou Di."

Ye Hao said.

The Tai Void Ancient Dragon naturally controls the power of space and can traverse the void. 763 Moreover, they are also innately able to sense heaven and earth spiritual objects, and they are all top treasure hunting masters.

Such a special race is kept, maybe it will be used in the future.

"Thank you, Lord Doudi!"

"Thank you, Lord Doudi!"

Candle Kun bowed to Ye Hao one after another.

"Since the ancient emperors of Toshe have been resurrected, then the Dou Emperors of the other ancient eight races will also be resurrected?"

The biggest killer weapon of the Ancient Eight Races was the Guardian Array left behind by their ancestor Doudi before he flew into the Great World.

As long as the large array is activated, it can trigger a remnant soul left by the ancestor Doudi.

For Ye Hao, who controls the six reincarnation techniques, as long as he has a remnant soul or soul mark, he can all be resurrected.

"In this case, I can ask these Dou Emperors to help me relocate the Douqi Continent together?"

"Coupled with the resurrection of these Dou Emperors, the bloodlines of those ancient eight races can be activated again, and maybe many Dou Saints can be born again."

"The powerhouse who was originally a Dou Saint was able to improve his strength a lot, and even become a high-level Dou Saint."

In the Douqi Continent, Dou Sheng was able to open a space that could be inhabited.

The Dou Emperor of the Ancient Eight Races plus the Dou Sheng, there were at least hundreds of people, and they opened up space together, and then collected the treasures of the Douqi Continent and put them into their spatial world.

"Then I will move all these spatial worlds to my cave mansion."

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