"Can I also cultivate immortals?"

Xiao Yan looked at Bai Xiaofei with a look of longing.

He's a crosser.

He knew too well the difference between immortal cultivation and martial arts.

On the earth, if you take a hundred random people and let them choose to cultivate immortals or choose to cultivate martial arts, I am afraid that 99% of people will choose to cultivate immortals.

"If you practice martial arts well, when I leave, I can give you a copy of the Immortal Cultivation Exercises."

Bai Xiaofei did not refuse.

Anyway, he gave Xiao Yan the immortal cultivation exercises he cultivated, and he didn't need to pay any price.

What's more, with the Immortal Cultivation Technique, Xiao Yan was also able to practice martial arts well.

"Thank you Brother Bai, I will definitely practice martial arts well."

Xiao Yan was extremely excited and said.

Another village!

Although he couldn't cultivate fighting qi, he could practice martial arts now, and he even had the opportunity to cultivate immortals.

"Practice martial arts?"

"Immortal cultivation?"

In the Na Ring, Yao Lao's soul body was extremely puzzled at this time.

Whether it was martial arts or immortal cultivation, all of them were cultivation methods that he had never heard of.

"Hurry up and cultivate, strive to raise your strength to the Great Grandmaster realm before the arrival of the Great Immortal."

Bai Xiaofei reminded.

As for raising Bai Xiao 827 Fei's strength to the realm of heaven and man, he was not sure at all.

The Heavenly Human Realm already completely belonged to another level of martial arts.

Xiao Yan naturally had no opinion, and began to follow Bai Xiaofei's orders and practice martial arts.

Xiao Yan chose Xuanwu Zhengong.

Because, this is the martial arts practice that the chatter masses practice the most, and it can provide a lot of cultivation experience.

If he chose to practice other exercises, Xiao Yan could only comprehend it on his own.

"A completely different cultivation system from Douqi?"

"Who the hell is this person?"

When Bai Xiaofei was teaching Xiao Yan to cultivate, Yao Lao also heard it clearly, and he was extremely shocked.

A completely new cultivation system.


"Finally raise your strength to the Great Grandmaster Realm."

"Although I can't raise your realm higher, I can improve your skills."

I don't know how long it took, Bai Xiaofei looked at Xiao Yan's martial arts realm, extremely satisfied.

In order to raise Xiao Yan's strength to the level of a martial arts grandmaster in a short period of time, he spent hundreds of thousands of points.

"Thank you Brother Bai"

Xiao Yan hadn't finished speaking, and the next moment, his breath suddenly exploded.

Originally, his Dou Qi realm was only the third stage of Dou Qi, and in the blink of an eye, he broke through to Dou Huang, Dou Shi, Big Fighting Master, and Dou King, and until he reached the Douhuang realm, Xiao Yan's breath stabilized.

When Xiao Yan's aura erupted, the breath of the rest of the Xiao family in Wutan City also suddenly skyrocketed.

It's just that their realm improvement is not as huge as Xiao Yan, and most of them are in the realm of Fighting Spirit and Fighting King.


Yao Lao, who was still in shock in the new cultivation system, looked at Xiao Yan in shock.

Yao Lao was born as one of the Ancient Eight Races, and he really knew too well what Xiao Yan's aura surge represented.

The Xiao family gave birth to a Dou Emperor?

Although he had been staying in the ring, he was still very clear about the strength of the Xiao family.

Xiao Yan's strongest is Xiao Yan's father, a big fighter.


Soon, an even more violent aura erupted, shocking the earth.

Gu Kaoruer!

After Ye Hao resurrected the ancient emperor and let Gu Yuan break through to the realm of the Doudi, Gu Xun'er's Doudi bloodline was stimulated twice.

Eight-star Dou Sheng.

"Dou Sheng!"

Yao Lao could no longer be calm, and looked in the direction where Gu Xun'er was in a daze.

Such a terrifying increase in strength is obviously the bloodline of the newly born Dou Di.

"Brother Bai, why did my strength suddenly become so strong?"

Xiao Yan sensed the vastness and surging in his body, as if he could turn over the river and the sea, and he was surprised and delighted, and quickly asked Bai Xiaofei.

"I don't know."

"However, it should be related to Daimian."

(CEEG) Bai Xiaofei's face turned dark and said.


Xiao Yan's strength turned out to be stronger than him.

This is also too pitted! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Graphic designer: "Immortal cultivator, great immortal, Xiao Yan's fighting strength suddenly increased, and the strength of the Xiao family also suddenly skyrocketed. "

Graphic designer: "However, the most terrifying thing is a girl who looks young, even more terrifying than the 10,000-year-old demon." "

After Gu Xun'er's aura broke out, if it weren't for the group mission, Bai Xiaofei probably couldn't help but flee the Douqi Continent.

The breath of the eight-star Dou Saint was simply a god and demon for Bai Xiaofei.

Immortal cultivator: "Don't worry, these are the influence of the bloodline of the Dou Di, I just resurrected some Dou Di, and let some people break through to the Dou Di." "

Immortal cultivator: "In the Douqi Continent, once you break through to the Dou Di, everyone who has a blood relationship with the Dou Emperor will all increase their strength, and the closer the blood relationship, the more the strength will increase." "

Immortal Cultivator: "That girl you feel terrified is because her father became a Dou Di, and now has the strength of an eight-star Dou Sheng, and has become one of the top powerhouses in the Douqi Continent." "

Great Qin Zulong: "And such a magical cultivation method?" "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "This is the real one-man chicken dog ascending to heaven!" "

Emperor Hongwu: "It's a pity, we have already chosen to cultivate the method of qi luck, otherwise, we can't help but want to cultivate fighting qi." "

Space station navigator: "I don't know if I can also cultivate the fighting qi system, so that my relatives don't have to cultivate by themselves." "

Everyone who chatted was a little surprised.

"Brother Bai, who is this great immortal?"

Xiao Yan was curious while rejoicing in his incomparable strength.

Bai Xiaofei had already mentioned the Great Immortal many times, and every time he mentioned it, his expression was extremely reverent.

Yao Lao also hurriedly listened.

"You are also an earthling, you should know the real immortals."

"The Great Immortal is a true immortal, more than a dozen or twenty great realms higher than me."

Bai Xiaofei looked yearning and said.

"Don't you want to know why your Vindictive Qi Realm has suddenly become so strong?"

"That's because someone from your Xiao family broke through to become a Dou Emperor."

"Just now, the Great Immortal resurrected many Dou Emperors, and also helped many people break through to Dou Di."

"You are lucky, among these Dou Emperors made by the Great Immortal, one Dou Emperor is related to your Xiao family."

Bai Xiaofei introduced.

"That girl's father, with the help of the Great Immortal, broke through to become a Dou Di."

Bai Xiaofei pointed at Gu Xun'er, who looked confused and was still immersed in the terrifying power, with a look of envy.

Xiao Yan: "??? "。

Yao Lao: "??? "。

Make a Doudi?

Doudi is the pinnacle realm of the Douqi Continent, like a god.

That Great Immortal was able to create a Dou Di?

So how terrifying is this Great Immortal's realm?.

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