
Whether it was Xiao Yan or Yao Lao, they all couldn't help swallowing their spit, and their faces were shocked and shocked.

People who were not from the Douqi Continent simply could not imagine the status of the Douqi Emperor in the eyes of Douqi cultivators.

That is God.

Now in their eyes, the god-like Dou Di has been resurrected by people, and even made by people, how terrifying, how amazing, how bizarre ~ and so on.

"When the Great Immortal returns, he will also help you practice martial arts, this is your great opportunity, you have to take advantage of it-."

Bai Xiaofei's face was solemn, and a trace of envy flashed in the depths of his eyes.

When the Great Immortal helps Xiao Yan practice martial arts, Xiao Yan's strength will probably far surpass him.

"Thank you Brother Bai."

When Xiao Yan heard this, he was surprised and apprehensive.

"Bai Xiaofei, are you still giving Xiao Yan to continue to improve his strength?"

At this moment, Ye Hao's figure appeared silently.

"Daxian, everything I can improve has already been improved."

Bai Xiaofei shook his head.

"Meet Daisen."

Xiao Yan hurriedly bowed towards Ye Hao.

"In order not to squeeze your potential, I will first help you reincarnate for a hundred lifetimes and increase your heritage."

As soon as Ye Hao waved his hand, he let Xiao Yan fall into a state of reincarnation.

He himself is proficient in the art of six reincarnations, plus the Bodhi Ancient Tree also has the effect of reincarnating people for a hundred lifetimes, and when the two are one, Ye Hao can reincarnate people for a hundred lifetimes in a short time.

Moreover, after a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation, it does not affect the original life memory.

Emperor Shitian!

Laugh three times!

The big day is here!

True Demon Emperor!

True Blood Emperor!

True Buddha the Great!

Under Ye Hao's control, Xiao Yan's identity as a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation is all extraordinary, and all of them are top martial artists in the world where the chat masses are.

"Reincarnation of a hundred lifetimes?"

Whether it was Bai Xiaofei or the rest of the chat group, they all looked at Xiao Yan with envy.

The benefits are simply too great.

Even if each lifetime is only a hundred years, then a hundred lifetimes add up to ten thousand years.

The essence of the transformation of reincarnation is absolutely terrifying.

"Is it over?"

After about a quarter of an hour, Bai Xiaofei saw Xiao Yan, who had been closing his eyes tightly, and slowly opened his eyes.

Bai Xiaofei looked at Xiao Yan's pair of dark eyes, and unexpectedly felt a kind of vicissitudes of seeing through everything in the world, this vicissitudes penetrated deep into people's souls, and could not pretend.

"Thank you Daisen~"

Xiao Yan slowly opened his mouth, and a moment later, a somewhat hoarse and even ancient voice came out.

However, when that ancient voice sounded, the vicissitudes that permeated Xiao Yan's black eyes were slowly restrained, until finally completely disappeared.

This vicissitudes disappeared extremely purely, as if it had completely retreated into the depths of Xiao Yan's soul, so that people could no longer detect it.

"Not bad, the realm actually broke through the shackles of an eighth-order martial artist and reached a tenth-order martial artist."

Ye Hao looked at Xiao Yan's realm at this time, extremely satisfied.

The highest realm of martial arts exercises provided by him was only the eighth-order primary level, and Xiao Yan successfully broke the shackles of the martial arts and created the exercises to the tenth order in the hundred lifetimes of reincarnation.

"True Fire God Gong!"

"It seems that Xiao Yan is very suitable for taking the Avenue of Yan."

This is Xiao Yan's self-created martial arts technique after a hundred lifetimes of reincarnation.

"Buy a deduction card for deduction."

Ye Hao communication chat group.

There are three special items in the chat group, including deduction cards.

Once used, there is a chance to deduce martial arts to a higher level, and the higher the martial arts level, the lower the success rate of the deduction.

A deduction card is 10,000 points, while Ye Hao only needs 5,000 points if he is a chat group administrator.

Therefore, Ye Hao was not worried about the failure of the deduction.

"Deduction failed!"

"Deduction failed!"

"Deduction failed!"

"The deduction was successful! The True Fire God Skill advanced to the Ten Thousand Fire Heavenly Skill. "

"Keep deducing!"

It took more than half a million points to deduce successfully, Ye Hao did not blink his eyes and continued.

He now has more than a billion points, and he doesn't care about this point.

"Deduction failed!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Deduction failed!"

"Deduction failed!"

"The deduction was successful! Ten Thousand Fire Heavenly Gong advanced to Burning Heaven Gong. "

"Burning Heaven: Condensing True Fire, Burning All Things in Heaven and Earth, Smelting Your Own Body, Practicing to Great Success, Burning Heaven and Blood, Using the Rules of Heaven and Earth as Firewood"

"Enough for Xiao Yan to cultivate today."

Ye Hao did not continue to deduce.

At this time, the Heaven Burning Gong had reached the twelfth level of martial arts, and even if he provided Xiao Yan with enough resources, without affecting his own potential, Xiao Yan would probably not be able to cultivate the Heaven Burning Gong to the highest level.

"This is a higher-level exercise deduced by the True Fire God Gong, the Burning Heaven Gong."

"This is the Alien Fire Pill, I use a part of the Alien Fire Origin Pill to refine it, which can assist you in cultivating the Heaven-Burning Skill."

Ye Hao said and handed the twenty-three pills to Xiao Yan.

Like the Void Devouring Flame devouring all things, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire purifying all things, the Golden Emperor Burning Heavenly Flame burning all things, etc., each kind of alien fire has characteristics.

Supplemented by Ye Hao's alchemy method, the Alien Fire Pill refined could be called the best elixir for cultivating the Heaven-Burning Gong.

"Thank you Daisen~"

Xiao Yan respectfully took the elixir, did not say anything more, closed his eyes again and began to cultivate.

The Burning Heaven Gong was deduced from the True Fire God Skill, and Xiao Yan did not have any hindrance in cultivating.

"You are now in the Foundation Building Realm, and in the Douqi Continent, only the Dou King Realm can fight Qi and transform wings to fly."

"In the Gama Empire, the powerhouse of the Douwang level can rank among the top ten powerhouses, you are active in the Gama Empire, be careful, there will be no danger."

Ye Hao set his gaze on Bai Xiaofei.

"Thank you Daisen."

Bai Xiaofei was slightly stunned, and then flew away with a look of ecstasy.

With the introduction of the Great Immortal, he could completely purchase a large amount of Douqi Continent's cultivation resources in the Extra Empire.

This trip into the world, he can not only earn a lot of points.

He was even able to bring back various resources of the Douqi Continent and make a lot of money.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Abominable! Bai Xiaofei was too lucky. "

Space station navigator: "Ask for purchase!" "

Chef Gao in the cafeteria: "Ask for a purchase!" "

Space station navigator: "The currency of the Douqi Continent turned out to be gold coins, Bai Xiaofei, I will give you 1,000 tons of gold, you help me buy the resources of the Douqi Continent, no matter what resources it is." "

After determining that the currency of the Douqi Continent was gold coins, the chattering masses also became excited, and they all asked Bai Xiaofei to buy it.

Regardless of the resources of the Douqi Continent, whether they can be used or not, buy them first.

Anyway, gold is a very cheap thing for them.

"It's time for me to go to the world!"

Ye Hao's gaze at this time was looking at the upper realm, eager to try.

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