The boundless universe.


Ye Hao's doppelganger appeared silently above the firmament, and he no longer hid his figure.

Previously, because he was worried about the damage of the doppelganger puppet, Ye Hao was not in a hurry to leave his name on the firmament list.

It's different now.

By refining the remnant soul of a mid-Heaven Supreme powerhouse in the Great Thousand World, he cultivated one of the thirty-six peerless divine powers of the Great Thousand World to the Three God Realm.

At this time, there is no difference between his doppelganger and the body, except that there is no chat group, there is no difference between the strength realm and the magical means and itself.

In this case, it may be difficult for his doppelganger to leave a full name on the firmament list.

However, leaving a surname is quite simple.

"Once I leave a surname on the Firmament List, my spiritual power system will be able to reach the Transcendent Saint Grade Heaven Supreme and trigger a part of the world's great power."

"At that time, not to mention suppressing the Spirit Grade Heaven Supreme, the Immortal Grade Heaven Supreme, even suppressing the Late Saint Grade Heaven Supreme is also a breeze."

"In this case, I will refine all the extraterritorial evil races in the Great Thousand World in 24 and fuse their Dao fruits."

"When that time comes, there should be no problem in completely leaving your real name on the firmament list and reaching the Domination Realm."

Ye Hao said, directly sensing the world will of the Great World.

"What happened?"

When Ye Hao sensed the will of the Great Thousand World, he instantly alarmed all the strong people in the Great Thousand World.

They felt as if the entire Great Thousand World was trembling, faintly, the spiritual power of the entire Great Thousand World seemed to be one point stronger.


A vast and infinite force descended from the sky and landed in front of Ye Hao.

The cloud-like aura poured down from the sky, causing turmoil in heaven and earth, and then gradually converged.

In the Great Thousand World, whether it was the creatures of the Great Thousand World or the evil races outside the region, everyone was shocked to see that in the void where Ye Hao was standing, there seemed to be an endless spiritual power light curtain, slowly appearing.

The light curtain gives people a hazy and mysterious feeling, and it seems to be inscribed with countless mountains and rivers, the sun, moon and stars, like a world.

A terrible majesty emanated from above, and under that majesty, everyone's hearts trembled slightly, terrified by that power.

"World will, this is someone summoning the world will!"

There are forces in the great world that have been passed down for a long time, looking at the scene of the sky, they are extremely in awe and excitement, and Tao.

Such a scene has appeared in the world.

In ancient times, the Immortal Emperor, the number one powerhouse in the world, also caused such a terrifying celestial phenomenon.

"Could it be that the Great Thousand World is going to give birth to a strong man comparable to the Immortal Emperor?"

"Great! In this way, we will be able to defeat the extraterrestrial evil races. "

"I don't know who broke through, it's the Blue Shirt Sword Saint? Or the Lord of the Immortals? "

"Neither! I have never seen that figure. "

The entire world fell into boundless boiling.

The forces on the side of the Great Thousand World were extremely excited, while the expression of the evil race side outside the region was extremely gloomy.

"It turned out to be the same as my last name."

Ye Hao looked at an ancient font Ye on the firmament list, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly.


However, Ye Hao's hand movements were not slow at all, using his fingers as a pen, and quickly left his surname on the firmament list.

As Ye Hao's finger stopped, everyone in the world clearly saw on the firmament list, an ancient font as strong as a dragon.

"My current strength is not enough to leave a complete real name."

Ye Hao wanted to continue writing, but found that a terrifying world force fell on him, making him feel a huge pressure.

"First go and refine the entire extraterritorial evil race."

Ye Hao was not in a hurry, and the figure disappeared directly.

When his figure appeared again, he had already appeared on the territory of the Corpse Demon Clan.

At the same time, a divine light of six reincarnation techniques hit the body of the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, silently refining his soul.

The Corpse Demon Race and the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor are just the beginning. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sword Demon Clan, Slashing Heaven Demon Emperor.

Spirit Demon Clan, Ling Tian Demon Emperor.

Heavenly Demon Clan, Dark Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The thirty-two major clans of the evil race outside the region were all Ye Hao's targets.

Whether it was an ordinary extraterritorial evil race or a top powerhouse of an extraterritorial evil race, Ye Hao had all put a reincarnation mark on their souls.

Silently, Ye Hao had already controlled the thirty-two major clans of the evil race outside the domain.

At the same time, Ye Hao was also the Dao Fruit of obtaining the top powerhouses of these extraterritorial evil races.

The thirty-two major clans of the extraterritorial evil race, their patriarchs are all the strength of the top Heavenly Demon Emperor, comparable to the Late Heavenly Supreme of the Holy Grade.

The Dao fruits of so many top Heavenly Demon Emperors, even for Ye Hao, who now has a surname on the firmament list, has the effect of touching the bypass, constantly increasing Ye Hao's heritage.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

After controlling all the extraterritorial evil races, Ye Hao groaned and directly operated his magical powers, intending to establish a complete Yin Cao Di Mansion for the Great World.

Although the world level of the Great Thousand World is not low, there is no complete six reincarnations.

Ye Hao intends to control more world wills by completing the structure of the Great World.

In this way, it will be much easier for him to leave his real name on the firmament list.


As Ye Hao condensed the six reincarnations, the entire world trembled, the aura boiled, and even greater world power fell on Ye Hao's body to bless Ye Hao. 080 For the Great World, the establishment of a complete six reincarnations is also a supplement to the rules of heaven and earth, which has no small benefits for it.

In this case, the will of the Great Thousand World would not only not prevent Ye Hao from establishing the six reincarnations.

It will even help Ye Hao establish six reincarnations.


Seeing this, Ye Hao summoned the Firmament List again, and quickly wrote his name on the Firmament List.

On the firmament list, the spiritual light bloomed, shining in every corner of the world.

On it, a complete real name, floating around, as if it had some indescribable majesty, so that everyone who saw it could not help but bow down.

The boundless and endless aura emanated down, shrouding Ye Hao in it, and at this moment, Ye Hao could feel that his perception seemed to pervade the entire world.

At this moment, a true sense of control surged in his heart, which made De Ye Hao have a strange feeling, and the whole world seemed to be in his hands.

"Ding-dong! Complete hidden missions and take control of a vast world. "

"As a martial arts practitioner, you rely on your own strength to become the master of the Great Thousand World, appreciate the will of the Great Thousand World and the rules of heaven and earth, lay a solid foundation for your cultivation path, and your strength realm successfully steps to a new level."

"You will get a special reward!".

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