"Ding-dong! You are rewarded with 100 billion points. "

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger bonus points*2 permissions, and earn 200 billion points. "

"Ding-dong! You get access to the world. "

"Ding-dong! You get an advanced savvy card. "

The crisp voice of the group system continued to sound in Ye Hao's ears.

"Hahaha 200 billion points."

Ye Hao's gaze quickly looked at his personal page.

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 201.42 billion. 】

[Realm: Early Stellar Realm (0/5 billion). 】

[Exercise: Star Immortal Technique.] 】

"Raise the realm!"

Ye Hao immediately communicated with the chat group.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 5 billion points, mid-Stellar Realm (0/7 billion). "


Mid-Stellar Realm!

"Ding-dong! Deduct 7 billion points, late Stellar Realm (0/10 billion). "


Late Stellar Realm.

"Ding-dong! Deducting 10 billion points, the peak of the Stellar Realm (0/30 billion. )"


Stellar Pinnacle!

"Ding-dong! Deduct 30 billion points, the early stage of the Dark Star Realm (0/50 billion). "

"Ding-dong! Deduct 50 billion points, the middle of the Dark Star Realm (0/70 billion). "

"Ding-dong! Deduct 70 billion points, late Dark Star Realm (100 billion). "


Late Dark Star Realm.


With the end of the chat group ascension realm, Ye Hao's star in the dantian at this time had completely turned into a pitch-black dark star, and the entire dark star was filled with silent heavenly fire.

Every wisp of silent extinguishing heavenly fire could easily burn the Immortal Dao cultivators of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

"My current Immortal Cultivation Realm should correspond to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and its combat power is comparable to that of ordinary Golden Immortals."

Sensing his earth-shaking power changes, Ye Hao was incomparably intoxicated.

At this time, the Immortal Cultivation Realm was not weaker than the spiritual power system of the Great Domination Realm.

The Taiyi Gate he joined before was only a cultivator with three Earth Immortal Realms.

He has just joined the Taiyi Gate and is ready to develop in the Taiyi Gate for a period of time to add some background to himself.

As a result, he now possessed combat power comparable to the Golden Wonderland.

Not to mention the cultivators of the Earth Immortal Realm, even the cultivators of the True Immortal Realm, he can easily obliterate them.

Tai Yimen and him were no longer at the same level at all.

"With the permission to enter the Great Thousand World, my essence can enter the Great Thousand World in the future'."

For the second reward of the group system, Ye Hao was a little surprised.

Although he also built a cave mansion in the Blue Blood Sword World, there were no creatures in the cave mansion, which was very boring.

The world is different.

The Great Thousand World not only has thousands of endless continents, but also thousands of lower planes, and he can completely regard the Great Thousand World as his cave mansion and play to his heart's content.

[Advanced Insight Card: Once used, your understanding will be improved. 】

However, when Ye Hao saw the third reward, he was slightly stunned.

In the Points Mall, there are only three special items, the deduction card, the traversal card and the mission card, and now he is rewarded with a new special item.


Ye Hao did not have any hesitation.

Although his current strength realm is basically improved by points.

However, no matter how many points there were, it was completely insufficient for Ye Hao.

Because, he not only cultivated immortals, but also cultivated many auxiliary cultivation systems at the same time.

If his comprehension is high enough, he can cultivate by himself with the auxiliary cultivation system.

"Moreover, this time I entered the Great World to cultivate the spiritual power system, and there is no way to improve the spiritual power system with points."

"In the future, it may also enter a high-level world similar to the Great Thousand World, and the cultivation system in it cannot be improved with points."

Ye Hao didn't plan to just cultivate immortals.

If there were other powerful cultivation systems, he would also choose to cultivate.


After using the enlightenment card, Ye Hao only felt that his head became much clearer and his thinking became much more active.

He had a lot of inspiration for many techniques currently cultivated, as well as alchemy, refining, formations, and so on.

Even similar cultivation systems such as the alchemy system, formation master system, and refining system of the Immortal Cultivation World and the Great Thousand World, are rapidly improving in the touch class bypass.

However, the most obvious change was that he found that his perception of the rules of heaven and earth became extremely clear. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, Ye Hao only had one feeling that cultivation had become much easier for him.

"Ding-dong! Mission completion rewards 10 billion points. "

"Immortal cultivators get 9.5 billion points, and graphic designers get 500 million points."

"Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger bonus points*2 permissions, and get 19 billion points."

The crisp voice of the swarm system sounded again.

The time limit for the group task that allowed Xiao Yan to practice martial arts was also up.

Graphic designer: "Hahaha 500 million points, I actually got 500 million points, kneeling to Daxian!" Daxian is the eternal drop god! "

For his 19 billion points reward, Ye Hao was extremely calm, but Bai Xiaofei's whole person collapsed directly to the ground with excitement.

He originally only expected to get a few million points, and if he was lucky, he would be rewarded with ten million points.

He never expected that he would be rewarded with 500 million points.

That's 500 million points!

In addition to Daisen, the points that the rest of the chat group had previously earned did not add up to so much.

Great Qin Zulong: "~".

The world will help the Lord: ".

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: ".

In the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, the rest of the chat group looked at Bai Xiaofei's words, and everyone's mentality collapsed directly.

At this moment, they no longer had any intention to continue completing the group task.

They worked hard to complete the group task and did their best, it was better to hold Daxian once in his lap.

500 million points!

If they are allowed to perform group tasks in a hierarchical world like the Legendary World of the Son of Heaven, they will complete a hundred group tasks, and I am afraid that they will not be able to get 500 million points in total.

And how long does it take to complete a hundred group missions? Immortal cultivator (Wang Nuo's): "You can buy mission cards, you can open random missions, the task world is not limited, and the difficulty of the task is not limited." "

Immortal Cultivator: "If you buy a mission card, the world where the mission is opened is a high-level world, I will tell you." "

Immortal cultivator: "When the time comes, you can participate in the madness together." "

Ye Hao could no longer look at the point rewards obtained by ordinary world group tasks at this time.

Even in a martial arts world at the level of Fengyun Comics World and Tianzi Legendary World, the group tasks triggered will get hundreds of millions of points at most.

And Ye Hao now wants to improve his strength, and the points he needs are all in hundreds of billions.

Of course, the most important reason is the improvement of strength.

In the late stage of the realm being upgraded to the Dark Star Realm, the combat power was comparable to the Golden Immortal Realm, and Ye Hao was completely uninterested in the low-level world.

At this time, even if he enters the world of the level of the Perfect Great World, he can harvest endless opportunities.

He just wants to enter the high-level world now.

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