"Don't wait!"

In the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, Ying Zheng directly purchased a four-rank attack talisman seal, killed the target, and returned directly to the Daqin world.

If Bai Xiaofei only obtained a few million points, or even one or twenty million points, he would still be able to calmly perform group tasks.

It's different now!

Bai Xiaofei directly obtained 500 million points, and his mentality was completely disordered and could no longer calm down.

"Buy mission cards!"

Yingzheng now has only one idea, to obtain a group mission of a high-level world, and then perform the group mission with Daisen.

If he can get 500 million points reward, then his strength will get a huge explosion.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Don't say anything, I'll go buy a mission card now." "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "The chat group is going to enter a new era, and I am afraid that it will only perform group tasks in the high-level world in the future." "

Emperor Hongwu: "I ask the Great Immortal to bless me with the mission card I purchased to open a group mission in a high-level world." "

The world will help the master: "This world is changing too fast, I was afraid to open the group mission of the advanced world, but now I can't wait to open the group mission of a super world." "

Other people in the chat group also entered the points mall to buy task cards.

In the ordinary world's group tasks, their requirements now are to complete the group tasks, and then quickly apply to complete the group tasks and continue to purchase mission cards. 487

"I wonder if they can trigger the group mission of the advanced world?"

Ye Hao began to move, directly relocating the cave mansion of the Blue Blood Sword World to the Great Thousand World, occupying an endless continent.

It was named the Eternal Continent by Ye Hao.

The top Heavenly Demon Emperors of the extraterritorial evil race controlled by him before all became slaves of his cave mansion, helping him transform the Eternal Continent.

At the same time, Ye Hao also recruited some familiar figures to manage the Eternal Continent.

Concubine Ya, Queen Medusa, Yunyun, and many Dou Emperors he had resurrected or created before.

At the same time, many top forces in the world also came to visit with extremely rich gifts.

"The body sits in the big world, one avatar is used to perform group tasks, and one avatar sits in the fairy world."

After Ye Hao's doppelganger entered the fairy world, he also began to increase his exploration of the fairy world.

His strength has become stronger, and he can obtain the top immortal cultivation resources in the fairy world.

"Ascend the Six Realms of Reincarnation!"

Ye Hao also did not forget the biggest contributor to the fact that his strength could increase so dramatically.

The Six Realms of Reincarnation Art (cede) can obtain the Dao Fruit of refining the soul, so that he can leave his real name on the firmament list and directly become the great master of the great world.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 1 billion points, upgrade successfully, six reincarnation techniques (0/10 billion). "

"Keep improving!"

"Ding-dong! Deduct 10 billion points, upgrade successfully, six reincarnation techniques (0/100 billion). "

"I actually sensed the prefecture of the fairy world."

In the fairy world, Ye Hao's doppelganger's eyes suddenly lit up, and his figure disappeared in place.

Difu is definitely one of the top forces in the Xian Xia world.

If he joins it, he will be able to have a deep understanding of the fairy world.

Moreover, the hell is the place where the soul is reincarnated.

He can completely secretly refine the reincarnated souls of reincarnation and obtain the Dao fruits of these souls before they are alive.

"It's a little similar to the mythical world, but there are still quite a few differences."

Ye Hao silently controlled a white impermanence with the realm of heavenly immortals in the prefecture, and obtained memories about the prefecture from the soul of the other party.

There are four supreme rulers on the face of the prefecture.

The Great.

Jizo King Bodhisattva.

Tai Yi saves suffering Tianzun.

Green Emperor.

The Emperor of the Imperial Capital was the innate supreme deity of the prefecture.

Jizo Bodhisattva belongs to Buddhism.

Taiyi Saving Suffering Tianzun belongs to Taoism. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Green Emperor belongs to the Heavenly Court.

These four are all Immortal Emperor level or Tianzun level powerhouses.

"The Taiyi Continent where I was before belongs to the Immeasurable World, and the Immeasurable Great World is just an ordinary Great World among the three thousand Great Worlds."

"The three thousand great worlds, the Celestial Realm, the Buddha Realm, the Tao Realm, the Great World of Morality, the Great World of Yuanshi and other great worlds, are the real top worlds."

For the first time, Ye Hao had a preliminary understanding of the fairy world.

He originally thought that the immeasurable world was the entire fairy world, but now he found that the immeasurable world was only the tip of the iceberg of the fairy world.

"The prefecture is responsible for the reincarnation of life and death in the three thousand worlds, and has the opportunity to enter the three thousand worlds in the future."

Ye Hao was not in a hurry.

He now needs to be familiar with the prefecture even more.

For a long time to come, this doppelganger of his will stay in the mansion.

"However, I can control Taiyi Continent first, so that the chat masses can exchange any immortal cultivation resources in Taiyi Continent."

Ye Hao descended on the Taiyi Gate with a Yuan God, using the Six Reincarnation Techniques to directly affect the three Taishang Elders and a group of high-level Taiyi Gates, adding a character's information to their memories.

In addition to the three Taishang Elders of the Earth Immortal Realm, there was also a Taishang Elder of the True Immortal Realm.

Relying on such means, Ye Hao silently became the controller of the Taiyi Gate.

He could mobilize any immortal cultivation resources of the Taiyi Gate.

"Maybe you can control a few more continents."

After discovering such benefits, Ye Hao's eyes turned to the neighboring continents of Taiyi Continent.

Chunyang Continent, where the Pure Yang Gate is located.

Yuanzhou, where Yuanzong is located.

Li Zhou, where the Li family is located.

The strongest of these Immortal Dao sects or Immortal Dao families are only cultivators at the True Immortal level.

Ye Hao directly used the strength of a higher realm to incarnate the ancestor of these forces and directly control these forces.

However, Ye Hao did not intend to prostitute in vain.

He either preached to the high-ranking people of these forces, or refined elixir artifacts for them.

"The stronger these forces, the more resources I can mobilize."

"The Linghe Sect that joined before, give them some opportunities too!"

Ye Hao pondered and directly punched the memory of an Earth Immortal into the soul of the ancestor of the Linghe Sect.

With the cultivation perception of an Earth Immortal cultivator, the ancestor of the Linghe Sect would definitely become the strongest in the Zhao Kingdom.

In the future, there may be a chance to become a cultivator at the level of the Convergence Realm, or even the Tribulation Realm.

"Finally waited!"

Ye Hao, who had been paying attention to chatting with the masses to open the task world, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Escort Ye Hei and the others from Earth to the Big Dipper Star Domain?"

Condor World, Guo Jing looked at the task world he opened with the task card, and his brows furrowed.

This task seems a little difficult.

"Ye Hei, did these people fly from Earth to the Big Dipper Star Domain in a spaceship?"

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