"Great Immortal, can we leave the Forbidden Land of the Desolate Ancient Ancient Soon?"

"Great Immortal, we won't be attacked by Desolate Slaves or even Dacheng Holy Body, right?"

"Great Immortal, we didn't come to the Desolate Forbidden Land on purpose, and the owner of the Desolate Forbidden Land shouldn't blame it, right?"

"Daxian, our Shouyuan won't be losing fast too, right?"

Because the chatting masses were full of confidence in Ye Hao's strength, they did not think that the Ruthless Emperor and the Dacheng Holy Body were Ye Hao's opponents, and their hearts were quite calm.

And Ye Hei's classmates are different, they don't know the depth of Ye Hao's strength, and subconsciously think that Ye Hao's strength is not as good as the emperor.

O Great Emperor!

The end of the Sendai Secret Realm!

What a terrifying powerhouse this is!

In the Desolate Forbidden Land, there were two strong people who were comparable to the Great Emperor, which was too scary.

"You don't have to worry, as long as you don't run around in the Forbidden Land, you won't be in any danger. "

Ye Hao said with a slight smile.

Ye Hei's classmates did not have any casualties in the Forbidden Land except for some deaths on the ancient star.

"Moreover, I plan to visit the owner here, the ruthless emperor."

"Don't be in such a hurry to leave."

Ye Hao's gaze cast into the depths of the Desolate Forbidden Land.

"Ruthless Emperor?"

Whether it was the chatting masses or Ye Hei's classmates, all of them were numb scalps and sweaty hairs all over their bodies.

The Great Emperor is already very terrifying.

Now this emperor of the Desolate Forbidden Land is called the ruthless emperor, how terrifying should it be?

What did this great emperor do, he was called a ruthless man.

"The reason why you were able to ride the Nine Dragons Coffin to the Big Dipper Star Domain was the handiwork of this ruthless emperor."

Ye Hao added.


Among Ye Hei's classmates, several people with poor psychological quality were directly frightened, their faces were pale, and their expressions collapsed.

They actually had such a big cause and effect with this ruthless emperor, so wouldn't their future be filled with endless darkness and cruelty?


Ye Hao's heart moved, and a golden avenue spread towards the depths of the Desolate Forbidden Land.

"I wonder if the female emperor is free?"

Ye Hao asked, and his voice clearly reached the abyss of the Forbidden Land.


An aura that made the cosmic galaxy tremble and Qiankun suddenly burst out from the abyss, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Ye Hao's appearance made the ruthless emperor think that which dark supreme descended on the Desolate Forbidden Land, and he was immediately furious.

A dark light flashing Dao treasure bottle seemed to carry the power of suppressing the heavens and realms towards Ye Hao.

At this time, the ruthless emperor had just brought Ye Hei to the Big Dipper Star Domain, and he would never allow the Dark Supreme to threaten Ye Hei's safety.

"Ruthless Emperor, you attacked me first!"

Ye Hao stretched out his hand a little, and a grass appeared out of thin air, instantly tearing the Dao Treasure Bottle.

After that grass tore the Dao Treasure Bottle, the endless sword qi cut down the stars, making the starry sky dim, as if it could cut off time and space and cut the universe.

"One thought blooms, reign in the world!"

A slender figure with flying hair, hunting clothes, and a magnificent and peerless slender figure flew out of the abyss, as if coming from a mythical world, like an immortal.

One after another, the immortal void condensed and bloomed, pieces of crystalline, dancing one after another, turning into the true body of the ruthless emperor, and casting a variety of divine techniques to suppress Ye Hao.

This is a killing technique!

If the Dark Supreme faced this move, I am afraid that even if he did not die, he would be hit hard.

"Willow God Law!"

Ye Hao no longer kept his hand.

A willow tree with a brilliant glow appeared, flowing mixed with mixed air, swallowing the fragments of the avenue. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There are thousands of willows on the willow tree, each of which is like a chain of order gods, piercing through the void and piercing the true body of the ruthless emperor one by one.


In the end, dozens of wicker turned into avenue chains, firmly binding a figure.

The figure bound by wicker, her hair gently fluttering, shimmering star-like luster, the moon-white dress set off her graceful and proud fairy posture, her skin was white, like mutton fat jade carved, on the snow-white neck, it should have been a fairy face with a ghost face, but it was replaced by a ghostly mask, revealing only the jaw and a pair of pupils as clear as autumn water.


Dacheng Holy Body saw that the ruthless emperor was trapped and wanted to rescue, but was directly slapped by Ye Hao, suppressed in place, unable to move.


Looking at the battle that ended quickly, the chatting masses and Ye Hei's classmates were all stupid.

They could clearly feel that at the moment of the outbreak of the great war, although they were still standing in place, they seemed to have been moved to another void, completely isolated...

However, they can still see the picture of the hand-to-hand.

The place where Ye Hao and the ruthless emperor fought was like the demon god opening the sky, the gods destroying the world, the galaxy rewinding, time turning back, shaking the sky.

If the two let go of their hands and feet to fight, perhaps the entire Eastern Wilderness may become a powder of oblivion.

"So strong?"

The chatting masses still had a certain psychological preparation, and Ye Hei and the other classmates all looked at Ye Hao in awe.

This mysterious young man who rode in the Nine Dragons coffin with them actually easily suppressed the ruthless emperor, what a terrifying strength?

"This senior is definitely a strong person who surpasses the Sendai Secret Realm."

Pang Bo was extremely excited and said.

Ye Hei's other students nodded subconsciously.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

At this moment, golden light descended from the sky and turned into one figure after another.

Almost all of these figures have a common characteristic, the figure is majestic, the sky and the earth tremble.

"Female Emperor, why did you have a conflict with Daoist? Our dozens of Great Emperors, Ancient Emperors, and Dacheng Holy Bodies were all resurrected by Daoists. "

"In addition, the six life forbidden areas have been destroyed by Daoists, and dozens of Dark Supremes have all been killed."

"In addition, the immortal emperor who created the primeval era, sneaked up on many great emperors, bathed in the blood of the emperor and was reborn."

"Establish the Heavenly Court, as the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the universe is honored, ghosts and gods worship together, and the emperor Venerable who vainly tries to refine the supreme supreme immortal weapon of the two realms all died in the hands of Daoists." 5.4 The Void Emperor quickly introduced Ye Hao's achievements.

Although these things were all their hands, everything was successful under Ye Hao's planning.

The reason why he said so detailed is to let the ruthless emperor calm down and let the ruthless emperor know who to provoke.

The ruthless emperor has great merits for the Terrans, and if he dies in Ye Hao's hands, it is really too wrong.

Ruthless Emperor: "??? "。

She started the kung fu of pulling the coffin in Jiulong, and in such a short time, the six life forbidden areas were gone?

Even the Immortal Emperor and Emperor Venerable are dead?

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Ye Hei and the others: "??? "。

The Great Immortal disappeared in less than half a day!

Just did so many earth-shattering things?

Is this the world of the big guys?.

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