"Resurrect dozens of great emperors?"

"Kill dozens of Dark Supremes?"

"Kill the Immortal Emperor who created the Archean Era?"

"Kill the Lord of the Heavenly Court, Emperor Venerable?"

The chattering crowd looked at each other, and in addition to shock, there was shock in their eyes.

The scene of Ye Hao fighting with the ruthless emperor just now, they saw with their own eyes that the emperor was a powerful person who could suppress the nine heavens and ten lands and make the universe tremble.

The Great Immortal disappeared in less than half a day, resurrecting dozens of Great Emperors and killing dozens of Dark Supremes.

Among them, the Immortal Heavenly Emperor and the Emperor Venerable were even said by the Void Emperor alone, and their strength was probably even higher than that of the Great Emperor.

So many things have happened in such a short time.

They can be sure that once the news here spreads, the entire world of the Heaven Covering World will probably shake.

"When Daxian and I entered Qin Yu World to carry out group missions, Daxian also disappeared for a while, do you say that Daxian also did a lot of earth-shattering things?"

Yue Buqun looked at Ye Hao with great admiration, and his voice trembled.

The Great Emperor is such a terrifying powerhouse, the Great Immortal can easily regain 24 lives, or kill, and the strength of the Great Immortal is so terrifying.

"Great Immortal won't kill a few Hongmeng masters in Qin Yu's world, or kill a few god kings, right?"

Li Xunhuan was a little stunned and said.

They entered the high-level world tremblingly, while the Great Immortal easily combed through one high-level world.

"When Daxian and I entered the Great Thousand World to carry out group missions, Daxian also disappeared for a while."

"I feel that there are probably many things happening in the Great Thousand World that are enough to make many strong people in the entire Great Thousand World tremble."

Bai Xiaofei was extremely sure and said.

The world level of the Great Thousand World is not as good as the Perfect Great World, and the world level of the Shade Heaven World is comparable to the Perfect Great World.

In a world of the level of the Shade Heaven World, the Great Immortals have such a big move, let alone in the Great Thousand World.

"I wonder when we will be able to have the strength of the Great Immortal?"

Xiongba No. 2 looked at Ye Hao with fiery eyes, there was excitement, reverence, and yearning.

"Terrible, really terrible, he is definitely a real immortal."

"Being able to resurrect the Great Emperor is a taboo powerhouse in the Big Dipper Star Domain."

"I wonder if I will have the opportunity to set foot on such heights in the future?"

"This is definitely a god."

Ye Hei's classmates couldn't wait to worship Ye Hao.

They feel that they see the true God today.

"Fellow emperors, the female emperor thought that the Dark Supreme broke into the Forbidden Land before making a move."

At this moment, the immovable Dacheng Saint Body that was slapped by Ye Hao's palm, for fear that the ruthless emperor would not open his mouth to explain for the sake of face, and quickly explained for the ruthless emperor.

"This senior, we are reckless, and I ask the senior's forgiveness."

Dacheng Eucharist quickly apologized.


It's terrible!

This existence in front of him is the real ruthless person.

Silently destroyed the six life forbidden areas and killed dozens of Dark Supremes, if this news spread, the entire Big Dipper Star Domain would probably boil and fall into an endless carnival.

The six life forbidden areas have always been the blood knives hanging over the heads of ten thousand races, and every once in a while they will harvest ten thousand races, causing unimaginable killings.

The longer it has been inherited, the more top-notch the power, the more aware of the horror and darkness of the forbidden area of life.

Now that the forbidden area of life has disappeared, it is an incomparably worthy of celebration for all races.

"Daoist, this time it is the female emperor who is reckless, and please don't be strange."

"These gifts are our apologies for compensating the female emperor."

When the Void Emperor heard this, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and gave Ye Hao the treasures they had prepared before, and repaid some kindness.

After Ye Hao left, the Void Emperor, the Green Emperor, the Battle Saint Ape and others discussed and decided to make up some immortal medicines, immortal gold materials, and Extreme Dao Emperor soldiers to give to Ye Hao.

As a result, they deduced together, and did not deduce the location of an immortal medicine.

Therefore, they could only gather some immortal gold materials, as well as a few pieces of Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now that such a thing happened, they could only repay the kindness for the ruthless emperor.

On the one hand, because the ruthless emperor did make a great contribution to the Terrans, they needed to come to the rescue.

On the other hand, it is because the ruthless emperor is a figure of hundreds of thousands of years.

The ruthless emperor did not kill himself but lived for so long, and it was obvious that the ruthless emperor had embarked on the road of the red dust fairy.

They rescued the ruthless emperor this time, and they may be able to ask the ruthless emperor for advice in the future.

"I was looking for you this time, but I planned to make a deal with you, originally planned to resurrect your brother, but now it seems that you are not welcome, so I can only talk about it later."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly and released the ruthless emperor.

Ruthless Emperor: ".

"As long as you can resurrect my brother, I can agree to any condition."

The ruthless emperor did not doubt the authenticity of Ye Hao's words.

Ye Hao was able to resurrect even the fallen Ancient Emperors such as the Void Emperor, the Battle Saint Emperor, and the Demon Emperor Xueyueqing, not to mention resurrecting his dead brother.

"Except for you as a person, everything else in your 420 belongs to me, and I resurrect your brother."

Ye Hao directly said the conditions.

Ruthless Emperor: ".


Without any hesitation, the ruthless emperor agreed to come down.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao used his magical powers to directly intercept a wisp of true spirit from the ruthless emperor's brother from the long river of time and space, and then resurrected it.


After resurrecting it, Ye Hao did not hesitate to directly lay down one avenue rune after another, condensing a large array to move the Forbidden Land to the Great Thousand World.

The place where the original desolate forbidden land was located, not to mention leaving a single flower and tree, or not even a stone left, bare, and no trace of the desolate forbidden land could be found.

In addition, the Heaven-Devouring Demon Jar, Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding, immortal weapons, bronze immortal halls and immortal swords owned by the Ruthless Emperor, and other magic weapons were also all taken away by Ye Hao.

Even the ghostly mask on the face of the ruthless emperor was taken away by Ye Hao.

"Ding-dong! Complete hidden missions and destroy the forbidden area of life. "

"Ding-dong! Your strength has completely exceeded the boundaries of martial arts, and will open a new personal section for you and a new reward mode. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

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