Immortal Cultivator: "The second function is to expand the scope of group mission release, which can come from any world without any restrictions. "

Princess Changping: "This function is fine, for us, there is not much difference in all advanced worlds. "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "That's right, just like the world where Qin Yu is, and the world we are in now, no matter which side of the advanced world the group mission comes from, we need to be careful." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, are there any other additions in functions?" "

Rainbow Cat Hero: "There won't be any other new additions, right?" "

The mood of the chattering crowd became extremely tense again.

Although some of them have already set foot in the Foundation Building Realm, some have even set foot in the Jiedan Realm.

However, the more they come into contact with the advanced world, the more they feel small.

The more features a chat group adds, the more impact it will have on them.

Immortal Cultivator: "The third new function added to the chat group, the separate chat group function, group members can communicate with each other separately. "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Fortunately, the impact of this function is not great. "

Huashan Paiyue head: "This function has little impact? No! This function has a great impact, and in the future, group members can communicate privately with each other, and they can easily hide from others and act secretly. "327

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "In the future, the chat group may split into small groups. "

"Some words, some things, are not easy to say in the group, if you communicate with a certain group member alone, you don't have so many scruples!"

Yue Buqun's eyes were brilliant, and his mind was full of thoughts.

He feels that the benefits of this new addition outweigh the disadvantages.

With his mental strategizing, he may easily win over several group members to form a small group and accelerate the improvement of his strength.

Qin Shi Huang: "Boss Yue is right, the impact of this newly added function is not only huge, but also long-term. "

Great Qin Zulong: "The impact will be incomparably huge. "

Ying Zheng is also deeply impressed.

"When you are in a chat group, you still need to be scrupulous when speaking."

"If nothing else, Xiongba No. 2 is also likely to be a cultivation of the Demon Dao, so that I can privately trade with Xiongba No. 2 and migrate the population of Xiongba No. 2 world to my world in large quantities."

Windy welcomes this new feature.

"Moreover, I can communicate privately and individually, and I (CEAG) can also transmit the beauties I collected from the mission world before to Daisen."

Ying Zheng's heart is fiery.

In order to obtain group tasks in the advanced world, the chat masses bought mission cards one after another.

Naturally, he also buys a lot of mission cards.

With his strength in the Jiedan Realm, he could not only complete the task in a very short time, but also be able to search for many resources and talents in the mission world.

Of course, he also conveniently brought all the top beauties in these mission worlds back to Daqin.

He had always wanted to find an opportunity to dedicate to Ye Hao, and now with the separate chat function, he could give Ye Hao all the top beauties he saw in the mission world at any time.

The rest of the chat group was originally unimpressed, but now they saw Yue Buqun, Qin Shihuang, Huan Zheng and the others extremely solemn, and they also became nervous.

If the chat group splits into small groups in the future, or even acts secretly without other people, then the strength of the isolated people may soon be pulled apart.

Anyway, at this time, Xiongba's face is very ugly, extremely gloomy.

Immortal Cultivator: "The fourth function is the change of the points mall, there were only three special goods in the special goods area before, and now they have increased a lot. "

[Deduction card: 10,000 points.] 】

[Mission card: 10,000 points.] 】

[Crossing card: 10,000 points.] 】

[Enlightenment card: 10,000 points.] 】

"Enlightenment card: Once used, there is a certain chance of increasing understanding."

[Advanced deduction card: 100 million points.] 】

[Advanced Mission Card: 100 million points.] 】

[Advanced Crossing Card: 100 million points.] 】

[Advanced Insight Card: 100 million points.] 】

"Advanced Insight Card, once used, will increase a certain level of understanding."

The chatting masses hurriedly entered the points mall.

"It's also too expensive!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The eyes of the chatting masses directly skipped over ordinary special goods, looked at high-grade special goods, looked at the price of high-grade special goods, and their eyelids couldn't help but jump wildly.

100 million points to be able to purchase high-end special goods!

With such a high price, I am afraid that Bai Xiaofei can afford it in the chat group.

【Administrator: Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 37.47 billion.] 】

When Ye Hao introduced the upgraded functions of the chat group to everyone, he was also watching, and after seeing that there were advanced savvy cards in the points mall, his eyes directly turned to his personal page.

"All used to buy high-level savvy cards."

"Then use them all."

Ye Hao did not have any hesitation.

Since you can't use points to improve your strength in the future, and you can only rely on your own cultivation, then understanding is too important.

"It's a pity, there is no god-level understanding card!"

Ye Hao was extremely sorry.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on becoming a Immortal Dao Five-Rank Heavenly Mechanic. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on becoming an Immortal Dao Five-Rank Rune Master. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on becoming a Immortal Dao Five-Rank Royal Beast Master. "

Ye Hao purchased a total of 374 high-level understanding cards, and after using these enlightenment cards, Ye Hao originally did not reach the auxiliary system of the five grades of the Immortal Dao, and reached the level of the five grades of the Immortal Dao at almost the same time.

At the same time, the realms of his alchemists, formation mages, and alchemists had all reached the top level of the five grades of the Immortal Dao.

"Ding-dong! You've comprehended the Great Time Technique! "

"Ding-dong! You have comprehended the Great Soul Technique! "

"Ding-dong! You have comprehended the Great Sealing Technique! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on becoming the Immortal Dao Four Grade Source Heavenly Master. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on becoming a Four Grade Spirit Planter of the Immortal Dao. "

A crisp and pleasant group system prompt sound continued to sound.

Before, Ye Hao just felt that cultivation was a simple matter.

After purchasing the 374 Advanced Enlightenment Card and using it, Ye Hao only had one feeling at this time, cultivation was like the instinct of breathing, as long as he breathed, he could become stronger.

"How can I have a feeling now that my cultivation speed is faster than the points increase at this time?"

Ye Hao could clearly feel that his strength realm was improving with every breath.

The most terrifying thing was that the various auxiliary cultivation systems he cultivated were also rapidly improving.

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