Big Dipper.

"Is it really just Chengxian?"

After Ye Hao used more than three hundred high-level comprehension cards, the Void Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, the Green Emperor, and the others all looked at Ye Hao dumbfounded.

In their eyes, Ye Hao was the avenue at this time, the heaven and earth, the laws of thousands of things, and the endless avenue seemed to flow around Ye Hao.

The place where Ye Hao stood was the center of the galaxy universe, swallowing endless creation, permeating the rich long biomass, and coercing Wandao with every move, making Wandao submit.

Is such a divine and supreme scene something that can be achieved by simply becoming an immortal?

"Daoist, we don't know your honorific number yet, so I don't know if you can tell me and wait?"

The Void Emperor couldn't help but ask.

He even had some doubts about whether Ye Hao was the legendary Desolate Sky~Ti.

"Is Daoist a Wasteland?"

Fighting Saint Ape is much more direct.

Among the many legends in the human world, only Ara Tianti is suspected of becoming an immortal, and in addition, there is no legend of becoming an immortal.

"Yes! We don't know the number of the Great Immortal yet. "

The chatting masses are also a little confused.

"I'm not a wastelander."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"As for the honorific number, I don't have any honorific number."

Ye Hao felt a little helpless in his heart.

Who dared to believe that before he joined the chat group, he was only a cultivator at the early level of the Qi Refining Realm.

How could such a low-level cultivator have an honorific title?

"My name is Ye Hao."

Ye Hao introduced.

At this time, he is comparable to the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal in the Immortal World, and comparable to the Red Dust Immortal in the Shade Heaven World, stepping into the realm of the Immortal King with one foot, and his strong strength gives him enough confidence that he does not need to cover anything.

"Ye Hao."

The Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Qing Emperor and others all deeply memorized this name.

"Ye Hei, this immortal is also surnamed Ye, do you say he will be the ancestor of your Ye clan?"

Pang Bo muttered quietly beside Ye Hei.

"Pang Bo, don't talk nonsense."

Ye Hei stopped Pang Bo's wild guesses.

The figure in front of him was too mysterious, too powerful, and simply unfathomable.

In the face of such a strong person, there must be a sense of awe.

"Ye Hao~"

The chatting masses also firmly remember this name.

It was also the first time they knew Ye Hao's name.

"What should we call Ye Hao?"

The Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Qing Emperor and the others secretly glanced at each other, a little embarrassed.

Calling the name directly, it definitely won't work.

Continue to call each other Taoist friends, it seems too strange.

If they didn't know Ye Hao's era, they would probably all call Ye Hao a senior.

"Just call me by my name."

Ye Hao didn't care about a title.

"If someone calls you by name directly, it's definitely a fool!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

"I feel that I should be honored as Daozun, where Daozun stands, ten thousand Dao surrenders, and the Dao bows down."

"Dao Zun is not good, I feel that it should be Immortal Venerable, and even immortals should be respected."

"I feel that I should be honored as Dao Ancestor, Dao Ancestor may be the first immortal in our world, and it should be Dao Ancestor to open the way for me and others."

"The Great Immortal is above the Great Emperor, and he is an immortal, I feel that he should be honored as the Immortal Emperor."

Not only the Void Emperor, the Green Emperor, the Battle Saint Emperor and others secretly discussed Ye Hao's honorific title, but the chat masses also secretly discussed Ye Hao's honorific title.

Unfortunately, no matter how much discussion is made, it is impossible to negotiate a honorific title that satisfies everyone.

"You guys don't have much time, hurry up."

Ye Hao suddenly reminded.

Compared to an ethereal honorific, he valued his own strength more.

"Thank you Daisen~"

When the chatting masses heard this, they also quickly returned to their senses.

They have successfully sent Ye Hei and his group to the Big Dipper Star Domain, and the group mission has been completed.

Next, they need to go to the Big Dipper Star Domain to obtain some cultivation resources that are useful to them.

The duration of the group mission is only one day.

The longer they delayed now, the less time they could use to obtain the resources of the Big Dipper.

"You can leave too."

Ye Hao said to Ye Hei and his group, and turned his gaze to the Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor and the others.

"Both of us have already cleared up, you don't need to care, cultivate well."

"The Great Emperor is just the pinnacle of humanity, and Chengxian is just the beginning."

"The vastness of your world is beyond your imagination, and the darkness of your world is beyond your imagination."

"The forbidden zone of life seems insignificant compared to the real darkness."

Ye Hao also gave certain reminders to the Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor and others.

Every dark turmoil in the Heavenly Covering World will lead to the blood of all races and the destruction of life.

However, compared to the Realm Sea of the Perfect Great World, and compared to the Great Sacrifice of the Great World of the Holy Ruin, it was insignificant.

The dark turmoil of the perfect big world, the extinct side of the great realm, directly formed a realm sea.

The great sacrifice of the Great World of the Holy Ruin, each Great Sacrifice does not know how many Great Worlds are extinguished.

"The forbidden zone of life is insignificant compared to the real darkness?"

The Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, and Qing Emperor all had numb scalps and a great fear.

"Why have we never heard of these darkness? Are we too weak to touch these darkness? "

The Battle Saint Emperor asked the doubts in his heart.

"You are lucky, Ara Tianti split the eternal with a sword, cut off the heavens, separated the eternal years, and he sealed his hometown."

"Do not let the heavens touch their hometown, give the people and relatives and friends in the hometown a relatively peaceful world, compared with the tragic war of the heavens, the hometown is a perfect world."

Ye Hao replied. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Ara Tianti is arbitrary?"

"Separated by eternal years?"

"Our world is perfect now?"

The Void Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, the Green Emperor and the others were like clay sculptures, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

They have always felt that it is difficult to cultivate in the human world, and only one person can preach in each life.

Once someone preached, before this great emperor's avenue dissipated, no matter how wonderful the future cultivation was, he would not be able to become an emperor.

In addition, there are life forbidden areas that often unleash dark chaos.

Many human emperors were obviously able to live at least two lives, and as a result, because of the war with the Dark Supreme, they finally ended in one life.

However, now they were told that compared with the truly tragic battle of the heavens, the human realm they were in was a perfect world.

"How dark is the heavens, and how fierce is the great war?"

The Void Emperor muttered.

"We are too weak!"

The Green Emperor was stunned and said.

They have always speculated that Ara Tianti may be an immortal or an existence comparable to the Tianzun of the mythical era.

Now he understood what a mighty existence Ara Tianti was.

Assertiveness for eternity!

"What the hell is God?"

Emperor Hengyu asked.

"The Immortal Domain you think is actually just a fragment of the Immortal Domain of the Chaotic Ancient Era, and compared with the Immortal Domain at its peak, the gap is like a world of difference."

"In addition to the Immortal Domain, there were many great realms such as the Exotic Domain and the Burial Domain in the Chaotic Ancient Era, and their territory was no smaller than the Immortal Domain."

"In addition, there is an even more vast place, that is, the boundary sea."

"The Realm Sea is completely an ocean composed of ruined Great Realms, and the strength of the Great Emperor is too weak to enter at all."

"Even if a true immortal enters it, there is no life or death."

"Ordinary immortal kings enter it, they may fall at any time, and the supreme immortal king has a slight self-preservation ability, and only a strong person at the level of an immortal king giant can explore the realm sea."

"However, only the Supreme Giant of the Immortal King, the Emperor Light Immortal King, has the opportunity to reach the end of the Realm Sea."

"And the time it takes to do this process is measured in epochs."

Ye Hao paused slightly, giving everyone time to digest.


The Void Emperor, the Green Emperor, and the others were stunned and couldn't help swallowing their spit.

At this moment, they felt like frogs at the bottom of the well, too small.

Some of them couldn't imagine how vast the Immortal Domain was at their peak.

How vast the heavens and realms of the Chaotic Ancient Era are.

At the same time, they faintly understood why Ye Hao said that the dark chaos caused by the forbidden area of life in their world was insignificant compared to the real darkness.

The boundary sea is composed of the broken great realms of one side, how many great realms can form a boundary sea?

I'm afraid thousands!

Why are so many great realms ruined?

It's creepy just to think about it.

"Could it be that the heavens are in the realm sea?"

The Emperor asked.

"Let me give you a simple example, the Immortal Domain, the Burial Domain, the Exotic Domain, including the Boundary Sea can be regarded as a large world."

"The heavens are a more advanced plane than this big world."

The peak powerhouse of the Perfect Great World is only the Corpse Immortal Emperor, and the Barren Heavenly Di is only two Immortal Emperors.

And in the heavens, there are not only many immortal emperors, but also strong people with the level of sacrifice.

Ye Hao can be sure that the territorial gap between the two sides is probably a thousandfold, ten thousand times gap.

"The heavens are terrible!"

"Doesn't that mean that there are a large number of Immortal Kings in the heavens, and even powerhouses above the Immortal King?"

"Could it be that the powerhouse of the heavens wants to destroy other worlds?"

"Is the boundary sea formed because of the heavens?"

"Is our danger from God?"

At this moment, the Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Demon Emperor Xueyueqing and others couldn't bear it, and they all expressed their doubts.

"The real danger does not come from the heavens, the reason why the heavens broke out a tragic war is because the strange race wants to destroy the heavens."

"Even with the addition of Ara Tianti, the heavens are out of absolute disadvantage."

Ye Hao shook his head.

Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Demon Emperor Xueyueqing and others: "??? "。

A plane that is even higher than the heavens and realms, the heavens will be destroyed.

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