Wuxia chat group.

Princess Changping: "The Yan Kingdom is too barren here, and even the cultivation resources of the source are very lacking, and I have only obtained less than ten catties of source until now." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Won't it?" We have only entered the Big Dipper Star Domain for less than half a day, and no one will really buy cultivation resources in the Yan Kingdom, right? "

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "??? "。

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace: "I am now in the Divine City, and there are many shops opened by the Great Emperor Daoist system here in the Divine City, and there are various top-level cultivation resources, but unfortunately it is too expensive." "

The world will help the lord: "Starve the timid, support the bold, don't say that the old man is stingy, the old man has already found out, the cultivators of the Big Dipper Star Domain have a very short life." "

The world will help the lord: "Even the lifespan of the Great Emperor is only one or twenty thousand years, and you can exchange the treasures that extend your lifespan for the cultivation resources of the Big Dipper Star Domain." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "You better be careful, once you take out the treasure that can prolong life, it is very 24 that can attract many old monsters, many of them are strong people in the Sendai Secret Realm." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Didn't you visit those great emperors directly?" Those great emperors must know that we have a relationship with the great immortals, and we trade with these great emperors, not only safely, but also able to trade the most top resources. "

Ying Zheng glanced at the time of the group task and found that there were less than ten minutes left, and he no longer hid his trading method.

Because, if others want to imitate, it is completely too late.

He only inquired a little about some of the Race Emperors, and went directly to the Desolate Ancient Family Ji family.

The Void Emperor is not weaker than people in his life, calm the dark turmoil, the town of the Immortal Mountain, the gods outside the battle domain, never flinched, and the late year fake death set up pulled the two dark supremes of the Immortal Mountain to the road of death together.

The most important thing was that the Great Emperor could have lived the second life with the Immortal Medicine, but the Void Emperor was too seriously injured in order to calm the dark turmoil, and he only lived one life and fell.

Such a person can never be some insidious villain.

Therefore, Ying Zheng is assured to trade with such people.

The world will help the lord: "You shameless villain, you have such a good idea, why didn't you say it earlier?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Isn't this an easy idea to think of?" When I visited the Ji family, I even saw Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing, and Wang Yan directly choosing to join the Ji family. "

Great Qin Zulong: "These three people are the three people in the coffin of the Nine Dragons, all three of them are ordinary people, and they can all successfully reach the Desolate Gu Ji family hundreds of millions of miles away, I thought you could all think of it." "

The world will help the Lord: ".

Graphic designer: "Emperor Hengyu is very talkative, I traded with him with a book of Immortal Dao exercises, and he refined a very suitable magic weapon for me." "

Guo Jing: "I traded with the ruthless emperor with a few longevity pills. "

Guo Jing knew that Ye Hei was the son of destiny, so he secretly followed Ye Hei.

As a result, the ruthless emperor was encountered.

Space station navigator: "Although there is an element of fox fake tiger power, with the help of the power of the great immortal, but it is really earned in blood." "

Space station navigator: "I chose to trade with the Green Emperor, after all, I am cultivating the Nine Turns Golden Crow Technique." "

Space station navigator: "The Green Emperor is the atmosphere, and directly hunted me a few golden crows of the Sendai Secret Realm." "

Princess Changping: ".

Rainbow Cat Young Man: ".

The world will help the Lord: ".

Originally, the group members who thought that they had traded a lot of cultivation resources found that the object of the other group members' transactions turned out to be a great emperor, and their mentality directly collapsed.

They all inquired about the intelligence of the Big Dipper Star Domain and knew what a great existence the Great Emperor was.

How could the little cultivation resources they traded compare to the cultivation resources they traded with the Great Emperor?

Space station navigator: "Those great emperors and ancient emperors are all resurrected by great immortals, plus the great immortals easily suppress the ruthless emperors, if we ask to see these great emperors and ancient emperors, they will also receive us for the sake of the face of the great immortals." "

Space station navigator: "There are no people who trade with the emperor, you have lost too much." "

Liu Peiqiang did not elaborate, otherwise it was too shocking.

The Green Emperor not only helped him hunt several golden crows of the Sendai Secret Realm, but even helped him refine these golden crows, so that he could directly absorb the refining.

Liu Peiqiang felt that he would soon be able to become a Jinwu at the level of the Jiedan Realm, or even the Yuan Infant Realm, and the level of the God Realm.

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "I'm cracked!" "

Princess Changping: "I'm cracked!" "

The world will help the Lord: "I'm cracked!" "

Although Liu Peiqiang did not elaborate, but Hongmao, A Jiu, Xiongba, who did not trade with the emperor, can also imagine.

The cultivation resources they traded could be equivalent to hundreds of thousands of points, millions of points.

And those group members who are trading with the Great Emperor, the cultivation resources traded may be equivalent to hundreds of millions of points, billions of points.

Such a big gap will soon become a gap in strength.

"Ding-dong! Great Elder of the Tang Gate joins the chat group! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Ding-dong! Uncle Nine joins the chat group! "

"Ding-dong! Reincarnation joins the chat group! "

At this moment, the voice of the group system sounded.

Xiao Li Feidao: "What? Inviting new people to a chat group so quickly? The last chat group upgrade gave three days of preparation time, and this time 853 didn't have any time to prepare at all. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Welcome all the big guys, I don't know what kind of strength realm all the big guys are?" "

The world will help the master: "Newcomers introduce their identity and background, as well as the realm of strength." "

Princess Changping: "Welcome the newcomer, the newcomer will send red envelopes, and then introduce yourself." "

The attention of the chattering crowd was instantly diverted, and they all asked for information on the three newcomers.

Chat groups are upgraded this time, and invited group members may come directly from the premium world.

This will have a huge impact on chat groups.

Ninth Uncle: "This is a martial arts chat group?" I'm not a martial arts master! "

Mr. Zombie World, Ninth Uncle looked at the chat group page in front of him, and he was shocked and puzzled.

He is a Taoist priest, and at most he can do some fist and foot kung fu.

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "??? "。

Da Qin Zulong: "This sentence, how can I be a little familiar." Shocked JPG"

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "I don't know what the big guy is cultivating?" "

The five people who entered the chat group before Ye Hao were all a stirring spirit, and their scalps were numb.

Isn't it a taboo powerhouse like Daimen?.

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