Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Your Excellency, is it also a super powerhouse at the level of the Forbidden Great God?" "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Not a martial arts master, but invited to join the chat group, is it also a supreme powerhouse who breaks the rules of the chat group?" "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Is Your Excellency also a strong person above the heavens and realms?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Do you know the Great Immortal?" I wonder if you can deduce the fate of the heavenly machine and know the situation of the world I wait? "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "How does Your Excellency compare with the Hung Meng Master?" How does it compare to the Immortal Emperor? "

The rest of the chat group also reacted, their hearts trembling, and they looked at Ninth Uncle's words with a look of shock and shock.

At present, only one person exists in the chat group to break the rules of the chat group, and even if you are not a martial arts master, you can join the martial arts chat group.

That is to make the entire martial arts chat group become a big immortal who cultivates immortal chat groups.

Ninth Uncle actually broke this rule, so they didn't think much about it.

Ninth Uncle: "??? "。

Ninth Uncle looked confused.

Forbidden god?

The supreme strong?

Above the heavens and realms?

Hongmeng controller? Immortal Emperor?

What do these adjectives that sound incomparably supreme have to do with him?

He is just an ordinary Taoist priest of the Maoshan Sect.

Ninth Uncle: "I am an ordinary Taoist priest, and I usually catch ghosts, catch zombies, and bring people to coffins and burials." "

Although Ninth Uncle is a person with a good face.

However, he also knew that he simply could not bear the above adjectives.

Great Qin Zulong: "I don't know what realm the ghost zombie is, is it the kind of ghost zombie that has lived for countless eras and can kill through the prefecture?" "

Ying Zheng clearly remembered that when Daxian entered the chat group, he also claimed to be an ordinary immortal cultivator and had not yet become an immortal.

As a result, none of the immortals were far less powerful than the Great Immortals.

Ninth Uncle also said that he was an ordinary Taoist, and this introduction was too similar to the Great Immortal to be suspected.

Ninth Uncle: "No. "

Ninth Uncle: "I'm really just an ordinary Taoist priest, and I usually deal with ghost zombies who have been cultivating for decades." "

Ninth Uncle looked helpless.

Why do these people in the chat group feel that he is very powerful?

Since entering the chat group, he has only said a few words, all very ordinary words.

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Master Chen: "It scares me a lot, I thought you and Daxian were a level of powerhouses." "

Great Qin Zulong: "This is normal, a taboo powerhouse of this level like the Great Immortal, I am afraid that there are not many in the heavens and realms." "

The old people in the chat group all breathed a sigh of relief and were a little relieved.

Ninth Uncle's words just now really startled them.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Can I confirm this?" Is this really a martial arts chat group? "

The chat group nicknamed the newcomer of the Great Elder of the Tang Gate, and his face was confused.

The topic discussed in the chat group is too high-end, is it really a topic that should be discussed in a martial arts chat group?

The topic discussed in the martial arts chat group should not be martial arts cheats and divine weapons?

The other newcomer has been silent.

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "This is indeed a martial arts chat group, under normal circumstances, the people who join the chat group should be martial arts masters." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Even if you are not a martial arts master, you should know some martial arts or fist and foot kung fu." "

Uncle Jiu: "Then the reason why I was invited to join the chat group should be because I know some fist and foot skills." "

Ninth Uncle: "After all, when fighting with some ghost zombies, there is no certain fist and foot kung fu, and it is easy to be counter-killed by ghost zombies." "

Uncle Nine: "May I ask, why do you think I'm a super strong?" "

Ninth Uncle: "Do we have a strong person of this level in our chat group?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ninth Uncle couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Of course, there is, but before this, you need to introduce your strength realm, as well as the situation of your world." "

The world will help the master: "There are two other newcomers, you also need to introduce yourself, otherwise, we will not tell you some useful information about the chat group." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "You don't have to worry about anything, we are all from different worlds, and the reason why we let newcomers introduce us is also to let everyone have a better understanding." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Here, I remind you that if you deliberately make up a false identity, it means that you regard other people in the chat group as enemies, and if anything unpleasant happens in the future, we can't blame us." "

The chat crowd very much wants to know what level of world the three people invited by the chat group this time are in the world.

Ninth Uncle: "In Xialin Fengjiao, known as Ninth Uncle, is a Taoist priest of the Maoshan Sect, and the realm of Taoist priests is the realm of earth masters." "

Ninth Uncle: "In my world, there are prefectures, there are ghosts and zombies, the era is in the Republic of China, as far as I know, the highest realm of Taoist priests is the realm of heavenly masters." "

Ninth Uncle did not hesitate and began to introduce his information.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "In the Lower Tang Gate Great Elder, my friends in the rivers and lakes called me Mr. Tang Da for a face, good at dark weapons, and the realm is the peak of the innate realm." "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "~ My world is a modern society, and the highest level of strength that can be reached is the Grandmaster Realm. "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "However, the scientific and technological weapons in our world are very powerful and can fly into the sky, and among them, the mushroom bomb can easily destroy a city. "

Earth, Mr. Tang Da hesitated and chose to introduce his true information.

The world will help the master: "The strongest is the Grandmaster Realm?" Are you sure? "

Xiao Li Feidao: "Is there a legend of cultivating immortals in your world?" Or the legend of Ascension? "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "The world of the Ninth Uncle sounds like an ordinary world, and the world where Mr. Tang Da is located also sounds like an ordinary world. "

Great Qin Zulong: "When Bai Xiaofei, Xia Houwei, and Emperor Hongwu entered the chat group, you still thought that their world was an ordinary world, and as a result, it was much more advanced than our world." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Maybe because their strength realm level is too low, they have not been exposed to high-end power, after all, although the chat group does not have any restrictions on the world of invited group members, the invited group members still practice martial arts to a certain extent." "

Qin Shi Huang: "What about another newcomer?" "

Reincarnation: "The world will help the lord is the hegemon?" "

Reincarnation: "Xiao Li flying knife is Li Xunhuan?" "

Reincarnator: "The master of the Shifting Flower Palace is the invitation moon?" "

Reincarnator: "Is the head of the Huashan Sect Yue Buqun?" "

Reincarnation: "Guo Jing, your wife is Huang Ronghan?" "

Reincarnator: "Qiao Feng, will you lower the eighteen palms of the dragon?" "

The newcomer, named Reincarnation, did not introduce himself, but sent out a series of inquiries.

Reincarnation: "In my world, there is a TV series called Fengyun Xiongxiang, the protagonists are Bu Jiaoyun and Nie Feng, and the villain is Xiongba. "

Reincarnation: "There is a TV series called Xiao Li Feidao, and the protagonist is Li Xunhuan. "

Reincarnation: "There is a novel called Xiaoao Jianghu, the protagonist is Ling Hu Chong, and Yue Buqun is the villain. "

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Suddenly, the entire chat group exploded.

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