What a novel is, what a movie is, what a TV series is, the chat masses are too clear.

Fiction is a fictional story.

Movies and TV series are scientific and technological items that appeared only after the Republic of China, and they are stories interpreted by actors, which are displayed by means of images.

It's all fiction.

Now they are told that they are characters in novels, characters in movies and TV series, and the impact on the chattering masses is too great.

If it weren't for this newcomer called reincarnation calling out the real names of some people through their nicknames, they would probably think that this newcomer called reincarnation was teasing them.

The world will help the Lord: "You said that the old man is a person in the TV series, you send the TV series, and the old man believes you." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "You said that I am the protagonist in the novel, then you send me the novel, and who is the author of the novel?" "

Space station navigator: "Since you say that they are characters in fiction movies, then what novel or movie character do you say I am?" "

Graphic designer: "And me?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Lao Dao can confirm that the world in which Lao Dao lives is definitely a real world, even if there are really relevant novels and TV series in the world where the reincarnation is located, it does not affect the authenticity of the world where Lao Dao is located." "853

The chatters urged the reincarnation one after another, asking the reincarnation to come up with evidence.

Because the words spoken by the reincarnator are so strange.

[The reincarnation uploads a movie. 】

[Reincarnation uploads a novel.] 】

[Reincarnation uploads a TV series.] 】

The reincarnation did not hesitate to quickly upload a novel or movie or TV series.

Reincarnator: "The other characters I didn't name because I couldn't tell your specific identity from your nicknames. "

Reincarnator: "If you say your real name, and tell me something about the historical background of your world." "

Reincarnator: "I may be able to find novels or movies and TV series." "

The reincarnation did not hide it, saying the reason why he did not know the origin of Bai Xiaofei, Liu Peiqiang and others.

Graphic designer: "I'm awesome!" Brother Li, in the novel, you actually gave your fiancée to your sworn brother? That wouldn't be true, would it? "

Space station navigator: "666, in the novel, Yue Zhangmen actually chose to come from the palace in order to cultivate the evil sword spectrum, which is too scary. "

Emperor Hongwu: "No wonder the gang leader can get the villain label, in the TV series, he is indeed a complete hero, unscrupulous." "

Da Qin Zulong: "In movies and TV series, in addition to the different appearance of the characters, the back of the world, and the trajectory of the characters are simply very similar." "

As these novels and videos were uploaded, the chat crowd watched them.

With the current strength of the chat masses, whether it is watching hundreds of thousands of words of novels or dozens of hours of TV series, it only takes a few breaths.

Everyone who has seen the video and the novel has a deep shock mixed with their expressions.

Especially the parties of the novel and video, it was even more shocking and shocking.

Guo Jing: "The things described in the novel are all things I experienced back then. "

Guo Jing's whole person was like a sculpture, stunned.

He watched the legend of the Condor Heroes, and all the things described in it were true, without a single error or deviation.

It's like the author named Kim Yong, who has been secretly following him and recording his life.

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "Fake, all are fake, it's simply slander." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Yue is a gentleman's sword, he has acted brightly all his life, how can he conspire and plot other people's martial arts secrets?" Not to mention the evil skill of repelling the evil sword spectrum. "

Huashan Paiyue is in charge: "This novel called Xiaoao Jianghu, the historical background recorded is somewhat similar to the back of my world, as for other records, the donkey's head is completely wrong with the horse's mouth." "

Huashan Pai Yue is in charge: "Ling Hu Chong is the protagonist? Ling Hu Chong simply couldn't support the wall, just an unknown disciple of the Huashan Sect. "

Unlike Guo Jing's admission, Yue Buqun denied it without hesitation.

Although he was also shocked and shocked, his mouth was constantly criticizing.

The above is a record (cedc) that he wielded a sword from the palace, and the unscrupulous things in order to revive the Huashan faction really affected his image.

Therefore, he would never admit the things recorded in the novel.

"Before I joined the chat group, the things recorded in this novel turned out to be exactly the same as what I experienced."

"Is this person named Kim Yong really just an ordinary author?"

"If he is really an ordinary person, once I have the opportunity, I must enter the world of reincarnation, arrest this author named Jin Yong, and search for his soul."

Yue Buqun was vicious and said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xiao Li Feidao: "Fake, absolutely fake." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "This person named Gu Yao, he is slandering me, he is definitely slandering me." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "I have already married Shiyin, how can I give my fiancée to my sworn brother?" "

Li Xunhuan was suddenly anxious.

The things recorded in the novel are exactly the same as the deduction of the great immortal.

Even so, he would never admit it.

As long as it is something that does not happen, nothing counts.

How could he be like Li Xunhuan in the novel, so dense?


It's all fake!

He now only believes in what is happening today.

He and Lin Shiyin are married, happy and happy, and are a couple of immortals.

The shit novels written by Shit Gu Yao are simply shit.

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "Reincarnation, what kind of world is the world you are in?" "

Qiao Feng's face was pale, and he looked happy again, and his heart was full of gratitude to Ye Hao.

Although Daisen had told him before how miserable his life was.

However, Daisen is only a rough introduction.

The novel uploaded by the reincarnation is more than a million words, detailing his future life.

However, because of this, Qiao Feng had great doubts about the world where the reincarnation was located.

In the chat group, Yue Buqun, Chen Jinnan and Guo Jing are all characters in a novel written by an author named Kim Yong.

Perhaps, there are other people in the chat group, who are also characters in Kim Yong's novel.

It's just that the newcomer called the reincarnation can't judge the identity of the other party through the nickname, and can't find the corresponding novel or movie or TV series.

"If Kim Yong is a supreme powerhouse similar to Daimon, that's fine."

"If Kim Yong is just an ordinary person, then how can he know the future of our lives?"

Qiao Feng's expression was extremely heavy.

Reincarnation: "The chat group we joined is a martial arts chat group, and the person who joins the chat group should be a martial arts master, or know some fist and foot kung fu." "

Reincarnator: "You said that there is a supreme powerhouse in the chat group, so will this supreme powerhouse be similar to my situation?" "

Reincarnation: "In his world, there are also novels or TV series that record you, so he knows your future heavenly machine." "

Reincarnation: "Actually, he is also an ordinary person. "

The reincarnation did not answer Qiao Feng's question, but instead raised his own doubts.

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Daisen ordinary people?

Do you know how strong Daisen is?.

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