Reincarnator: "Before I entered the main god space, I always thought that the world I was in was just an ordinary technology world, and I didn't expect that there would be such a weird and terrifying thing as the main god space. "

The world will help the Lord: "You make a choice on the computer, and then enter a place called the main god space, this main god space can enter one reincarnation world after another, perform reincarnation tasks, and these reincarnation worlds are horror movies in your world?" "

Xiongba's face will be blue for a while, and white for a while.

How does he feel a little familiar?

Xiao Li Feidao: "Could it be that the world we are in is made by chat groups?" "

Li Xunhuan said Xiongba's conjecture.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I feel impossible. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "What is the height of the horror movie in the world where Zheng Zhao is located?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Four Three Seven" "With my strength, I am afraid that I can hang most horror movies." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "The high-level world we entered before, the world where Qin Yu is located, the world where Liu Shen is located, the world where the ruthless emperor is located, what level of world. "

The World Association Chen General Helm Lord: "Not to mention the others, the Hongmeng controllers of Qin Yu's world, they can open up a large universe and create an existence similar to the main god space with their strength, which is definitely a very easy thing." "

Chen Jinnan retorted extremely firmly.

Graphic designer: "As for the exchange function of the main god space, it can be easily done with the strength of the Great Immortal. "

Space station navigator: "Maybe the main god space is a special magic weapon, when I communicated with the Qingdi before, he tried to evolve the immortal domain in the Immortal Barren Tower." "

Space station navigator: "I believe that if you let the Green Emperor evolve the horror movie of Zheng Zhao's world in the barren tower, it is definitely a very easy thing." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The old Dao advises you not to think cranky, if you doubt your authenticity, it is easy to produce heart demons." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "You must know that our strength has improved very rapidly, and the strength realm that others need decades or even hundreds of years to reach, we reach in a few months, and the state of mind is prone to problems." "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Immortal cultivator, great immortal, what is going on in this Zheng Zheng world?" How could it be so weird? "

The more complicated the mind, the darker the person, the easier it is to think more, Yue Buqun couldn't help but ask Ye Hao for help.

Otherwise, these questions would have piled up on his mind.

He is cultivating the Demon Dao, and if there is a problem with his state of mind, he may directly incarnate as a demon head.

"Finally ask the Great Immortal."

In the main god space, Zheng Zhao was extremely looking forward to it.

The main god space is too dangerous, and a total of seven people participated in the world of Resident Evil reincarnation, and three died directly.

Although he survived by luck, he also experienced several dangers and almost died.

Zheng Zhao felt that the main god space was like a game of demons, appreciating them and struggling with death.

Therefore, he very much wanted to know what kind of existence the main god space was.

In the chat group, only this mysterious and unfathomable immortal could know.

The world will help the lord: "Daxian will give benefits to newcomers, and deduce a part of the heavenly machine for newcomers, Zheng Zhao, you can also ask Daxian directly." "

Not only did Zheng Zhao want to know what was going on in the main god space, but the chatter people also wanted to know what was going on in the main god space and what was going on in the world where Zheng Zhao was located.

Because, Zheng Zhao's world is too weird.

Zheng Zhao's world is not only a novel, movie and TV series that chronicle their lives.

There is even a main god space, which can turn horror movies into a real reincarnation world of one side, which hides too many secrets.

Reincarnation: "Immortal cultivator, great immortal, may I ask?" Kowtow JPG. "

Zheng Zhao was extremely humble.

If Ye Hao was in front of him, he even planned to give Ye Hao one.

After watching Ye Hao's battle video, Ye Hao is the supreme god in his eyes, and he knocks on the god without any discomfort.

Immortal cultivators: "The products of the joint efforts of ancient saints and truth cultivators to fight against box makers and cultivate saints, they jointly create the main god space, the main god space is the box in the box, and the saint and the truth cultivator are the box makers in this box." "

Through the deduction of the heavenly machine, Ye Hao, who confirmed the identities of the three newcomers, quickly glanced at the chat records of the chat group and replied to everyone.

Reincarnation: "??? "。

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "??? "......

Space station navigator: "Daisen, what is a box maker?" What is a box within a box? "

The chattering crowd looked at Ye Hao's words and found that they knew every word, but after connecting together, they looked confused.

Immortal cultivator: "You can think of Zheng Zhao's world as a box, and the box maker can formulate a world order, the composition of the world, the form, energy and level of living things, the occurrence and ending of the story, and the principle of civilization in this world, far beyond all people in this world, which is equivalent to the fate and avenue in the underworld." "

Immortal cultivator: "But the box maker may not have much power in his own world, and the people in the box will feel that the world of their existence is only the existence of a box and the box maker when their strength reaches a certain level, and limit their own behavior." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Hao could only deduce a part of the Heavenly Machinery through the Heavenly Mechanic Technique.

Great Qin Zulong:".

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: ".

Hongwu the Great: ".

At this moment, the chatting masses felt that their brains were a little messy.

What kind of strange world is the world where Zheng Zhao is located, it is so complicated.

Xiahou Swordsman: "Is this the world level where the invited group members are located when the chat group is upgraded to level three?" It's also terrible. "

Guo Jing: "I feel that the world where Zheng Zhao is located is even more terrifying than the Big Dipper Star Domain. "

Space station 0.7 navigator: "This box maker and the people in the box are simply not at a latitude, a little scary." "

Reincarnation: "Is my world level so terrible?" And the existence of the box maker, which is like an avenue? Frighten JPG. "

Great Qin Zulong: "The world where the other two newcomers are located will not be so weird, right?" "

Ying Zheng's words made everyone in the chat a stirring spirit, and their faces were solemn.

If Zheng Zhao really invited them to enter the infinite world, they were really a little stunned.

At the same time, everyone was also extremely curious and worried about the world of Mr. Tang Da and Ninth Uncle.

Although through the description of Mr. Tang Da and Ninth Uncle, the world where the two are located is very ordinary.

However, if Zheng Zhao had not entered the main god space, he might also think that the world he was in was just an ordinary technology world.

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