Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "I knelt for the Great Immortal, and I also asked the Great Immortal to help me deduce it." "

Ninth Uncle: "Kneel to the Great Immortal, kneel and beg the Great Immortal to deduce." "

At this moment, the two newcomers Mr. Tang Da and Ninth Uncle were also unable to calm down, and their hearts were shrouded in a thick shadow.

They also deduced some information from the words of the old people in the chat group.

They are new people invited after the chat group is upgraded.

According to the speculation of the chat masses, the world where the newcomers invited by the chat group this time should be very advanced worlds.

However, in the cognition of Mr. Tang Da and Ninth Uncle, their world was a very ordinary world.

It's just that with the example of Zheng Zhao in front, their hearts are completely shaken.

Zheng Yu originally thought that the world he was in was an ordinary technology world, but as a result, after becoming a reincarnation, he found that his world was far beyond his imagination.

Now after the heavenly deduction of the great immortal, it is even more terrifying and terrifying.

They are very worried about whether their world is also similar to Zheng Zhao's world?

"There won't be aliens in my world, right?"

Although the Tang Gate where Mr. Tang Da is located is a relatively closed martial arts force, he also has a certain understanding of science and technology.

Moreover, with the progress of the 24 scientific and technological era, some technologies combined with the dark poison of the Tang Gate will become more terrifying.

Therefore, he also knows the theories of many scientists that in the cosmic starry sky, in addition to the earth, there must be other life planets.

There may even be many high-tech civilizations, and the degree of civilization development far exceeds that of the earth.

"There won't be a true Heavenly Court in my world, right? Are there many immortal Buddhas? "

Ninth Uncle's thoughts were a little messy, and he couldn't help but think cranky.

His world has prefectures, demons and monsters, and Dao magic.

Although in the inheritance of the Maoshan School, the Heavenly Master is the highest realm.

However, he is only an Earth Master now, and he has not yet reached the realm of a Heavenly Master, and may not have come into contact with the real world.

Perhaps after he reached the realm of Heavenly Master, he found that Heavenly Master was only the beginning of cultivation, and there were countless realms above Heavenly Master.

Even the world he is in is only a small thousand world, and above there are middle thousand worlds and large thousand worlds.

Immortal Cultivator: "Great Elder of the Tang Gate, something interesting is happening in your world, I'll go over and take a look." "

The corner of Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile, and directly let the doppelganger of the Immortal World enter the world of the Great Elder of the Tang Gate with the six reincarnation immortal bells and the world ding.

Space station navigator: "Hiss~ I can't help but gasp, Daxian actually feels that something interesting is happening in Mr. Tang's world, and Mr. Tang's world is definitely not simple." "

Master Wing Chun: "I don't know what happened?" I'm curious too. "

The world will help the master: "Mr. Tang, hurry up and start the live broadcast, let's see." "

Xiongba really wanted to enter Mr. Tang's world to have a look, but he was now purchasing various cultivation resources in the Big Dipper Star Domain.

Although there are still a few minutes left before the end of the group mission.

However, these few minutes can also allow him to complete a transaction.

Not to mention the last trade, he intends to make a big deal.

Once the deal is over, he will immediately leave the Big Dipper Star Domain without worrying about being secretly calculated.

Graphic designer: "Mr. Tang Da, will you start a live broadcast?" If not, I'll teach you how to run a live stream. "

The rest of the chat group is also interested, extremely curious.

They also wanted to know what was happening in Mr. Tang's world, which made Daxian feel interesting.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Great Immortal, you want to come to my world?" "

Mr. Tang Da's face changed drastically, and his complexion was very unnatural.

Because, a very humiliating thing is happening in their Tang Gate.

Tang San, a disciple of the outer sect of the Tang Gate, secretly learned the inner gate "Xuantian Treasure Record", and the master of the Tang Gate with a group of elders had already gone to chase and kill.

If he hadn't been invited to join the chat group, he needed to understand the chat group as soon as possible, and he would probably have joined the team chasing and killing Tang San.

Because, Tang San's behavior was too bad.

As an orphan who was adopted by the Tang Gate since he was a child, he actually stole the Tang Gate and dropped out of school.

If the Tang Sect does not punish Tang San to death, everyone in the outer sect of the Tang Gate will study in the future, and I am afraid that the foundation of the Tang Sect will completely collapse.

"Meet Daisen~"

The next moment, Mr. Tang Da seemed to have a spring under his butt, and he suddenly stood up, his eyes blazing and reverently looking at a figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Great Elder of the Tang Gate opened the live broadcast room. 】

[The world will help the Lord enter the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Heaven and Earth Society, Chief Helmsman Chen entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

Mr. Tang Da did not forget to chat with the request of the masses and quickly opened the live broadcast room.

The chatting masses also separated their hearts one after another and entered the live broadcast room.

"Let's hurry up, if it's too late, we may miss it."

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he disappeared in place with Mr. Tang.

When the two reappeared, they had already appeared above a towering steep mountain.

This mountain is called Oni Sorrow.

On the peak, there are sixteen white figures, the youngest is also more than fifty, one by one, the white robes they wear represent the inner gate, and the golden Tang character on the chest is the symbol of the elders of the Tang gate.

In front of them, there was a red-striped figure.

"Naked, naked, Buddha Nu Tang Lian is Tang San's last gift to the main gate, now, except for me, I have not taken anything from the Tang Gate, the secret code is under the first brick in the door of my room, Tang San will return everything to the Tang Gate now."


Tang San laughed maniacally up to the sky, took a sharp step back, and threw lightning on the ghosts in front of him, jumping down. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "??? "。

Rainbow Cat Shaoxiao: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the suicide of 827 traitors in the Tang Gate, is this kind of thing interesting?" "

The chatting masses looked confused.

How can this kind of thing be interesting to Daisen.

"The wonderful is coming soon!"

Ye Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, with a strong interest in his eyes.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao exerted his magical powers and instantly locked the soul of Tang San who committed suicide below.


With a loud noise, after Tang San, an ordinary martial artist, fell to the bottom of the cliff, his whole body was directly shattered, and the whole person died suddenly.

However, his soul did not dissipate, as if he was pulled by an invisible force and floated upwards.

The void above formed a faint ripple, and a subtle time-space crack appeared, just swallowing Tang San's soul into it.

"Great Immortal, where did Tang San's soul go?"

When the chatting masses saw this scene, they looked stunned.

"He's crossing."

Ye Hao explained.

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Everyone instantly thought of Xiao Yan of the Vindictive Continent, and now this traitor of the Tang Sect is also crossing through?

And, they witnessed a crossing with their own eyes?

"Large Space Technique!"

"Great World Art!"

"Big Cut!"

At this moment, Ye Hao made a move, and a divine light that condensed more than a dozen supreme divine powers shot towards the space-time crack, instantly tearing open the space-time crack that wanted to be closed again.

Chatting masses: "??? "。。

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