[Da Qin Zulong: Mr. Tang Da, how about we join forces to develop the Douluo plane? As long as the population and cultivation resources can be given to you. 】

[The World Will Help Lord: Mr. Tang, you open the permission to let the old man enter the Douluo plane, and the old man can provide you with cultivation resources, allowing you to break through to the realm of the martial arts grandmaster within three days. ] 】

[Space Station Navigator: Mr. Tang, you open the permission to let me enter the Douluo plane, I can give you a drop of the golden crow essence blood of the Sendai Secret Realm, and the ruthless emperor you saw before is also a strong man in the Sendai Secret Realm. ] 】

[Xiahou Swordsman: Mr. Tang Da, I'm Xiahouwei, if you open the permission to let me enter the Douluo plane, I can catch a thousand-year demon for you, and the thousand-year fox spirit can also do, hehe]

Mr. Tang Da just wanted to say something, but found that one dialog box after another popped up on the chat group page.

All the chatting masses privately asked him to trade and offer various conditions.


Mr. Tang looked at the conditions prescribed by the chatting masses, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of spit, his eyes were fiery, and his heart was excited.

Because the conditions offered by each group member were extremely rich, he dared not imagine.

He originally wanted to ask why the chat masses were all cultivating immortals, but at this time, looking at the conditions prescribed by the chat masses, he fell into an incomparable entanglement.

Who should he choose to work with?

Or work with everyone in chat group 377?

Ninth Uncle: "May I ask?" Isn't our chat group a martial arts chat group? Why are you all in the Jiedan Realm, the Yuan Infant Realm? "

Ninth Uncle originally thought that he could have a place in the chat group by relying on the Dao technique that reached the realm of the Earth Master.

However, he now found that the chat group was completely different from what he had imagined.

Not only did he have Ye Hao, a super powerhouse with boundless powers and like a supreme deity, but the rest of the chat group did not seem to be the martial arts masters he imagined.

Reincarnator: "In addition to the Great Immortal, aren't the others invited by the chat group martial arts masters?" Don't you practice martial arts? Could it be that you all cultivate immortals? "

Zheng Zhao's heart was also a little excited.

If everyone in the chat is an immortal cultivator, then he also has the opportunity to cultivate immortals.

Once he can obtain immortal cultivation resources in the chat group (cebi), then his survivability in the main god space will be greatly improved.

Otherwise, he can only obtain martial arts resources from the chat group, which will not help him much in the main god space.

Reincarnation worlds like Resident Evil have modern weapons, as well as lasers, which are not at all able to resist martial arts masters.

Graphic designer: "Isn't it normal that martial arts chat groups are all cultivators of immortals?" "

Space station navigator: "I guess even if you enter the points mall, I am afraid that you are still viewing the martial arts commodity area, and you have not entered the miscellaneous goods area, and the miscellaneous goods area is the real essence of the points mall." "

Huashan sent Yue to the head of the sect: "Great Immortal Mercy, give us supreme immortal fate, so that we can use points to buy immortal cultivation resources, in the miscellaneous commodity area, there are hundreds of immortal Dao exercises." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "I just looked at it, the Great Immortal also uploaded various emperor scriptures, void sutras, Hengyu sutras, heaven-swallowing demon scriptures, immortal heavenly sutras, Western emperor sutras and other emperor sutras, each of which is incomparably against the sky. "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Except for the three newcomers, the rest of the chat group are all immortal cultivators, the weaker ones are also Qi refining realm, and the powerful ones are probably about to break through to the Yuan Infant realm." "

The chatting masses like to see these newcomers look unseen.

At the same time, they are also reminding the three newcomers in the chat group on the side.

Even if the world where Mr. Tang Da, Zheng Zhao, and Ninth Uncle were located was a high-level world, they could not be above them.

Because, they can also obtain various immortal cultivation resources in the points mall.

Even if the world where the newcomer is located is an advanced world, it is only a partial advantage.

The old people in these chat groups also have an absolute advantage in strength.

[Void Sutra: The science of space, the Void Ancient Sutra that no one can match, is the immortal canon created by the Void Emperor to observe all things and capture the eternal and unchanging laws. 】

[Heaven Devouring Demon Skill: The Emperor Sutra created by the first ruthless emperor can devour the origin of others, strengthen your own body, each time you devour an origin, the strength will go to a higher level, it will become stronger and stronger, once Xiaocheng, in the process of cultivation, you can devour mountains and rivers, and the black hole will smash everything. ] 】

[Immortal Heavenly Gong: The ancient scripture created by the ruthless emperor I in the evening, competing with heaven and earth, seizing ancient and modern creation, fading the old body, incarnating the divine fetus, breaking and standing, each metamorphosis will return to youth, stronger than in the past. ] 】

【Western Emperor Sutra】

【Feathered Immortal Sutra】


【Sun Sutra】

【Taiyin True Sutra】

Whether it was the three newcomers or the old people in the chat group, they all entered the miscellaneous goods area of the points mall and browsed the introduction of the imperial scriptures.

After they saw the picture of Ye Hao fighting with the ruthless emperor, they were all attracted by the emperor's combat power.

If they could, they all wanted to try to cultivate these supreme scriptures and reach the realm of the Ancient Great Emperor in the future.


The chatting masses all couldn't help but swallow their saliva, and even those group members who traded with the emperor had extremely fiery eyes.

At most, they traded with a great emperor, and the emperor scriptures obtained by trading were only the scriptures of this great emperor.

And there are now more than a hundred emperor-level scriptures in the points mall.

Each scripture is the culmination of a great road, unfathomable and beyond imagination.

No matter which kind of cultivation is cultivated to the peak, the strength will definitely reach a very terrifying level.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Is this really a martial arts chat group?" Now it's a fairy chat group, I believe it. "

Ninth Uncle: "How do I earn points?" I'm not interested in Taoism now, I just want to cultivate immortals now. "

Reincarnation: "Which big guy can tell me what shortcuts to cultivate immortals?" If I have the strength to build a foundation realm, or even a jiedan realm, completing the task of reincarnation world is not an easy task. "

The three newcomers in the chat group only felt dizzy, as if they had drunk a few pounds of liquor, and their excited brains were congested, almost losing their minds.


Earn points!

Now they only have one thought in their heads.

Earn points, then buy immortal cultivation exercises and immortal cultivation resources to become an immortal cultivator?

As for martial arts?

That's simply impossible.

Wuxia chat group? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Or is the old man of the chat group right, isn't it normal for the martial arts chat group to cultivate immortals? .

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