Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "If you want to enter the Douluo plane, there is no problem at all. "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "However, I don't want resources, I want points." "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "The chat group has had similar transactions before, you according to the previous price, as long as the points are reasonable, I will open the permission for you to enter the Douluo plane." "

After seeing the miscellaneous goods in the points mall, Mr. Tang Da put forward his opinion without any hesitation.

Although the conditions offered by the chat masses are very tempting.

However, no matter how tempting it is, there are no points tempting.

In Mr. Tang's eyes, points are omnipotent.

As long as you have enough points, what can't you buy in the points mall?

Daqin Zulong: "Before Guo Daxia opened the group mission of the Big Dipper Star Domain, we gave Guo Daxia 100,000 ~ points each in order to enter the Big Dipper Star Domain. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Although the group mission is only one day, the strength level of the Big Dipper Star Domain is too much higher than the Douluo plane. "

Great Qin Zulong: "You give us the permission to permanently open the Douluo plane, how about we give you 100,000 points each?" "

Ying Zheng pondered and first said a price.

"Although in the eyes of the Great Immortal, the strength of the Douluo plane is average, the strongest person in the Douluo plane should be stronger than the cultivators of the Jiedan Realm, right?"

Ying Zheng did not attach great importance to the resources of the Douluo plane.

His goal of entering the Douluo plane this time was very clear, that is, to move the population of the Douluo plane to the Daqin world and increase the cultivation resources of the Daqin world.

Today's Daqin world has undergone his continuous development, not only the martial arts system, but also the immortal cultivation system, the fighting qi system, the special energy system and so on.

The more cultivation systems, the more brilliant the transcendent civilization, the stronger Daqin's national fortune, and the stronger his strength can be.

"As long as the price does not exceed 5 million points, I can accept it."

Ying Zheng secretly said.

If Mr. Tang Da does not agree, he will make a private deal with Mr. Tang Da.

As long as Mr. Tang's offer does not exceed 5 million points, he agrees.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Willing!" I do! "

Mr. Tang Da hardly hesitated and agreed to the price offered by Ying Zheng.

"One person has 100,000 points, the chat group now has twenty-three people, three newcomers have no points, except for the Great Immortal, the other nineteen people should all want to enter the Douluo plane."

"That way, I can get 1.9 million points."

Mr. Tang Da had already taken a cursory look at the prices of miscellaneous goods before, and he knew very well what immortal cultivation resources could be purchased with more than one million points.

The purchased Immortal Cultivation Resources could at least raise him to the Foundation Building Realm.

"From now on, the Tang Sect can cultivate immortals."

Mr. Tang's heart became more and more fiery.

The Tang Sect will be thoroughly developed in his hands and become an immortal cultivation sect that is beyond the world.

He will become an even greater existence than the Tang Sect Ancestor.

[Great Qin Zulong sent a red envelope to the Great Elder of the Tang Gate. 】

[Emperor Hongwu sent a red envelope to the Great Elder of the Tang Gate. 】

[Qin Shi Huang sent a red envelope to the Great Elder of the Tang Gate. 】

The members of the group who cultivate the method of qi luck in the chat group have a psychological price similar to that of Ying Zheng, even if they do not reach five million points, they are not less than one million points.

Now seeing that Mr. Tang Da had 100,000 points, they agreed to open the authority of the Douluo plane, and they quickly issued the points to Mr. Tang Da to prevent Mr. Tang Da from repenting.

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest sent a red envelope to the Great Elder of the Tang Gate. 】

[The navigator of the space station sent a red envelope to the Great Elder of the Tang Gate. 】

[The World Association Gang Lord No. 2 sent a red envelope to the Great Elder of the Tang Gate]

"100,000 points is not much, you can completely buy points to enter the Douluo plane."

The other old people in the chat group pondered and agreed.

Nowadays, the old people in the chat group are rich and rich, and their net worth is above one million points.

Therefore, taking out 100,000 points to get the points to enter the Douluo plane, they did not feel a loss.

"If you can enter the Douluo plane at any time, you may be able to fight with the strong people of the Douluo plane, so that the strength can improve faster."

These group members who did not cultivate the method of qi luck on the one hand were to obtain the cultivation resources of the Douluo plane.

On the other hand, he also wants to enter the Douluo plane to obtain actual combat ability.

They all now have at least the strength to build a foundation realm, and if they fight with the warriors of their own world, they can't increase their actual combat ability at all.

Once they use magic weapons, they can almost crush the warriors of the low-level world.

Reincarnator: "Would everyone like to enter my world?" It also only takes 100,000 points to enter Minecraft. "

Zheng Zhao looked at Mr. Tang Da, a newcomer, directly earning nearly two million points, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Reincarnation: "The level of my world, everyone should have a certain understanding." "

Reincarnation: "The resources are definitely richer than the Douluo plane. "

Zheng Zhao hurriedly began to promote the infinite world, wanting to let the chat masses also buy the permission to enter the infinite world.

Space station navigator: "The next time you enter the world of reincarnation, you send me the movie corresponding to the world of reincarnation." "

Space Station Navigator: "If there are resources in the world of reincarnation that I am interested in, I can use my points to buy permission to enter this world of reincarnation." "

Space station navigator: "However, the price may be far less expensive than the price of entering the Douluo plane." "

Liu Peiqiang recalled the horror movies in the wandering earth world and said another way to trade.

Some of the extraordinary items or technological items that exist in horror movies may have some value for him.

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Zheng Zhao, if you agree to this trading method, I can also consider it." "

Graphic designer: "It's the same. "

Great Qin Zulong: "Xu can also be considered." "

Unlike the permission to purchase access to the Douluo plane, the level of power in the Douluo plane is not low, and the chat masses can be very sure that when they enter the Douluo plane, they will definitely be able to harvest some cultivation resources.

The reincarnation world of the infinite world is different, and some reincarnation world levels are too low, and the power system may not be as good as theirs.

When they entered this level of reincarnation world, they simply could not obtain the cultivation resources that satisfied them.

It is also interested in group members who practice the method of qi luck.

After all, the most ordinary horror movies also have a large modern population.

The cultural level of these modern populations far exceeds that of ancient people, and if they can obtain a large number of modern populations, they will definitely help to improve the national fortune and increase their own strength.

[The reincarnation uploads a video.] 】

Reincarnation: "The world of reincarnation that I first entered corresponds to this movie." "

Reincarnator: "There are not only various technological weapons in this reincarnation world, but even artificial intelligence. "

Reincarnation: "Entering this level of reincarnation world with the strength of all the big guys is absolutely invincible existence, and you can harvest the resources of this reincarnation world to your heart's content." "

In order to attract the chatting masses, Zheng Zhao quickly began to sell.

In order to earn points, there is no shame!

Reincarnator: "By the way, I can pass on the list of items that can be exchanged in the main god space to everyone." "

Reincarnator: "If anyone wants the items in it, they can ask me to buy them, and I can help everyone redeem them." "

Zheng Zhao suddenly had a wit and wanted another way to trade.

Ninth Uncle: "Great Immortal, kneel and beg to help me deduce the situation in my world." "

Ninth Uncle saw that Mr. Tang Da earned nearly two million points in blood, and Zheng Zhao reached a cooperation intention with those old people in the chat group, how could he still sit still.

He now hopes that Ye Hao will inform the chat masses about the situation of his world, and then he can sell the permission to enter his own world, earn a lot of points, and easily embark on the road of cultivating immortals.

Reincarnator: "Ninth Uncle, you don't need the Great Immortal to help you deduce, didn't you see the movie video I sent before?" It's Mr. Zombie. "

Reincarnation: "The world you are in is an ordinary supernatural world. "

Ninth Uncle: "Immortal cultivator, how is the situation in my world?" "

Ninth Uncle directly ignored Zheng Zhao's words.

He only believed Ye Hao's words now.

Moreover, the other two newcomers who entered the chat group at the same time as him had their worlds in the advanced world.

The world he is in is definitely also a high-level world.

As for a movie, it is only more than an hour, and the plot is limited to Renjia Town, and it is impossible to see the level of Mr. Zombie's world.

Reincarnator: ".

It's so hard!

Zheng Zhao was extremely glad at this moment, he was fortunate that he did not rely on the plot of the infinite world novel movie to fool the group members. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because, the chatter masses simply did not believe what he said.

He sent out the movie, and the new person of the ninth uncle did not believe it, so don't talk about the old man in the chat group.

Immortal cultivator: "There is good news, there is bad news, do you want to hear the good news first, or the bad news." "

After the three newcomers entered the chat group, he used the Heavenly Mechanic to deduce the worlds of the three group members.

Fortunately, his current Heavenly Mechanic Technique has reached the level of the fifth grade of the Immortal Dao, and he has comprehended the supreme divine power, the Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to confirm the situation of the three newcomer worlds.

Because, the world of the three newcomers is extraordinary.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Ninth Uncle, there is no problem with your heart, you must have a mental preparation." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "It seems that the world of Ninth Uncle is also extraordinary." "

Reincarnator: "Great Immortal, isn't the world of the ninth uncle an ordinary spiritual world, the ninth uncle is the protagonist, his strength is not strong, and the world level he is in is probably not high, right?" "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Daxian, I feel that Uncle Nine wants to hear the bad news first, and talk about the bad news first." Funny JPG. "

The chatting masses were all slightly stunned.

Especially those old people, they all looked a little strange.

What the good news is, they can't be sure.

However, since Daxian said that it was bad news, it was definitely bad news for Ninth Uncle who far exceeded Ninth Uncle's imagination.

Ninth Uncle: "Great Immortal, let me hear the bad news first." "

Ninth Uncle was also affected by the words of the chatting masses, and became extremely apprehensive.

He hesitated, but decided to hear the bad news first.

No matter how bad the bad news is, at least there is good news waiting for him.

Immortal cultivator: "The bad news is that the world you are in is indeed an ordinary spiritual world. "

The world will help the Lord: "??? "。

Xiao Li Feidao: "??? "。

Master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "??? "。

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "Something is wrong!" This is very wrong! Is that bad news? "

Da Qin Zulong: "It seems that the wonderful place is on this good news." "

The chatting crowd looked stunned.

The world of Mr. Zombie, where Uncle Nine is located, is just an ordinary world, although this is not good news, but it is definitely not a bad world.

The world where the Ninth Uncle is located has demons and monsters, which is at least more advanced than the world where most of the people in the chat group are located.

However, since Daxian said that there was good news and bad news to tell Uncle Jiu, this bad news was very ordinary now.

So where the problem goes, it must be good news.

If not, there is no need to mention good news and bad news.

Ninth Uncle: "Great Immortal, what about the good news?" "

Ninth Uncle's eyelids jumped wildly.

These old people in the chat group are so bad that they make him a little nervous.

Obviously Daxian was going to say good news next, he was extremely apprehensive and had a bad premonition.

Immortal cultivator: "Although the world you are in is an ordinary supernatural world, from today onwards, your world will begin to mutate. "

Immortal cultivator: "The world you are in will mutate into parallel worlds, and various traversers will appear in these parallel worlds. "

Immortal cultivator: "In these parallel worlds, most of the traversers will become your apprentices, if you can fuse yourself in these parallel worlds, there is still no problem in obtaining the title of a teacher of ten thousand worlds." "

On the body of the Ninth Uncle, Ye Hao spent the most time deducing.

At the beginning, he also thought that the world where the Ninth Uncle was located was an ordinary world.

However, after running the Heavenly Machine, Ye Hao found that the world where the Ninth Uncle was located was extraordinary.

Whenever a traverser appears, the world where the Ninth Uncle is located will split into a parallel world.

Ninth Uncle: "Great Immortal, there is a me in these parallel worlds?" "

Ninth Uncle: "Since they are all independent me, and they are all independent beings, how can I integrate them?" "

Ninth Uncle's face was bitter.

He finally understood the words of the chattering masses.

What's the good news?

If hundreds of parallel worlds were born, wouldn't there be hundreds of identical Ninth Uncles among these parallel worlds?

As soon as he thought of this situation, Ninth Uncle's scalp felt numb.

Immortal cultivator: "When the world mutates, I can descend you to these mutated worlds, replace Lin Fengjiao in the parallel world, and prevent Lin Fengjiao from being born in the parallel world." "

Immortal cultivator: "In this case, Lin Fengjiao of all the mutated worlds is actually you." "

Immortal cultivator: "You can become the teacher of hundreds of traversers, these traversers come from different earths, and it is still very easy to become a teacher of the ten thousand worlds." "

Ninth Uncle: "??? "。

Teacher of Ten Thousand Worlds?

Chatting masses: "??? "。

Can you still do this?.

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