Immortal cultivator: "Lin Fengjiao, it just so happens that your world is about to change into a new world, do you want to experience it?" "

Ye Hao sensed the fluctuations of Mr. Zombie's world and knew that there was a traverser who wanted to cross into Mr. Zombie's world.

Ninth Uncle: "Is the Great Immortal so fast?" I'm not ready! "

Ninth Uncle was still immersed in the beauty of the teacher of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and he was awakened by Ye Hao's words, and he was a little nervous.

The world will help the master: "Ninth uncle, if you are not willing, the old man can replace you, the old man is especially good at disciples." "

The majestic eye is incomparable.

It is very likely that these traversers are all children of destiny, and how much luck do you have to gain by accepting these children of destiny as apprentices?

Qi luck is strong, no matter what you cultivate, it is very easy.

Ninth Uncle: "It's impossible, you don't want to, I'm willing to do it." "

Ninth Uncle originally had some scruples about face, and wanted to take a breath or two, but now when he heard Xiongba's words, how could he dare to be reserved.

In case the Immortal promised to come down, he would lose his life.

"Ding-dong! Group mission completion will reward 10 million points. "

"Immortal cultivators receive 8.1 million points, Kwok Jing receives 100,000 points, Wing Chun Chef receives 100,000 points, and Chef Gao in the canteen receives 100,000 points"

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

Obviously, the group mission of protecting Ye Hei and his group to reach the Big Dipper Star Domain safely was completed.

"Immortal cultivators are the administrator of the chat "300" group, trigger the point reward *2 permission, and get 16.2 million points. "

Ye Hao looked at the point reward he had obtained, without any surprise.

This escort mission can threaten the danger of Ye Hei's group, only the heirs of the crocodile ancestor, small crocodiles, the strength is very average.

It is simply impossible to earn too many points for this level of group tasks.

However, the gains from this group mission are extremely huge.

Not only did he obtain a large number of Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers, Emperor Sutras, Immortal Medicine, and even immortal weapons.

[Great Qin Zulong sent a red envelope to Guo Jing. 】

[Huashan sent Yue the head to send a red envelope to Guo Jing. 】

[Princess Changping sent a red envelope to Guo Jing. 】

The rest of the chat group sent Guo Jing the points they had earned, because it had been agreed that all the points they had earned would be given to Guo Jing.

Reincarnator: "There are still administrators in the chat group, I don't know how to become an administrator?" "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "The authority of the administrator is also too against the sky, and he can get twice the points." "

Ninth Uncle: "The administrator must have other special permissions. "

The three newcomers looked at Ye Hao's direct double point reward, and all of them were extremely hungry.

The world will help the master: "Don't think about it, if you want to become a chat group administrator, you must get the unanimous vote of the group members." "

Group moderators have access to other group members' worlds at will.

Even for your own safety, it's impossible to vote for someone else to be a chat group moderator.

What's more, the chat group now has twenty-three group members, and it is even more difficult to get all group members to agree.

Xiongba now has no idea about becoming an administrator.

In this case, he also does not allow others to become chat group administrators.

In the future, whoever applies to become a chat moderator will vote against it.

Reincarnation: "Ninth Uncle, then you broadcast live, let's see the traverser of your world." "

When Zheng Zhao heard this, he instantly gave up the idea of becoming a chat group administrator.

Because, as long as the IQ is normal, you know that this is impossible.

He is to give 100 million points to each group member, and I am afraid that the final result will not be able to obtain everyone's consent.

The reason why Ye Hao was able to become the administrator of the chat group was on the one hand because Ye Hao brought great benefits to the chat masses.

On the other hand, Ye Hao has supreme strength to support.

If it weren't for Ye Hao's ability to deduce the heavenly machine of the heavens and realms, gain insight into everything, and whether he could obtain the consent of all group members was definitely unknown.

Now even if a member of a group has the strength of the Big Dipper Star Domain Emperor, it may be impossible to apply for a member chat group administrator.

Because, even the strength of the emperor level cannot determine the voting results of each group member.

In this case, the voting of group members is much more wanton.

[Ninth Uncle opened the live broadcast room. ] 】

[The world will help Lord No. 2 enter the live broadcast room. ] 】

[The reincarnation enters the live broadcast room.] 】

[Princess Changping entered the live broadcast room. 】

After Uncle Jiu opened the live broadcast room, everyone in the chat entered one after another.

They also want to see what kind of existence is the traverser who crossed into the world of the Ninth Uncle?

Is it an ordinary person like Xiao Yan and Tang San, or is there something special?

"It's amazing!"

Ye Hao's figure silently appeared in the world of Mr. Zombie, staring at the origin of the world and sighing.

With his current strength comparable to the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he couldn't even see through the rules of Mr. Zombie's World Origin Mutation.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Space Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great World Art Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme power, the Great Change Technique. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme divine power, the Great Origin Art. "

Although Ye Hao could not see through the laws of the abnormality of Mr. Zombie's world, he still had a lot of gains by relying on his understanding against the sky.

"In the future, if a traverser enters the world of Ninth Uncle, I still need to watch more."

Ye Hao said darkly.

A visit allowed several supreme powers to advance, and even more to understand several new supreme powers.

If you learn often, the gains will be not small.


The ninth uncle of Mr. Zombie's world was still waiting for Ye Hao to appear, and the next moment, he found himself standing on the firmament, next to Ye Hao, and quickly bowed respectfully.

I have seen Ye Hao and the ruthless emperor make a move, although Ye Hao's appearance looks very young, but the ninth uncle is extremely rounded and his movements are completed in one go.

Even more than his usual visit to the ancestors of the Maoshan Sect, there was incomparable obedience and sincerity.

Because he knew whether the person in front of him was a true god or a supreme deity.

"Here we go!"

Ye Hao said, instantly moving the Ninth Uncle to the newly born parallel world.

He enters the newly born parallel world at the same moment.

"Exactly the same, all exactly the same." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Inside Yizhuang, Ninth Uncle kept looking at every corner of the room, his face shocked and shocked.

If he hadn't known in advance that he had entered the parallel world that had just been born, he would probably have thought that he was still in the original world.

"Here it comes!"

Ye Hao lightly clicked, the void condensation, appeared in front of the Ninth Uncle, so that everyone chatting could see it.

In the image, outside Renjia Town, the void suddenly rippled, forming a world passage.

A man who looked to be in his twenties, he looked excited, and cautiously walked out of it.

"Hahaha actually can, I really entered the world of Mr. Zombie."

"I wonder if my system can sign in to the world passage to other worlds in the future?"

Wang Lu looked extremely excited.

A year ago, he obtained a check-in system, which is divided into daily visa, monthly visa, and annual visa.

The daily visa also signs in some daily necessities.

Monthly signatures are more precious, sometimes money, sometimes gold jewelry, sometimes firearms.

His first annual signing, he actually signed in to a world passage and could enter the world of Mr. Zombie...

He prepared for a month before choosing to enter this supernatural world with ghosts and zombies.

"This is Renjia Town? That's great! "

Wang Lu was very well prepared, wearing the costume of the Republic of China, did not attract much attention, and easily found out where he had come.

"I can go and worship Uncle Jiu as a teacher, and when I learn Taoism, it is not easy to become a master in modern society?"

Wang Lu was very excited.

The earth he is on is just an ordinary technological world, and once he learns Taoism, becoming a master is definitely an easy thing.

At that time, he may become a guest of the powerful and a big man in the modern world.

Then he uses the resources of the modern world to develop in the Mr. Zombie world, he may be able to become a warlord, and then collect the resources of the Mr. Zombie world to improve his strength.

By that time, he was not only a big warlord, but also possessed powerful Taoist skills, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wanted in the world of Mr. Zombie?

You can even control people in the modern world through powerful Taoist techniques, above everyone.

Any woman he fancy, he can pick at will.

Big star!

Female Internet celebrity!

Lady and lady!

Graphic designer: "Me! This traverser actually has a system, isn't it directly taking off? "

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "System? What is a system? "

Not only Mr. Tang Da was puzzled, but many people in the chat group were a little puzzled.

Only those who have read online novels understand what a system is.

[The graphic designer uploaded the file.] 】

Graphic designer: "You look at the novels in these documents and you understand what the system is. "

Bai Xiaofei directly uploaded more than a dozen systematic online novels in the corpse brother world in the chat group.

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "This system is too against the sky, it is simply strong and has no reason. "

Da Qin Zulong: "The system should also be strong and weak, and it can't be so against the sky." "

The world will help the master: "This system is simply a level of existence with the chat group, I feel that this traverser can't grasp it, this kind of treasure should be managed by the big cactus." "

Huashan Pai Yue was in charge: "I feel that what the Xiong Gang Master said is very reasonable. "

After the chat masses quickly read the system streaming online novel uploaded by Bai Xiaofei, they also understood what the system was. 3.5 is simply an open existence, whoever obtains the system will be able to reach the peak of life.

"It turned out to be a traverser with a system?"

Ye Hao was also a little surprised.

At the same time, he was indeed very interested in the system of this traverser.

"Ding-dong! Post special tasks, recycle the check-in system, reward 100 billion points, and also get special rewards. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

"Big Time Technique!"

Ye Hao stretched out his hand a little and directly fixed the time around Wang Lu, letting time stand still, not giving Wang Lu time to react at all.

This time, he didn't give the rest of the chat group a chance to make a move, to prevent accidents.


Ye Hao directly uploaded Wang Lu's entire person to the chat group.

"Ding-dong! Mission completion, reward 100 billion points, reward special permission: advanced check-in layout. "

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators are chat group administrators, trigger point rewards*2 permissions, and get 200 billion points. "

The crisp voice of the swarm system sounded.


The chat group recycled the check-in system and threw Wang Lu out.

"Ding-dong! The system successfully unbind. "

The group system also reminds Wang Lu very friendly.

Wang Lu: "??? "。

What the hell is going on?

Why is my system gone?.

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