Graphic designer: "Your Majesty, Zhang Zhenren, you must persist for ten days!" In this way, I can sign in 10 million points in ten days, and even if the group mission fails, I will not lose my life. "

The world will help the Lord: "The old man is going to crack!" "

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "Fellow four-star friends, we must keep pace!" Now the four-star group has the most members, each person rotates once, and if you rotate again, it will also take a lot of time, and the points that are checked in at these times should be worth the points deducted for mission failure. "

Qiao Feng, the gang leader: "I'm afraid that the two of them will complete the group task in advance, and once they complete the group task, the chat group will immediately release a new group task." "

The chattering crowd only felt that their faces were stiff and their hearts were a little heavy.

In such a short period of time, their moods kept rising and falling, and their expressions were constantly changing.

This upgrade of the mission layout is really too pitted.

Graphic designer: "Daxian, can I apply for a downgrade in the group level?" "

Bai Xiaofei felt a little weak in his heart.

Although he has a Great Sage-level magic weapon, it is difficult for him to fully control it.

Once he encounters a powerful existence, he is likely to be killed by the other party before he reacts.

After all, the magic weapon is a foreign object, not its own strength.

If he is a member of the Four Star Group, he still has some certainty.

Immortal cultivator: "You can apply as a free person and no longer participate in group tasks, and from now on, you can use the basic functions of chat groups." "

Graphic designer: ".

Although he is now immortal, he is even invincible in the corpse brother world.

However, having already seen the brilliant scenery of the heavens and realms, how could he be willing to be an existence that could only be a group of water.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Daxian, after the mission layout is upgraded, are there any other functional changes?" "

Immortal Cultivator: "Other added functions, you can all see." "

The world will help the master: "Ying Zheng, Zhang Sanfeng, you guys hurry up and discuss who will perform the group mission?" "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "Just let us see how difficult the five-star group task is." "

When the chatting masses heard this, they urged one after another.

Only Zhang Sanfeng and Huan Zheng are members of the five-star group in the chat group, although other low-level group members can also apply to participate in the five-star group mission.

However, without figuring out the specific difficulty of the five-star group mission, as long as it is not a dead existence, it should not apply to participate in the high-level group mission.

This time the group mission did not involve Daimmortal, and there was definitely a danger of the mission failing.

Completing the five-star group mission will be rewarded with 1 million ~ 10 million points.

Similarly, a failed mission will also deduct 1 million ~ 10 million points.

Group members who do not have a net worth of more than 10 million points will not consider applying for a five-star group mission at all.

Because, once the group task fails and the chat group cannot deduct enough points from them, who knows what will happen?

In case you are kicked out of the chat group, or your life is lost, it will be miserable.

No one wants to know what will happen if the mission fails and the points deducted by the chat group are not available.

[Five-star mission: Submit the pig demon pig gang, mission time: ten days. ] 】

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng looked at the task introduction on the task page, and they all frowned.

This group task, at least one of the two of them will participate.

Da Qin Zulong: "Reincarnation, can you see which novel or TV series this group task corresponds to?" "

Zheng Zheng appeared in the infinite world is special, maybe he knows the situation of the world where the group mission is located.

Although ask Daxian, Daxian will definitely be able to deduce it.

However, this is the final hole card, and you can try not to use it without using it.

Reincarnator: "Your Majesty, the group task is just a few words, how can I see it?" "

Reincarnation: "However, I roughly know who Zhu Gang is, and he should be Zhu Bajie." "

[The reincarnation uploads a novel. 】

[The reincarnation uploads a TV series. 】

Reincarnator: "If it is really the world of Journey to the West, you must be careful." "

Reincarnation: "In the world of Journey to the West, there are gods and Buddhas. "

Zheng Zhao did not hide it and told the information he knew.

Great Qin Zulong: "Thank you." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After Huan Zheng finished speaking, he quickly checked the content uploaded by Zheng Zhao with his divine thoughts.

Other people in the chat group also quickly browse the Journey to the West novels and Journey to the West TV series uploaded by Zheng Zhao.

Xiao Li Feidao: "If Pig Gang is really a figure who travels to the west, then it means that he has been reincarnated at this time, and his every move is under the monitoring of Buddhism, Heavenly Court, Taoism and other forces, and he may trigger the action of gods and Buddhas." "

Huashan Pai Yue head: "This is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying place, the last life of the pig gang was the marshal of the canopy, a real immortal, even if he is reincarnated, obviously he has not forgotten his previous life, maybe his strength has been restored." "

Ninth Uncle: "Is this the five-star group mission?" How terrifying is that six-star group mission? "

As for Ye Hao's 10 star constellation missions in the future, Ninth Uncle no longer dared to imagine what a terrifying scene it would be, and what a terrifying powerhouse would appear.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Your Majesty, let's join forces." "

Zhang Sanfeng also had some scalp numbness.

Great Qin Zulong: "There is no problem. "

Without any hesitation, Ying Zheng also agreed.

He performs group tasks alone, and he has no bottom at all.

Moreover, there is Zhang Sanfeng to participate in the group task together, if the task fails, the points deducted by the chat group, the two of them can also share together.

Great Qin Zulong: "~ Great Immortal, the world where this group mission is located won't really be the Westward Journey World, right?" "

Immortal Cultivator: "It's just a world similar to the Westward Journey World, and the world level is far inferior to the Westward Journey World." "

Ye Hao's operation of the Heavenly Mechanic Technique also provided insight into the situation of the group mission world.

Journey to the West.

The plot of Journey to the West is very simple, during the Great Tang Dynasty, demons were rampant, and a small fishing village invited Taoist priests to get rid of demons because they were harmed by fish demons.

The young exorcist Chen Xuanzang came to help but was mistaken for a liar, but fortunately the professional bounty exorcist Miss Duan helped Xuanzang subdue the true body of the fish demon.

The two met again in Gaojiazhuang to subdue the pig demon Pig Gang, this time without success.

Xuanzang asked for help from the master and learned that the way to get rid of the demon was to find Sun Wukong, who was pressed under the Five Finger Mountain, for help.

Although the pig gang was subdued through the Monkey King, the Monkey King was released.

In the end, it was Chen Xuanzang who summoned the golden body of Buddha to suppress Sun Wukong.

"A few charlatans plus one Chen Xuanzang will be able to subdue the sand monk."

"Although Miss Duan did not subdue the pig gang mane, her strength can also fight back and forth with the pig gang mane."

"As for the three exorcists of Empty Gongzi, Heavenly Broken Feet, and Big Dipper Five Elements Fist, they can't beat Sun Wukong, but I'm afraid their strength is not much weaker than Pig Gang's mane."

Under Ye Hao's deduction, the sand monk of the Westward Journey Devil World is an ordinary monster.

The pig gang mane has only reached the level of the Yuan God Realm.

Sun Wukong's strength is stronger, and it is only similar to the Fit Realm.

The level of strength of the Westward Journey Devil World cannot be compared with the Westward Journey World.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, what realm can the highest level of the mission world cultivate to?" "

Zhang Sanfeng hurriedly asked.

Daxian feels that the Westward Journey Devil World is weak, but they are not necessarily.

Immortal cultivators: "If you come to Buddha and Taishang Laojun, their strength just steps into the realm of immortal paths." "

Great Qin Zulong:".

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: ".

What about the low-level world?

How can there still be people who become immortal bundles?.

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