The world will help the Lord: "Yingzheng, you might as well apply to become a free man." "

The world will help the master: "You are at least in the Yuan Infant Realm now, even if you can't live forever, you can easily live for thousands of years." "

The world will help the master: "You have also plundered a large number of people from the mission world, and the strength of Daqin has long surpassed the previous Daqin." "

The world will help the master: "Your previous life goal has already been completed, why risk your life to continue to participate in group tasks?" "

Although Xiongba feels extremely hopeless, he still has incomparable expectations in his heart.

Once Yingzheng really applies to become a free man, then Yingzheng is completely abolished.

As long as he is dominant and obscenely developed for a period of time, he will be able to easily look down on the government in the future.

Da Qin Zulong: "You're afraid you want to fart." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Daxian, if we are killed while performing a group mission, will we die completely?" "

Although this time the group mission is only carried out by Zhang Sanfeng and Huan Zheng, he will definitely participate in the group mission in the future.

Therefore, Gao wants to know what happens after the death of the group members.

Princess Changping: "Daxian, does the chat group have the function of resurrecting points?" "

Xiahou Swordsman: "Since points can be deducted if the group mission fails, can points be deducted from death resurrection?" "

Unless you can safely do the existence of a chat group with only 837 energy water group, otherwise, except for three newcomers, all of them are in danger of life when they perform group tasks.

Immortal cultivator: "The chat group does not have this function, but I needed to study the points and understand the chat group before, and you provided me with a lot of points." "

Immortal Cultivator: "In this way, if you encounter a death crisis while performing a group mission." "

Immortal cultivator: "I will save you, but once I strike, it means that your mission has failed." "

He grew from a small cultivator at the initial level of the Qi Refining Realm to an existence comparable to the Great Luo Golden Immortal today, and the chatting masses provided him with a lot of help.

With his current strength, it is still very easy to save the chattering masses.

Great Qin Zulong: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian!" "

"This time when I enter the mission world, I will definitely look for more beautiful women and provide the Great Immortal."

Victory is extremely exciting.

With the guarantee of Daxian, he can enter the group mission world with confidence.

Even if the mission fails, the life can at least be saved.

As long as he is alive, there is still hope.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great (cecg) immortal mercy, kneel to the great immortal!" "

Graphic designer: "Daxian is forever dripping god, kneel to Daxian!" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chen General Helm Lord: "Don't say anything, give the Great Immortal a kowtow." "

The chattering crowd was extremely excited and joyful.

They knew that it was the Great Immortal who remembered his old feelings and gave them a refuge to rescue them when they encountered a death crisis in the mission world.

Reincarnator: "Great Immortal, when we encounter a life and death crisis, will you make a move?" "

Zheng Zhao's spirit was shocked, and he also hurriedly asked.

The Great Elder of the Tang Gate and the Ninth Uncle were also waiting for Ye Hao's answer.

Ye Hao's assurance just now was obviously said to the old man in the chat group.

The immortal aura given by the Great Immortal, they also want it.

Immortal cultivator: "In this way, when you become a member of the four-star group, I will also strike when you encounter a life and death crisis." "

When a newcomer enters the chat group, he can advance 100,000 points of immortal cultivation resources from him in advance.

If you have such abundant immortal cultivation resources, you will still die when performing 1 star group mission, two star group mission, and three star group mission.

That Ye Hao didn't bother to save.

Such a low-level group task dies, and when performing high-level group tasks in the future, won't they often die?

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "Great Immortal, I will definitely not let you down." "

Mr. Tang Da's eyes seemed to be breathing fire, burning with a roaring fighting spirit.

As long as he becomes a member of the four-star group, he can obtain the immortal aura given by the Great Immortal, and he will definitely become a member of the four-star group in the shortest possible time.

Ninth Uncle: "Guys, you continue to buy mission cards and trigger group tasks." "

Entering the chat group, and encountering a supreme powerhouse like Daxian, Ninth Uncle didn't want to die.

Members of the four-star group can obtain the immortal aura given by the Great Immortal, and they must become members of the four-star group in the first place. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He, Uncle Nine, now wants to perform group missions.

Reincarnator: "Great Immortal, if after becoming a member of the Four Star Group, we encounter a death crisis in our own world, will you make a move?" "

Zheng Yu hurriedly asked.

Although he couldn't determine whether the infinite world was the highest level world in the world where the chatting masses were.

However, one thing is certain, the environment he is in now is the most dangerous.

He needs to constantly perform reincarnation tasks in the main god space, and every time is a life and death crisis, he may die at any time.

Immortal cultivator: "No!" "

Immortal cultivators: "They have all joined the chat group, if you are still killed in your own world, it can only be said that you were stupidly killed by yourself, and there is no cure." "

With the opening and hanging of the chat group, as well as the hanging he gave, he will die in his own world, and Ye Hao can only say that he is dying.

Immortal cultivator: "Don't look too far against the sky in the main god space, as long as your gene lock level reaches the fourth-order high, the main god can't erase you." "

Reincarnator: "Thank you Daxian, thank you Daxian!" "

Zheng Yu was a little disappointed at first, but after seeing that the gene lock reached the fourth-order advanced level, he would not be killed by the Lord God, and the whole person became excited.

It's not just because Ye Hao told him the strength to be able to save his life in the main god space.

The more important reason was that Ye Hao told him the depth of the main god space.

Even if the main god space has more than a fourth-order advanced power, it will not surpass too much.

Otherwise, he would not be able to kill the strong person who opened the fourth-order advanced gene lock.

"Ding-dong! Great Qin Zulong and Wudang 100-year-old Taoist priest team up to receive a five-star mission: submit the pig demon pig gang mane. "

At this moment, the group system sounded a crisp tone.

Xiao Li Feidao: "This is the first time that the group members have not performed the group mission of the advanced world with Daxian, and I don't know what the result will be." "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen: "I hope everything goes well." "

Guo Jing: "With the protection of the Great Immortal, at least you don't have to die, but Your Majesty, Zhang Zhenren, you still need to be cautious and cautious when performing group tasks." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "The two of them are more gougy than us, remember the live broadcast, let us see your operation, and study well." "

The chatting masses were very concerned about the situation of this group mission.

Because, today's Ying Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng are tomorrow's them.

Without relying on the Great Immortals, but only on themselves, can they complete the group missions of the advanced world?

Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng can be called the top people in the chat group with the highest comprehensive quality, how will they perform? .

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