"Child, child, why are you so bad?"

"Bullying, cheating, why did you do it?"

"Learn to be a good child and love each other"

Under the curious gazes of Zhang Sanfeng, Huan Zheng, and the chattering masses, Chen Xuanzang took out a book of three hundred children's songs and sang them towards the fish demon.

"Did Chen Xuanzang remove demons by singing three hundred children's songs?"

"Can this really lower demons and exorcise demons and awaken the so-called truth, goodness and beauty?"

"I may be in the live broadcast room, I can't sense the special power in Chen Xuanzang's singing, Your Majesty, Zhang Zhenren, can you two sense anything?"

"Is it possible that Chen Xuanzang sang three hundred children's songs without any special power?"

The chatting masses were all stunned and stunned.

However, as the fish demon became more and more hideous and angry, the chat masses already had the answer in their hearts.


Especially with the fish demon punching Chen Xuanzang's face, the corners of the mouths of the chattering crowd couldn't help but twitch.

The fish demon was not only not touched by Chen Xuanzang's singing, but was stimulated by Chen Xuanzang's singing with ferocity, and beat Chen Xuanzang with a hideous look.

Chat masses: ".

Is this really a Tang monk?

"Boom!" Three Three Seven""

At this moment, a woman with a somewhat dirty face and a fairly beautiful appearance walked over quickly.

She grabbed the fish demon by the hair, and after blowing a hammer at the fish demon, she put the fish demon into the demon catching bag.


Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng's eyes couldn't help but light up, and they had already made up their minds in their hearts to understand the basic situation of the Westward Journey Devil World from this female exorcist.

"Old Dao Zhang Sanfeng has seen a woman."

Zhang Sanfeng took the initiative to walk towards the female exorcist.

His current identity is a martial arts person, so naturally he can't call the other party a Taoist.

"Don't call me a woman, call me Miss Duan, is there something wrong with me?"

Miss Duan glanced at Zhang Sanfeng, a little embarrassed, and said.

She already knew that Zhang Sanfeng led a group of fishermen to subdue the fish demon, and according to the rules of the exorcist, it should be Zhang Sanfeng who received the reward.

However, just now she submitted the crazy fish demon, and if there was no reward at all, she was too unwilling.

"Congratulations to Miss Duan for accepting the fish demon."

"Lao Dao has just become an exorcist, and the rules of exorcists are not very clear, and what powerful demons need to be paid attention to, please ask Miss Duan for more guidance."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally saw Miss Duan's thoughts and directly gave the credit to Miss Duan.

As long as Miss Duan provides a little information about the demon, they can capture a powerful demon, search for souls, and get more information about the Westward Journey to the Devil World.

"Hahaha, then let me mention you a little bit as a senior."

When Miss Duan heard this, she couldn't help but laugh, gave Zhang Sanfeng an appreciative look, and then began to introduce the information of the exorcism world.

"The demon with the highest reward recently is still the pig demon of Gao Laozhuang, named Pig Gang Mane, are you interested in sharing a piece of the pie together?"

Miss Duan hesitated and sent out an invitation.

Because, she was also not sure about dealing with the pig gang.

Zhang Sanfeng has good strength and is very generous, and is a good helper.

"This found the pig gang?"

Not only Zhang Sanfeng and Huan Zheng were stunned, but the chatting masses were also stunned.

This has just entered the Westward Journey Devil World, and he has found important information about the pig gang mane.

"This exorcist surnamed Duan dares to deal with the pig gang mane, which shows that the strength of the pig gang mane is probably not strong."

Zhang Sanfeng and Huan Zheng were surprised and delighted.

The strength of the pig gang was much lower than they expected.

They don't even need to use hole cards, and with their strength, they may be able to subdue the pig gang.

"Now that you rush to Gao Laozhuang and catch the pig gang mane, won't you complete the group mission?"

Xiongba looked stunned.

The Six Star Group mission is this difficulty?

"Let's go!"

After Miss Duan collected the fishermen's money, she was satisfied and took Zhang Sanfeng to Gaolaozhuang.

However, Zhang Sanfeng and Huan Zheng did not relax their vigilance, Zhang Sanfeng stood in front of the stage, and Huan Zheng hid his figure and followed behind the two.

"Did Taishang Laojun make a move?"

At this time, dozens of miles away from the fishing village, a monk who looked chubby, smiling and nibbling on chicken legs, and wearing a wig suddenly looked indifferently in the direction of the fishing village.

This time the Western Heavenly Tribulation was extremely important to him.

Once successful, his strength will reach the level of Taishang Laojun and become one of the peak powerhouses of the Westward Journey Devil World.

Therefore, he will be personally responsible for teaching Chen Xuanzang, watching Chen Xuanzang's every move at any time, and guiding Chen Xuanzang into the Buddha.

Miss Duan was one of his pawns, a perfect pawn that made Chen Xuanzang realize everything.

First let Chen Xuanzang fall in love with Miss Duan, and then let Chen Xuanzang see Miss Duan's death with his own eyes, which can definitely make Chen Xuanzang fully realize, understand the depth of Buddhism, and become a qualified sutra learner.

However, this Zhang Sanfeng who suddenly appeared, he couldn't deduce the origin of the other party, and someone definitely made a move to cover the heavenly machine.

In the entire Three Realms, except for Taishang Laojun, who had this strength, he really couldn't imagine that others had such ability.

"Taishang Laojun, you dare to go against the sky, it's really beyond your strength."

"Since you dare to interfere, then don't blame Lao Gu." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The fat monk's killing intent is raging.

If it was usual, he would still be afraid of Taishang Laojun for three points.

Now it is the journey to the west, Buddhism is the protagonist, and he is the master of Buddhism, such as Buddha.

With the blessing of luck, Taishang Laojun will also be at a disadvantage when he fights him.

"Descend the dragon Arhat to cross that Taoist priest."

The fat monk naturally would not personally take action to deal with a warrior of the innate realm, and directly send an arhat of Buddhism.

In the town where Chen Xuanzang lives, there are not only Buddha Rulai himself, but even several Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and 300 arhats.

This lineup is for the Taoist fish to break the net, kill Chen Xuanzang, and prevent the flourishing of Buddhism.

"Obey the decree of the world."

An Luo Han riding a golden dragon heard this and quickly caught up with Zhang Sanfeng and Miss Duan.

Great Qin Zulong: "Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist, there is a monk at the peak of the Yuan God Realm, riding a dragon at the level of the Yuan God Realm, tracking you, killing intent is not small, should be planning to attack you." "

Huan Zheng noticed the existence of the dragon Luohan for the first time and reminded Zhang Sanfeng through the chat group.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Could it be that Lao Dao made a move in the fishing village to subdue the fish demon and disrupt some layout of Buddhism, and they plan to solve me?" "

"Nine times out of ten!"

"What do you do now? Solve the monks behind, you will expose your strength, Buddhism will definitely send a more powerful existence, if you don't make a move, will that real person pretend to be killed? "

"That monk in the back is the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, and it's not simple to hide from him..."

"Fortunately, it's just a cultivator at the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, and his strength is not strong, so it shouldn't be difficult to solve him."

The chatting masses knew that there was a monk who wanted to kill Zhang Sanfeng, and they were not too surprised.

After all, it is a six-star group mission, if it is easy to complete, how low should the difficulty of the five-star group task be?

Xiao Li flying knife: "Otherwise, regardless of this monk, you will directly use the Void Shifting Talisman to leave, and then fly directly to Gao Laozhuang and directly submit the pig gang mane." "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "You just met Chen Xuanzang in the fishing village, and Buddhism sent the peak powerhouse of the Yuanshen to hunt you down, I am afraid that there are also Buddhist masters there." "

Graphic designer: "You directly hide your body and sneak attack, directly kill the pig gang, and it can be regarded as completing the group mission." "

Space station navigator: "Unless you let the soul of the pig gang fly away, I am afraid that Buddhism will resurrect the pig gang, and your group mission is equivalent to not being completed." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "In case this young lady Duan's intelligence is wrong, the strength of the pig gang is very strong, even comparable to the cultivators of the Dudu Tribulation Realm and the Mahayana Realm, if you fail to sneak attack, you will be in trouble next." "

The chattering crowd offered their words and suggestions.

Great Qin Zulong: "Kill the monk behind, search his soul, and learn some Buddhist intelligence." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Then we hide near Gao Laozhuang to observe the situation, there are ten days, we can look for the time hand." "

The government quickly made a decision.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Good! "

Zhang Sanfeng pondered and agreed.

"Hit the whip!"

Relying on the chat group to cover the heavenly machine and breath, Huan Zheng successfully approached the Dragon Lowering Arhat, controlled a black stick, and smashed towards the head of the Falling Dragon Arhat and the golden dragon where he sat.

When the Ji family traded with the Void Emperor, he also traded with some high-level members of the Ji family, obtaining imitations of the God Whip and powerful level magic weapons.

This level of magic weapon can already be controlled to a certain extent with his strength.


The eyes of the golden dragon who descended the dragon Luohan and he sat down, and the Yuan God almost collapsed, his eyes turned white, and he fell directly from the sky,

"Receive!" 4.1

Ying Zheng carefully controlled the quasi-emperor-level magic weapon, and the Great Qin Tianxi included the dragon Luohan and the golden dragon in it, and then shook the two to death.


When Ying Zheng killed the Dragon Lowering Arhat and searched for the soul of the Yuan God of the Dragon Descent Arhat, his face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but burst into foul language.


Huan Zheng flew directly to Zhang Sanfeng's side, directly spatial transfer talisman, and instantly disappeared in place.

"What's going on?"

Everyone who chatted was dumbfounded, tens of thousands of miles away, and Zhang Sanfeng was also confused.

"I originally thought that the monk at the peak of the Yuan God Realm was just an ordinary character in Buddhism, who knew that he was a dragon descending arhat."

Ying Zheng looked helpless and said.

He thought it was a small character who was killed, but it turned out to be a famous arhat in Buddhism.

He no longer knew whether to be happy or to have a headache.

The Dragon Descent Arhat is only the peak of the Yuan God Realm, which means that the strength of the pig gang is probably not so strong, and they can easily deal with it.

It's just that the dragon Arhat was killed, which is to slap the face of Buddhism fiercely in front of the three realms.

Buddhism will certainly take revenge.

Move slower, if the Buddha comes, I am afraid that he will strike and kill them.

Chatting masses: "??? "。

A small character who was killed casually was the Dragon Descending Arhat?.

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