Journey to the West.

Da Tang.

Chang'an City.

"It's a pity, the world level of the Westward Journey Devil Descent World is too low."

Ye Hao strolled around Chang'an City and sighed lightly.

After Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng entered the Westward Journey Devil World, Ye Hao also entered the Westward Journey Devil World, and he watched the scenery of the Westward Journey Devil World while comprehending the Avenue of the Westward Journey Devil World.

As for the behavior of Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng, he did not pay much attention.

He will only strike when Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng encounter a death crisis.

"Ding-dong! You comprehend the Great Sun as the True Sutra. "

"Ding-dong! You comprehend the Heavenly Tao Te Ching. "

"Ding-dong! You comprehend the innate supreme skill. "

Ye Hao's current understanding is only through the rhymes left between heaven and earth by Buddha, Taishang Laojun, Jade Emperor and others, and he comprehends all their techniques.

And, constantly extrapolating these techniques to a higher level.

"Please stay in front of Gongzi, I don't know which family Gongzi is?"

At this moment, a petite maid with a fairly handsome appearance, wearing a blue robe, called out to Ye Hao, her face was crimson, and her eyes were shining at Ye Hao.

"The master of my family is Princess Gaoyang, and I want to invite Gongzi to listen to the Wind Pavilion to drink tea and poetry."

The Qingyi maid was afraid that Ye Hao would refuse, so she quickly explained her intentions.

Just passing by and accidentally seeing Ye Hao's appearance, Princess Gaoyang was stunned.

As for Fang's widow, who had already made a marriage with her, she didn't care at all.

Ye Hao:"".

"Chen Xuanzang's every move is under the gaze of Buddha Rulai."

24 In the small town dozens of miles away from the fishing village before, there are not only Buddha Rulai, but also several Buddha and Bodhisattvas, and three hundred arhats. "

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng and others did not know what happened in Chang'an City, and Zhang Sanfeng was explaining to Zhang Sanfeng the reason for the rapid escape.

He really didn't expect Buddhism to attach so much importance to the Western Heavenly Scriptures.

Not only did the Buddha personally sit in the town, but there were even several Buddha and Bodhisattvas, and three hundred arhats guarded around Chen Xuanzang.

"This Buddhism's strength is also too weak?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned and couldn't help but complain.

The Dragon Arhat turned out to be only the peak of the Yuan God Realm, then the other Arhats in Buddhism, the weaker ones are probably also the Yuan God Realm, and the stronger ones are comparable to the cultivators of the Combined Body Realm at most.

"Above the monk fruit position is the bodhisattva fruit position, and above the bodhisattva fruit position is the Buddha fruit position."

Zheng Zhao analyzed, said.

"Rulai Buddha just stepped into the realm of the immortal path, as the ruler of Buddhism, Rulai Buddha's strength must be the strongest."

"In other words, other Buddhas may also be at the Mahayana level."

"The Bodhisattva Fruit is located below the Buddha Fruit position, and the strength should be above and below the level of the Tribulation Realm."

"Then the realm of the Arhat Fruit is up and down the level of the Combined Body Realm, and the Dragon Descending Arhat only has the strength of the Yuan God Realm level, and it doesn't seem to be unacceptable."

Zheng Zhao shook his head.

"We are too influenced by myths and legends, and subconsciously think that Luohan should also reach the realm of gods."

"The Great Immortal has already told us before that the world's most peak powerhouses such as Buddha and Taishang Laojun have only just stepped into the realm of the Immortal Dao."

"Then it is completely reasonable to come to the lower realms of the Buddha, such as coming to the Buddha to a few great realms."

Yue Buqun sighed lightly, his expression still strange.

Not only did Ying Zheng think that he killed a Buddhist dragon set, but other people in the chat group also believed that Ying Zheng killed a Buddhist dragon set.

Who would have thought that a monk that Ying Zheng casually killed was actually a dragon arhat, a god and Buddha that everyone knew very well.

"That's a quick run."

"In the Journey to the West novel, Buddhism, Taoism, Heavenly Court, demon races and other forces fight, and those who die from beginning to end are demons without background."

"We are killing the Dragon Arhat now, which is a famous existence in the three realms, and in order to protect its face, even if the Buddha does it himself, the old way will not feel any accidents."

Zhang Sanfeng also did not expect that there would be such an accident.

According to their original plan, they killed a Buddhist nobody, and he and Ying Zheng hid, and even if Buddhism chased and killed them, I am afraid that it would not send any strong people.

It's different now!

They directly killed the Dragon Arhat.

If Buddhism does not catch them and put them on trial, I am afraid that its prestige in the three realms will be greatly shaken.

"I hope it doesn't make too many waves."

Ying Zheng's face is extremely complicated.

Tu Luohan!

This is the first time he has killed a god and Buddha-level existence since he joined the chat group, although the strength of this god and Buddha is relatively low, but it is also a real arhat in the Westward Journey Devil World.

It's a nice feeling, but it's also a lot of trouble.

On the one hand, Buddhism will send strong people to hunt them down, which he does not worry about.

He feared that Buddhism would strengthen its protection of the Western Heavenly Scripture Group.

If he knew that the previous monk was a dragon descending arhat, he would probably flee directly with Zhang Sanfeng and kill the other party.

"Dragon Arhat is dead?"

"Or is it gone?"

At the moment when the Dragon Arhat was killed by the Zhengzheng Zhen, the smiling expression on Buddha Rulai's face instantly froze, and the incomparable coldness seemed to freeze the heavens and the earth.

Buddhism, Taoism, Heavenly Court and other forces have always had no shortage of open and secret battles, but the immortal Buddhas who died are all strong people secretly cultivated by various forces.

Even if you do it to the immortal Buddha on the bright side, it is through the setting of the game.

For example, let a certain arhat bodhisattva violate Buddhist precepts in front of a large audience.

Or let a certain immortal official of the Heavenly Court fall in love with mortals and violate the Heavenly Rule.

Or secretly manipulate a demon clan to break through the Daoist system of a certain Taoist monk.

However, no matter what kind of set-up, at most, it is only to let the other party reincarnate, never kill it all, let the other party's soul scatter and die completely.

"Did the Taoist do it?"

For example, Buddha was a little hesitant.

Taishang Laojun would not be so stupid, and letting the dragon arhat disappear was simply equivalent to declaring war with Buddhism.

After this Western Heavenly Tribulation, although Buddhism will flourish, even if Buddhism flourishes, it only means that Buddhism will become a super power comparable to Taoism in the future.

For the strong people at the level of Taishang Laojun, it is said that even if Buddhism becomes a super power comparable to Taoism, it will not affect the other party's status in the three realms.

There is no need for Taishang Laojun to break the net.

"However, apart from Taishang Laojun, who can cover up the heavenly machine and conceal my deduction?"

For example, Buddha thought of another possible figure.

Jade emperor. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Jade Emperor was the titularly most powerful person in the Three Realms and one of the oldest gods.

This master of the three realms, who was deeply scheming and constantly plotting in secret, might also reach the height of him and Taishang Laojun.

"Let Maitreya Buddha, Medicine Buddha, and Ancient Buddha lead the ten great bodhisattvas and three thousand arhats to pursue the murderer in the three realms."

Rulai Buddha said coldly.

"What? Was the dragon Arhat killed, or was his soul scattered? "

"Who is so bold as to dare to kill a Buddhist person?"

"Now Buddhism is angry, and it is too terrifying to send out three Buddhas, ten great bodhisattvas, and three thousand arhats."

"It won't be a Taoist hand, right? Is there going to be a war of the Three Realms? "

The movement of the Buddha Gate is too great, plus there is no shortage of strong people in the three realms who can deduce the heavenly machine.

After the dragon Luohan was killed, many strong people were shocked.

Although the strength of the Dragon Lowering Arhat is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

However, if the dragon Arhat is killed, the waves may affect them.

Three Realms War!

This was a terrifying conjecture that suddenly popped up in the minds of many top powerhouses of the Three Realms.

Every time a war broke out in the past, I don't know how many top powerhouses fell into it.

Except for a few people in the entire three realms, they can be calm and calm.

Others would probably be silent whenever they mentioned the Three Realms War, because their lives could fall in a certain battle at any time.

"Who did it?"

The top powerhouses of the three realms, such as Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor, also deduced the murderer at the first time, and as a result, they found that the heavenly machine was blank.

This is something that has never happened before.

"Search for the murderer."

The powerhouses of the three realms, such as Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor, also sent people to search for the whereabouts of Huan Zheng and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Meet Guanyin."

The Great Tang Chang'an City was naturally the focus of the search, and Guanyin Bodhisattva personally descended to Chang'an City to directly reveal the Dharma phase.

The majestic and sacred, kind and benevolent Dharma phase, blooming with endless light 230 radiance, like a god and demon, sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, the divine mind scanned every corner of Chang'an City.

Countless people, princes and nobles knelt on the ground, and even Emperor Li Shimin bowed down to pay respects, not daring to look directly.

"Bold demon, dare to kill the dragon Luohan and return to Lingshan with me."

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw Ye Hao, who was standing still and speechless in the crowd, with a cold face, and scolded.

He found that he couldn't see through Ye Hao's strength, and he had never seen Ye Hao.

Regardless of whether Ye Hao is a murderer or not, button up your hat first.

Although she is a bodhisattva, her strength is not weaker than that of the Buddha at all, and he can't see through Ye Hao, which shows that Ye Hao's strength should also be at the Buddha level.

This strange strong man will either submit to Buddhism or become the target of Buddhism's anger.

Killing a Mahayana realm-level cultivator is enough to calm the negative impact of the death of the dragon Arhat on Buddhism.

"Are you sure you want to arrest me?"

Ye Hao asked rhetorically.

With the task limit of the chat group, he is not good at interfering in the group mission, but it does not mean that he cannot make a move in the Journey to the West Demon World.

"Kneel down, he is Guanyin Bodhisattva."

Princess Gaoyang, who was kneeling on the side and trembling, whispered to Ye Hao and said.

The handkerchief she gave to the other party, but the other party has not yet taken it.

Such a handsome son, not only looks super good, but also has a lot of courage, it's a pity to die.

She also plans to have a romantic affair before marrying Fang's bereavement.


Guanyin Bodhisattva snorted coldly, the jade clean bottle in his hand was brilliant, and the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Ye Hao, as if it had turned into a black hole, able to swallow the heavens and the earth.

He was not worried that he would not be able to defeat Ye Hao, and the stronger Ye Hao's strength was, the better, and he happened to be the object of Buddhism.

Once Ye Hao and him made a move, the great powers of the three realms would detect it at the first time.

If you come, the Buddha will definitely come in the first place.

Now it is the Western Heavenly Tribulation, and with the blessing of the Tribulation, even the Taishang Laojun does not dare to confront the Buddha Rulai, who is now the first strong person in the three realms, and there is no one who cannot be solved by the Buddha.

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