"If that's the case, you can do something to the weird immortal emperor who is not in the weird plateau."

Relying on the particularity of the prefecture, Ye Hao instantly had a clear insight into the location of the ten strange immortal emperors.

There were five weird immortal emperors in the weird plateau, and the other five weird immortal emperors, except for the one weird immortal emperor he had refined before, the other four weird immortal emperors were sitting in the weird soil closer to the heavens, ready to attack the heavens again.

The method of the weird race is very simple, they just plan to slowly consume the heavens.

And, through constant battles with the heavens, hone the army of strange races.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao descended silently into the depths of a dark universe, and instantly refined a strange Immortal Emperor of the advanced level of an Immortal Emperor.

Without any stopping, Ye Hao refined the other three weird immortal emperors who were not in the weird plateau.

"Call out the other five weird immortal emperors as well."

Ye Hao gave an order to a strange immortal emperor called the Blood Emperor.

The weird plateau gave birth to its own will, and has power beyond the level of the sacrificial realm, and the power of the prefecture is difficult to affect the weird plateau.

"Is there a change in the heavens?"

The five weird immortal emperors of the weird plateau did not have any surprises after receiving the news of the blood emperor.

Since the war with the heavens, all ten of them have often gone out in full.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

The moment the five strange immortal emperors stepped out of the strange plateau, Ye Hao used his divine powers to plant a reincarnation seal in the depths of their Yuan God.

In today's weird plateau, except for the ten weird ancestors, most of the high-level of the weird family has been controlled by them.

"The next time I enter the perfect world, it will be when the weird plateau will collapse." "One, four, three"

Unless the ten weird ancestors were introduced into the prefecture, otherwise, Ye Hao's strength could not defeat the ten weird ancestors even with the blessing of the prefecture.

"If I leave the Perfect Great World, and the strange ancestor discovers the strange state of the Earth Mansion and attacks the Earth Mansion, it will be troublesome."

Only when he sits in the prefecture can he suppress a sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse.

Once he left, relying only on the operation of the prefecture itself, there would be no problem in suppressing the Immortal Emperor.

However, it couldn't stop the sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse at all.

The powerhouse of the sacrificial Dao realm is the ultimate realm reached by sacrificing the supreme avenue, burning the rules and order, destroying the ancient and modern future, and the ultimate realm reached by the Immortal Emperor after his extreme sublimation, the final culmination of all evolutionary paths so far.

"You can canonize the Ten Temples Yan Luo, and when I am away, the Ten Temples Yan Luo join forces to have the authority to mobilize the power of the prefecture."

Ye Hao quickly thought of a proper method.

It is completely impossible for the doppelganger to stay in the perfect world.

He now only has two doppelgangers, plus the body, there are only three people.

The body is in the great world, and it must not be easily dispatched.

The other doppelganger is dormant in the underground mansion of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, ready to control the underground mansion of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe at any time.

And this doppelganger is to perform group tasks.

"The candidates of the Ten Temples Yan Luo will tentatively determine the Ten Murderers of the Taikoo."

Ye Hao just moved his heart, and ten figures appeared in front of him.

True Dragon, Phoenix, Kunpeng, Qilin, Celestial Horned Ant, Divine Clam, Divine Stone, Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, Nine Ghost Beast, and Thunder Emperor.

Previously, when Ye Hao resurrected the Immortal King of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he only resurrected some of the Ancient Ten Fiercers.

Because, some of the Ancient Ten Murderers completely fell and did not leave an obsession.

It's different now.

He already had the combat power of the Sacrificial Dao Realm, and even if he completely fell, Ye Hao could reflect them.

In addition, Ye Hao was the lord of the prefecture, and he easily resurrected them to their peak state.

"Meet the seniors~"

The True Dragon King, the Old Heavenly Horned Ant, and the others quickly bowed down and worshiped.

"Meet the seniors~"

The Ancient Ten Murderers, who were resurrected after the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass and the Nine Ghost Beasts, also instantly understood who resurrected them, and after seeing the actions of the True Dragon King and the Old Heavenly Horned Ant, they also quickly followed the ginseng.

"This is the reincarnation of the prefecture I established, and I plan to select ten people to serve as the ten temple Yan Luo, and there are exactly ten of you Taikoo Ten Murderers, so I want to ask your opinion?"

Ye Hao explained.

"I do~"

The True Dragon King, Tianjiao Ant, and Kunpeng agreed without any hesitation.

Ye Hao not only resurrected them, but also resurrected their heirs, such a great favor, as long as Ye Hao opened his mouth, they were willing to give their lives to Ye Hao at any time.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll explain to you the duties of the Ten Temples Yan Luo first."

"The Ten Temples Yan Luo needs to maintain the normal operation of the Earth Mansion, and I will leave this world for a period of time, it may be a few years, it may be several epochs, it may be hundreds of millions of years, or even longer."

"Before I return to the prefecture, the ten temples of Yan Luo must stay in the prefecture and cannot leave the prefecture."

The Ten Temples Yan Luo are in the prefecture, because, with the authority granted by him, the ten people join forces, as long as the strange ancestor dares to enter the prefecture, they can suppress them.

However, once the Ten Temples Yan Luo left the prefecture, the power they could mobilize was too small, and their combat power could only reach the level of ordinary immortal emperors.

If a certain Yan Luo is killed by the strange ancestor, then without the ten Yan Luo joining forces, it is impossible to mobilize all the forces of the prefecture, and the prefecture is likely to be attacked by the prefecture.

"I do."

Without any hesitation, the old horned ant agreed.

When he traded with Ye Hao before, he was trading the Immortal Emperor-level Heavenly Horned Ant Treasure Art.

He still owed Ye Hao an Immortal Emperor Weapon.

The old Heavenly Horned Ant also knows his talent, with the Immortal Emperor-level Heavenly Horned Ant Treasure Art, there are still some possibilities to become a quasi-Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Emperor is not possible.

However, even if he becomes a quasi-immortal emperor, I am afraid that it will take several epochs.

The horned ants are not sure of living for several epochs.

Now entering the prefecture opened by Ye Hao, this is definitely a safe place.

In addition to maintaining the normal reincarnation of the prefecture, he could use other times to cultivate.

Such a stable cultivation environment, he couldn't ask for it.

"Senior, I am also willing!"

"Senior, I am also willing!"

"Thank you seniors for your love, before seniors come back, I will definitely make the Ten Temples Yan Luo."

The ten murderers who had traded with Ye Hao for the Immortal Emperor-level Ten Fierce Treasure Art all agreed.

"Senior, I am also willing!"

"Senior, don't say a few eras, it's hundreds of eras, I will also wait for the return of seniors."

"Senior, can our doppelganger leave the prefecture temporarily?"

The other Taikoo Ten Murderers did not refuse, they were not fools.

This existence that can easily resurrect them, even the True Dragon King honestly bows his head, and the figure is extremely respectful, it is likely to be the legendary emperor.

Coupled with Ye Hao's grace of life, they are willing to honestly do a good job of the Ten Temples Yan Luo.

"Whether it is the body or the doppelganger, all of them cannot leave the prefecture."

Ye Hao denied it without hesitation.

In case the weird ancestors used primordial black blood, or other primordial blood to contaminate their doppelganger, it was likely to implicate the body.

"I will open a great universe in the prefecture, and you can bring your heirs and relatives and friends into this great universe."

"You can also let your friends into this big universe, but there is one point, you can't go out."

Ye Hao was not unkind.

As long as Yan Luo of the Ten Halls did not leave the prefecture, no matter who it was, entered the prefecture, Ye Hao did not care.

"Thank you senior, wait for the objection."

The True Dragon King, Kunpeng, Lao Tianjiao Ant, and the others glanced at each other and bowed towards Ye Hao.

The True Dragon King, the Old Heavenly Horned Ant and the others knew the horror of the strange race, and if their heirs could also enter the prefecture, it would be equivalent to having an incomparably safe place to live.

Not to mention a few epochs, stay for hundreds of epochs, they are also willing to ah.

"I'll tell you about the situation in the prefecture now."

"I give you the position of Ten Temples Yan Luo, and you will be recognized by the Supreme Origin of the Earth Mansion, and ten people joining forces will be able to mobilize the power of the Earth Origin Origin."

"Once you mobilize the origin power of the prefecture, even if the strange ancestor enters the prefecture, you will be able to easily suppress the seal."

"As long as you don't leave the hell, no one in the whole world can threaten your safety."

In the perfect world, only the ten strange ancestors can threaten the security of the prefecture.

"Gollum~" (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

The True Dragon King, the Old Heavenly Horned Ant, and others knew the ten fierce ancestors of the strange ancestor, their pupils shrank sharply, their bodies trembled, and they looked at Ye Hao with a shocked and shocked face.

After becoming a Ten Temples Yan Luo, he was able to suppress the strange ancestor, wouldn't it mean that he could mobilize the power beyond the level of the sacrificial realm?

It's also too scary!

"What is the weird ancestor?"

The Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, the Nine Ghost Beast, and other Taikoo Ten Fierce who had just been resurrected were a little puzzled.

"This is intelligence about the weird family."

The True Dragon King stretched out his hand, and a divine light flew towards the Nine Leaf Sword Grass, the Nine Ghost Beast, and the others.

In the divine light, there is not only the intelligence of the strange race, but also the information that happened in the great world of the heavens after their resurrection.

"What level of powerhouse is the senior?"

The Ancient Ten Murderers such as the True Dragon King and the Old Heavenly Horned Ant, as well as the Ancient Ten Murderers such as the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass and the Nine Ghost Beasts who digested the information, all looked at Ye Hao with great reverence.

At the same time, their hearts are extremely grateful.

The strongest among them is the True Dragon King, which is only at the level of the Absolute Immortal King.

The other Ancient Ten Murderers are only quasi-immortal kings, they only have the body of immortal kings, and they can compete with ordinary immortal kings with the help of natural divine arts.

Now that he has become a ten-hall Yan Luo, he can mobilize power beyond the level of the sacrificial path, and this span is too great.

Immortal King Body, Ordinary Immortal King, Absolute Immortal King, Immortal King Giant, Immortal King Supreme Giant, Emperor Light Immortal King.

The Immortal King Realm alone had five huge thresholds for them.

Not to mention, above the Immortal King, there is also the Quasi-Immortal Emperor realm, and above the Quasi-Immortal Emperor realm, there is also the Immortal Emperor realm.

Above the Immortal Emperor realm, there is also the realm of sacrificial paths.

And now they can mobilize the power beyond the level of the sacrificial path, how is this against the sky?

"Senior, rest assured, we will definitely be optimistic about the prefecture and not let any problems occur in the prefecture."

All ten murderers stood straight, their expressions excited, and solemnly assured.

Once Ye Hao said the benefits of becoming a Ten Temples Yan Luo, let alone the Immortal King, it was the quasi-Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor, and even the powerhouses of the Sacrificial Dao Realm.

If you don't want to become a Ten Temples Yan Luo, you are simply stupid as a pig.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Ye Hao nodded in satisfaction and began to give the Taikoo Ten Murderers permission to control the origin of the prefecture.

One after another, the divine light composed of endless avenue runes fell into the body of the Taikoo Ten Fierce Spirits.

"My whole person is cracked, what a great chance for the Ancient Ten Fierces!"

In the main god space, Zheng Yu looked at the Taikoo Ten Murderers who became the Ten Temples Yan Luo, and the whole person was envious and jealous with his face twisted.

One step to heaven!

A real step to the sky!

From the quasi-immortal emperor and the supreme immortal king, they actually directly have the great power to suppress the sacrificial Dao-level strange ancestor, which is simply an ant transforming into a real dragon.

"Me! The old man dared to say that the reason why the Taikoo Ten Murderers were able to become the Ten Temples Yan Luo was definitely not their talent, nor was their strength recognized by the Great Immortal. "

"It's definitely their combination of the Ancient Ten Murderers, which just matches with Shidian Yan Luo."

The hero looked hideous, jealous and hysterical.

If he could become one of the ten temples of the Perfect Great World, he was willing to exchange the place in the chat group.

It has the power above the sacrificial path!

Even if he relied on the chat group and cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, whether he could cultivate to the realm of the Immortal King, he was not sure at all, let alone the realm above.

"I agree more, MD! This ancient ten murderers are shit luck. "

For the first time, Xiongba 2 agreed with Xiongba's point of view, and his jealous eyes were red and glowing with envy. 1.7

Which Immortal King of Willow God, Six Realms of Reincarnation Immortal King, and Endless Immortal King is not higher than the Taikoo Ten Fierce Immortals?

The talent of the Dao Ancestor and the Immortal Emperor in the heavens, which one does not crush the Taikoo Ten Fierce?

As a result, the Taikoo Ten Murderers relied on their own special combination, and the Taikoo Ten Murderers just corresponded to the Ten Temples Yan Luo and became the lucky ones.

"In that case, you should adapt to the prefecture."

Ye Hao instructed the Taikoo Ten Fierce words, and the figure disappeared in place.

Now with the power of the prefecture, he can descend to almost any place in the Perfect World, and he can also sense the situation in almost any territory of the Perfect World.

Therefore, he intends to collect the resources of the Perfect Great World again.

A pool opens up real water.

The true water before the opening of the heavens and the earth, only a small amount in that era, will not be found in later generations, the strongest treasure of water attributes.

A pool of primordial mother gold liquid.

Generally, before the opening of the heaven and earth, once the big heaven and earth, the big world, and the big universe are formed, this substance cannot be reproduced, because they have already solidified and fixed. The interior contains various patterns before the opening of the sky, which can cultivate supreme weapons, representing the ultimate metallic.

One after another, the mountain-sized Heavenly Blood Mother Gold, Starry Sky Mother Gold, Zifu Mother Gold, Time Mother Gold, Original Mother Gold, Xuanhuang Mother Gold, and Dark Mother Gold, Ye Hao directly collected all the mother gold of all attributes.

This is the supreme material that can refine supreme weapons.

Chaos Spirit Root, Seven Treasures Ancient Tree.

Chaos Spirit Root, Heavenly Xuan Ancient Tree.

Chaos Spirit Root, Innate Gourd Vine.

Ye Hao entered the perfect world this time, and his strength not only skyrocketed, but he also became rich.

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