The boundless universe.

The Eternal Continent.

"Sure enough, the harvest in the advanced world is even greater."

Ye Hao's body was sorting out the harvest of the doppelganger in the perfect world, personally planting a plant of immortal elixir spirit root, chaos spirit root and other supreme elixirs, and his face couldn't help but show a strong smile.

For absolute safety, no matter what happens, the ontology either stays in the big world or in the world where the group members are.

As for the Perfect Great World, the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and other advanced worlds that exist stronger than him, the ontology will not set foot at all.

Before, it was a bit boring.

Every day, in addition to in-depth communication with Luna God, Tian Yan, Xiaomeng and others, it is to take them to play in the lower plane of the great world.

However, after entering the doppelganger to perform group missions and entering the Big Dipper Star Domain, and the Perfect World, the main body began to get busy.

In addition to playing every day, he also planted various divine medicines and elixirs, and cultivated various divine beasts and fairy beasts.

"Although almost all the elixirs have no effect on me, it is still extremely satisfying to look at the immortal immortal roots and chaos spirit roots planted everywhere."

At this time, the Eternal Continent has become a supreme cave blessed place under the creation of trillions of demons, as well as corpse immortal emperors, four dark quasi-immortal emperors, and tens of millions of dark immortal kings.

The rivers in the Eternal Continent are either Taiyin Divine Water, or Spiritual Qi Liquid Formation, or Yellow Spring Water and other Spiritual Water Divine Water.

The mountain range is not a sacred mountain, spitting chaotic air currents, there are all kinds of 01 immortal beasts and beasts living in it, and even a grass and tree above is a elixir level existence.

Even the earth is the earth of all things, and the five-colored earth and so on can be called the supreme treasure of heaven and earth in the perfect world.

There is no ordinary life in the entire Eternal Continent.

And the territory of the Eternal Continent is also hundreds of millions of times larger than before, even if the entire Great Thousand World is very small compared to the Eternal Continent.

"You can't just cultivate immortal medicine and elixirs, you should also breed some immortal beasts and exotic beasts."

Ye Hao's body raised this thought, and the doppelganger began to act.

Colorful peacocks.

Nine-headed golden eagle.

Heaven-swallowing turtle.

Golden Crow.

Beast of Time.

And many other super beasts.

Even the Taikoo Ten Fierce Ye Hao raised a lot.

Among the nine heavens and ten lands, the number of descendants of the Ancient Ten Fierce Spirits may be very rare.

However, if you put it in the Great World of the Heavens, the heavens, the strange land, it is still very easy to catch tens of thousands of true dragons, phoenixes, and kunpeng.

Especially in the heavens, many super races are bred.

Sacred Peacock Clan.

Twelve Colored Divine Deer Clan.

Canopy tribe.

Bright Clan.

Skywing Clan.

Heaven Devouring God Beast Clan.

Nine Tribulation Immortal Birds.

These races at least have strong people comparable to the level of immortal kings, and some even super races even have quasi-immortal emperors sitting in town.

Ye Hao did not directly catch it, but directly exuded a trace of the aura of the level of the sacrificial realm, telling these super races that he planned to raise some exotic beasts.

Even if there is the Guangming clan where the Emperor Light Immortal King sits, and the Nine Tribulations Immortal Bird clan where the Quasi-Immortal Emperor sits, they are extremely enthusiastic.

Even that Emperor Light Immortal King level Bright Clan ancestor, the ancestor of the Nine Tribulations Immortal Bird Clan, all wanted to become the rare beasts raised by Ye Hao.

Ye Hao did not have any accidents.

In the burial domain, the chickens raised by the Emperor Guangxian King were able to breed a group of phoenixes, not to mention him who had reached the level of sacrifice.

These super races that Ye Hao favored are very clear, and if they become a rare beast bred by a sacrificial-level powerhouse, it may be a bit of a loss of face.

However, it is only a loss of face behind the scenes.

They will get huge benefits from Ye Hao, after all, how can the strength of the rare beasts cultivated at the level of the Dao Realm be ordinary?

The cultivated exotic beasts have reached the Immortal Emperor Realm, which may be a bit exaggerated.

However, there should be no difficulty in reaching the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level.

When their race becomes stronger, the super races of the heavens must also be respectful and prostrate at their feet in front of these rare beasts.

In this world, the eternal rule is that the strong are honored.

If they become immortal kings, become quasi-immortal emperors, become immortal emperors, even if they are pets and mounts, the many evolutionary civilizations of the heavens must bow their heads in front of them.

"I don't know when I will be able to enter the Perfect Great World next time, some places of creation, as well as special scenery, have also been moved to the Eternal Continent."

After having a combat power comparable to the Sacrificial Dao Realm, Ye Hao didn't say that moving a continent was moving a complete large universe, which was also a very easy thing.

Especially in the heavens, some ownerless creation lands are Ye Hao's goal.

Although the level of the fairy world where his other doppelganger is located is higher than the perfect world.

However, he didn't set foot in too many places.

And the heavens are the most prosperous and brilliant big world that he really touches.

Among them, there are more places of creation, as well as the fairy land formed by heaven and earth, Ye Hao likes it very much.

Since he liked it and was ownerless, Ye Hao naturally had no scruples and moved them all to the Eternal Continent.

"In the future, a world of the level of the Journey to the West Devil World will be of little value to me."

Ye Hao looked at the tens of thousands of immortal medicine immortal roots and chaos spirit roots in the Immortal Medicine Courtyard, and shook his head slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The heavens and great worlds of the perfect world, even if there is no immortal king sitting in each world, there are real immortals sitting in the town.

The level of the big world of either side is far above the Journey to the West Devil World.

With the assistance of reincarnation, Ye Hao directly obtained a huge amount of heavenly materials and earth treasures, immortal medicine and elixirs from the Great World of the Heavens, the Heavens, and the Strange Land.

Even if the top heavenly material and earth treasure in the Journey to the West Devil World, the elixir and Ye Hao's harvest in the Perfect Great World were insignificant.

The things that have a little value to Ye Hao in the Journey to the West Devil World may be the peach tree, ginseng fruit tree, and other heaven and earth spirit roots.

Ye Hao could integrate these Heaven and Earth Spirit Roots from different worlds into the Chaos Spirit Roots he had harvested in the Perfect Great World.

Like the peach tree, it can be integrated into the Chaos Peach Tree, increasing the origin and potential of the Chaos Peach Tree.

Like ginseng fruit trees, it can be integrated into the sky with the same name, reaching the level of immortal emperor ginseng fruit trees.

As for the others, even the top powerhouses such as Buddha and Taishang Laojun were incomparably small in front of Ye Hao.

Before entering the Perfect World, Ye Hao was slightly interested in them.

Now, the Buddha of the Journey to the Demon World and the Taishang Laojun were too weak in front of them.

"In the future, the ordinary advanced world will have no value to me."

"Perhaps the next focus will be on the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe."

Ye Hao secretly calculated.

In the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, Buddha Rulai is a saint-level powerhouse.

Moreover, according to the many quasi-saint memories he refined, saints were divided into three levels, saints, heavenly saints, and chaos great saints.

Although he is now the peak of the Black Hole Realm, his combat power is only equivalent to that of ordinary Heavenly Saints.

In the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, there are too many magic weapons that make his eyes hot, as well as the Heaven and Earth Spirit Root.

When Ye Hao's body was thinking about the next development focus, the doppelganger action of the Perfect Great World did not stop at all.

The heavenly materials and earth treasures of the perfect big world, there are too many supreme materials, if you bring more back, it is really a trip for nothing.

Especially the territory of the strange land, many spiritual veins, mineral veins, and creation places were directly uprooted by Ye Hao.

"Submit a party task."

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly stopped moving and communicated with the chat group. 967

There is only one minute left until the end of the group mission.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on completing the mission and rewarding 500 billion points. "

The prompt of the group system sounds.

"What a pity!"

Ye Hao listened to the prompt tone of the group system, and he was extremely sorry.

The mission of the group is to calm the life forbidden area of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and the top life forbidden area among the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands only involves an Immortal King giant.

If it weren't for the fact that the scope of the group mission was limited to nine heavens and ten lands, the life forbidden area that Ye Hao submitted the task would at least be the ultimate ancient land.

"Buy a Premium Enlightenment Card!"

Ye Hao shook his head slightly, no longer thinking about it.

"Ding-dong! You buy 5,000 Premium Enlightenment Cards. "


Although Ye Hao's understanding has now been incomparably against the sky, as the realm improves, the requirements for understanding are getting higher and higher.

Moreover, no matter how anti-heavenly the understanding is, for Ye Hao, there are only benefits and no harms.


Ye Hao's words fell, and the whole person fell into a state of enlightenment, he is the avenue, the avenue is him, and there is no obstacle to the transition between the two.

In other words, the state of enlightenment, which can be called the supreme opportunity in the eyes of others, has become Ye Hao's norm.

Ye Hao didn't need to pay any attention, and his ordinary state remained in the state of enlightenment.

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators complete a ten-star group mission, and the chat group opens up new functions. "

At this moment, the group tone sounded again.

"Chat groups with new features?"

The chatting masses were looking at the immortal medicine immortal root that flew down to Ye Hao's side like a violent storm, listening to the prompt tone of the chat group, and their spirits were shocked.

The last time the chat group opened a new function, it was still to open the points mall, which brought a lot of benefits to everyone.

Will the new features opened this time bring them great benefits?

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