"Daxian is always dripping gods, and has successfully opened a new function of chat groups."

Yue Buqun sent the horse fart at the first time, and he couldn't wait to worship Ye Hao.

At the same time, my heart is even more envious.

According to the last time Ye Hao opened the function of the points mall, Ye Hao may get a special permission to open the new function of the chat group.

"I don't know what special function it is, if the newly added function can use points to improve the strength of immortal cultivation."

Xiongba No. 2 is extremely eager, Dao.

Having experienced using points to improve the realm of martial arts, he certainly hopes to use points to improve the realm of immortal cultivation.

Unfortunately, the chat group they are in is a martial arts chat group.

Although today's martial arts chat group, in his eyes, there is no longer any shadow of martial arts.

If it is renamed Xiuxian Chat Group, it is not a problem at all.

Even more in line with the current situation of the chat masses than the martial arts chat group.

Even without considering the Great Immortal, some of the strength of the other group members has reached the Jiedan Realm, and some have even reached the Yuan Infant Realm.

"I'm afraid you're dreaming, the chat group has been upgraded so many times, and it has never changed the martial arts attributes."

"No matter what world the invited group members come from, they will at least be kung fu and related to martial arts."

Xiongba sneered.

Hsiungba 2 is a complete dream.

"Hopefully, the new additions are friendly enough for newcomers."

Ninth Uncle prayed secretly.

Whether these newcomers are strong or have points, the gap between them and the old people in the chat group is too big.

The only advantage may be that the level of the world they are in is much higher than the level of the world where the old people in the chat group are located.

It's just that this advantage is only temporary.

After all, the mission page is now releasing group tasks one after another, and the first group task is the group mission of Journey to the West.

The Journey to the West Devil World is a very weak world in Ye Hao's eyes.

However, in the eyes of the chatting masses, the Westward Journey to the Devil World is still a very advanced world with great danger.

If you are not cautious enough, your life may be in danger.

"New feature 1: The time flow rate of the world where the group members are located, the chat group is no longer controlled, and the free time flow rate will be restored."

Ye Hao's attention is also focused on the new functions of the chat group.

"Daxian, what does it mean that the chat group resumes the free time flow rate?"

Bai Xiaofei quickly scanned the introduction of the newly added group function, and was a little unsure.

The rest of the chat group also carefully read the introduction of the new feature several times, frowning.

They feel like they've read the introduction of a new feature as if they don't understand anything.

"This so-called new addition is actually a restriction that was released before."

"The time flow rate of many worlds in the heavens and realms is different, some worlds have passed 10,000 years, and some worlds may only pass one minute."

"Previously, there were restrictions on chat groups, and whether it was the world where the group members were in or the world where the group mission was located, the time flow rate was the same."

Ye Hao, as a chat group administrator, obtained more information, and naturally understood the meaning of the newly added functions.

"To give you a simple example, the previous chat group, the world where Yue Buqun is located has been in the past twelve hours, and the world where Bai Xiaofei is located is also the past twelve worlds."

"The world time of the group members is synchronized."

"After the chat group relaxes the time limit, Yue Buqun's world has passed a day, and Bai Xiaofei's world may have passed a month, and the time difference may be even greater than this."

Ye Hao explained in detail.

This is also one of the responsibilities of being a chat group administrator.

Chat group administrators enjoy so many special permissions, and naturally there are also responsibilities that chat group administrators need to bear.


The chattering masses were shocked and extremely apprehensive.

After Ye Hao's explanation, the chat masses also understood the meaning of restoring the free flow rate of time.

This is good news and bad news, and it's all about luck.

If you live in a world where time flows faster, the benefits are enormous.

If one's own world has passed a month, the other group members' worlds have only passed one day.

Then he had been cultivating for nearly a month more than the other group members, which was a thirty-fold time gap.

If this time difference is maintained, then the gap in strength between the two sides will probably increase.

After all, he had nearly thirty times more time to cultivate than the other group members.

On the contrary, the disadvantages are enormous.

"I don't know if there is any rule, the lower the world level, the faster the flow of time?"

Liu Peiqiang was looking forward to it and said.

The wandering earth world he is in is almost the lowest level in the world where the group members are located.

If he is in the world with the fastest flow of time, it may not be long before he can surpass Yingzheng and become the strongest group member of the chat group.

"Maybe the higher the world level, the faster the flow of time?"

Zheng Zhao is also extremely looking forward to it.

He is a newcomer to the chat group, and the strength gap between him and the old man in the chat group is huge.

In the case of immortal cultivation exercises and life-prolonging elixirs in the points mall, he was not afraid of the fast flow of time in his world.

Even if his own world has passed a thousand years, and the world where the other group members are located has only passed a day, he does not have any worries.

As the immortal cultivation resources uploaded by Ye Hao in the points mall became more and more top-notch, the chat masses did not have much doubt about whether they could become immortals and be immortal.

As long as you have enough points, it is absolutely very simple to become a god and immortal in the future.

"There is no pattern in the flow of time, maybe today your world has passed a month, his world has passed a day, and then, your world has passed one day, and his world has passed another month."

Ye Hao did not let the chattering masses guess indiscriminately, and directly said the result.

The so-called heavens and realms of the chat group are different from the heavens and realms of the perfect world.

The Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms of the chat group are completely different big worlds from one side to another, and even if the cultivators of the Perfect Great World cultivate to the top of the sacrificial path and reach the peak of the world, they will not be able to contact other worlds.

And the heavens and realms of the perfect big world, after cultivating to the realm of the immortal king, they can forcibly tear the cosmic barrier and enter other universes.

"This law is good, as long as it is not too unlucky, the time flow rate of the world you are in cannot be very slow all the time."

The chat masses were most satisfied with this result.

Whether it was Liu Peiqiang's speculation or Zheng Zhao's speculation before, some group members were very dissatisfied.

Just like Liu Peiqiang's speculation, the lower the world level, the faster the world flow.

Then Liu Peiqiang, Ip Man, Gao Yao, these group members from the lower world, wouldn't the strength quickly crush the strength of the group members from the higher level world.

No matter how hard the group members from the higher worlds try, I am afraid that they will not be able to surpass the former.

Because the time flow is fast, not only can you cultivate more time, I am afraid that you can also receive more group tasks.

"'Since there is new feature one, is there still new feature two?'"

However, Zhang Sanfeng's doubts instantly made the chat crowd come back to their senses, and their attention was all on the chat group. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The impact of this feature of letting go of time limits is absolutely huge.

If Liu Peiqiang's world time flow rate suddenly accelerates, not to say too much, Liu Peiqiang's world has been in the past year, and the world where other group members are located has passed one day.

Then Liu Peiqiang's strength will probably crush other group members.

Because even the first group members to enter the chat group, they have not been invited to join the chat group for less than a year.

The sudden acceleration of the time flow rate of the wandering earth world was equivalent to Liu Peiqiang joining the chat group for one more year than them.

What a concept is this.

Even if this year, Liu Peiqiang performs group tasks, Daxian will no longer participate.

However, Liu Peiqiang's current strength is no longer what it used to be.

Liu Peiqiang himself said that he was the strength of the Jiedan Realm, but he did not see Liu Peiqiang with his own eyes, who knows what strength Liu Peiqiang has reached?

Maybe he has secretly broken through to the Yuan Infant Realm.

Nowadays, in the world where the group members are located, after the time flow rate is restored to freedom, I am afraid that chat groups will often appear, and the strength of a certain group member will suddenly explode.

In his own cognition, he may have passed a day, while other group members may have passed half a year, or even a year.

That is to say, even if different group members do not contact one minute, when they contact again the next minute, they can no longer look at each other with their original eyes.

"There will definitely be new features, otherwise there is no need for chat groups to mark new feature one."

"The last time the chat group turned on the points mall function, I remember very clearly, and it did not indicate the new function one."

Xia Houwei was extremely affirmative.

"The first added feature has such a big impact on chat groups, I wonder what the second new feature will be?"

Qiao Feng couldn't help but say.

Obviously, he and the other group members have the same guess, except for the newly added function of restoring freedom to the time flow speed of the world where the group member is located, there is definitely at least one new added function.

Moreover, this function is probably not simple.

Because, this time the group task opened by the chat group, the trigger condition is that Daxian completes a ten-star group task winter.

In other words, this time the new function added to the chat group, the trigger condition is to complete a ten-star group task.

Ye Hao calmed the life forbidden area this time, but it involved the powerhouse of the Immortal King realm.

When it comes to such a supreme powerhouse, wouldn't it be easy to open up new features in chat groups.

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