The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the trees are red, the insects and birds are chirping.

The Wudang Sect has a beautiful scenery.

At this time, the back mountain of the Wudang faction, the atmosphere was extremely strange.

"Hiccup~", "Hiccup~", "Hiccup~"...

Someone just overwhelmed with grief, the crying suddenly stopped, and the body still made some uncontrolled strange screams.

"It's okay, everyone disperse~"

Song Yuanqiao quickly wiped the tears on his face with an embroidered robe, his face was expressionless, his voice was hoarse, and he said.

Zhang Sanfeng jumped a few feet tall, his body was better than him, and he should be fine.

"Remember to inform the third junior brother that the master is okay here."

Song Yuanqiao added.

Soon, a group of Wudang Sect disciples left with strange faces, leaving only Song Yuanqiao, Zhang Songxi, Yin Liting and Mo Shenggu, four disciples of Zhang Sanfeng.

"Yuanqiao, you guys are here~"

The excitement on Zhang Sanfeng's face froze, and he laughed dryly, obviously he roughly guessed what had just happened.

"Master, it's fine if you're okay."

Song Yuanqiao breathed a sigh of relief, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

The other three also smiled.

A false alarm is the best news for them.

However, the eyes of the four people were filled with a deep shock.

The other disciples of the Wudang Sect may not have noticed that the four of them were relatively close to the front and saw a strange scene.

They saw two strange jade stones, as well as two extremely mysterious looking bags, appearing out of thin air in Zhang Sanfeng's hands.

Thinking of Zhang Sanfeng's words just now, they vaguely guessed something.

Their master may obtain Immortal Yuan!

"You guessed right, I did get the Immortal Yuan."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally noticed the shock in the eyes of the four disciples, and did not hide them, and directly took out the things Ye Hao gave him.

"These two should be Immortal Cultivation Jade Jane, similar to mortal books."

"These two should be storage bags, which are the magic weapons of immortal cultivators, and there is a space in it that can put all kinds of things."

Zhang Sanfeng introduced while dripping blood to refine.

"Each of you has ten spirit stones, pay attention when cultivating, the spiritual energy contained in it is particularly pure and huge, be careful to hurt the meridians."

Zhang Sanfeng first opened the black storage bag, looked at a large pile of spirit stones inside that were as white as jade, the size of a baby's fist, and with a move of his heart, he took out forty spirit stones

"Can I invite the Great Immortals to my birthday banquet?"

Zhang Sanfeng's heart was extremely entangled.

He wanted to invite everyone in the chat group to his birthday banquet, especially Daisen.

However, when he thought that the Great Immortal might be tens of thousands of years old, or even millions of years old, he was embarrassed to speak.

"Congratulations Master!"

Song Yuanqiao congratulated Zhang Sanfeng with a happy expression, and then carefully took the spirit stone.

Treasures used by immortal cultivators!

These mortals of them actually had the opportunity to use it.

"Master, have you just met an immortal? What do immortals look like? "

The youngest Mo Shenggu couldn't help but ask, looking extremely curious.

"Met, a real immortal."

"As for the appearance, he looks very young, but the appearance and temperament cannot be described in words."

"I'm sure that as long as the woman sees him, it's hard not to be moved."

Zhang Sanfeng pondered and said.

"There will be a big battle on the day of my birthday banquet, so you should adjust it."

A cold light flashed in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, and he instructed.

Although he was confident of killing the masters of the five major factions, he was afraid that the five major factions would attack and besiege and kill the other disciples of the Wudang faction, and he could not take care of it.

"Master, who is so daring?"

The four of Song Yuanqiao were furious.

"Your fifth junior brother should come back tomorrow to attend my birthday banquet, and in order to obtain the whereabouts of the dragon slaying knife, the five major factions will threaten Wudang Mountain on the day of the birthday banquet."

Zhang Sanfeng explained.

"The fifth junior brother will come back tomorrow?"

Song Yuanqiao and the others were first pleased, and then their expressions were slightly solemn.

The five major factions!

Shaolin Temple, Emei School, Huashan School, Kuangzheng School and Kunlun School!

Especially the Shaolin Temple, the strength is unfathomable, if the five factions join forces, the Wudang faction is likely to be unable to stop it.

"On the day of the birthday banquet, let the ordinary disciples of the Wudang Sect retreat to the back hall, you can press the formation for the master, and the rest will be handed over to me."

Zhang Sanfeng flicked his sleeves and directly burst the one-person-tall boulder.

"The master has obtained the immortal opportunity, and his strength has returned to its peak."

For fear that Song Yuanqiao and the others would doubt his strength again, Zhang Sanfeng could only make up one reason.

"Yes, Master!"

When Song Yuanqiao heard this, he was ecstatic, and at the same time, he was a little enthusiastic.

They all knew how powerful Zhang Sanfeng was before, and now that Master had recovered his peak, he would definitely be able to lead them to kill the five major factions and abandon their armor.

Zhang Sanfeng: "...

Looking at the reaction of Song Yuanqiao and others, Zhang Sanfeng found that Song Yuanqiao really thought that they were old and could not be moved at all.

You may even sleep and not wake up the next day.

Chat groups.

The world will help the lord: "@武当百岁老道士, show us the trading immortal cultivation resources." "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Look!" "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Look! "

Great Qin Zulong: "Look!" "

"Go get busy."

Zhang Sanfeng received a prompt from the chat group and turned around and walked towards the secret room where he was closed.

Song Yuanqiao and they can't see the chat group, if they communicate in front of them, it is like communicating with the air, they look like crazy people.

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest sent a picture. 】

Xiao Li Feidao: "Two storage bags!" There are also two Immortal Cultivators Jade Jane! "

Li Xunhuan had such an expression on his face.

Da Qin Zulong: "@武当百岁老师, you have two storage bags, can you sell me one?" "

Ying Zheng asked a little excitedly.

Although he can't become an immortal cultivator for the time being, if he can experience the magic of immortal cultivation treasures in advance, he can also ease his fiery mood of wanting to cultivate immortals.

The world will help the master: "@武当百岁老道士, exchange the three martial arts secrets of the great grandmaster for a storage bag." "

Xiongba is even more directly opened to increase the weight.

The hundred-year-old Taoist priest of the Wudang Sect: "Sorry! "

Zhang Sanfeng refused without hesitation.

He now has the Five Elements True Technique, an immortal cultivation technique that can cultivate to the peak of the Foundation Building Realm, and Ying Zheng and Xiongba can't open a chip that moves his heart at all.

There is only one source of immortal cultivation treasures, and that is the Great Immortal.

Not to mention two storage bags, even if there are ten storage bags, he is reluctant to sell them to others in the chat group.

Immortal cultivator: "@所有人, don't keep eyeing other people's immortal cultivation treasures, as long as you have points, each of you can obtain immortal cultivation resources and embark on the road of immortal cultivation." "

The chatting masses were silent, they didn't have points at all.

They can only sign in 10 points a day, and they can't get 10 points to trade with Daisian.

Immortal cultivator: "Group tasks get the fastest points, haven't you thought of actively triggering group tasks?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Can we actively trigger group tasks?" Ask the Great Immortal to inform, kneel to the Great Immortal! "

The world will help the Lord: "Ask the Great Immortal to inform, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

Huashan sent Yue to the head of the gate: "Ask the Great Immortal to inform, kneel to the Great Immortal!" "

Suddenly, the entire chat group exploded.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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