"If you can trigger a mission, whether it is a group task or an individual task, you can at least get a reward of several thousand points!"

In the world of wind and clouds, the eyes of the hero flashed a fine light, and he was excited.

Once he knows how to trigger a mission, he will be able to earn a steady stream of points.

He can use his points to continuously trade immortal cultivation resources from the Great Immortal, and in the future, he may also be able to become an immortal and become an ancestor and live forever.

"Xu is the emperor of Daqin, once he knows the method of triggering the task, he can use the state machinery to trigger the task, so that Xu can harvest points as much as he wants."

Ying Zheng's eyes were like a beacon, and his breathing became rapid.

During this period, he couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and thought about cultivating immortals every day.

Unlike the ethereal that sought immortality before, this time immortality is within reach.

As long as you have enough points, you can trade immortal cultivation resources from the Great Immortal.

However, he was only able to sign in a measly 10 points a day.

Although you sign in 10 points every day, after a few years, you will be able to sign in enough points and trade the Great Immortal to the Immortal Cultivation Exercise.

However, it is too torturous.

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Great Immortal, I thought about it, but unfortunately I found some clues." "

Zhaoyue really thought about it, she wanted to get more points to trade with Ye Hao and get more opportunities to get along with Ye Hao.

Unfortunately, she tried a lot, but the chat group did not respond.

Immortal cultivator: "You have to look for possible clues through previous group missions. "

Immortal cultivator: "Li Xunhuan's blind date mission involves changing the original fate, and the battle mission just now involves the number one in the world. "

Immortal Cultivator: "If you try to test in two directions, the probability of triggering the task will be very high." "

Ye Hao is not sure whether changing fate will trigger the group mission.

However, Ye Hao can be sure that if he fights with the number one in the world, or becomes the number one in the world himself, the probability of triggering the group task will be greatly improved.

In addition to Zhang Sanfeng, the world's first trigger for the same-level battle mission in the heavenly world, Shangguan Jinhong challenged him before, which was also a trigger group mission.

At that time, Shangguan Jinhong broke through to the Grandmaster Realm under great pressure, and also became the number one in the world of Xiao Li's flying knife.

"Chat groups should have special treatment for the number one in every world."

This is Ye Hao's guess.

Whether the guess is true or not, the chat crowd tries to trigger the task more, and even if one more is triggered, it is a steady profit.

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal has superior wisdom, and he is prostrated!" "

Huan Zheng was slightly stunned, he originally thought that the Great Immortal was deduced by supreme divine powers, but he really did not expect that he would rely on reasoning, and his heart became more and more reverent.

At the same time, a thick look of excitement appeared on his face.

There are enough two clues to trigger the group mission, and if successful, he will have a steady stream of points in the future.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "The great immortal is too handsome, why didn't the concubine think of it." Worship ·JPG"

Yueyue's delicate and flawless face sprang up a special red glow, and a pair of beautiful eyes flowed, and the whole person was crazy.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "My birthday banquet the day after tomorrow will just verify the inference of the great immortal, and I will broadcast it live to everyone at that time." "

Zhang Sanfeng clenched his fists, his eyes cold.

He had planned to teach the five major factions a hard lesson, but now that it came to group tasks, he would not stay behind.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Trembling Meng Xin, who is completely afraid to speak. "

Ip Man was confused.

The topics discussed by the chat crowd are too high-end.

Either change his fate, or the number one in the world, he is a Master Ye who can only punch.

The world will help the master: "Is there any other way for the Great Immortal to trigger the group mission?" Cry·JPG. "

"Damn Sword Saint!"

Xiongba's face turned green directly.

He was at least one sword saint away from the first in the world.

He didn't dare to challenge the Sword Saint at all, in case he was killed by Sword Twenty-Three, it would be tragic.

As for changing his fate, he only knows now that he will definitely not dominate the world's martial arts in the future.

If you want to dominate the martial arts in the world, you must solve Wushuang City.

And behind Wushuang City is also a sword saint.

The world will help the Lord: "@武当百岁老道士, do you look down on me?" Over the 100th birthday did not invite me? "

Xiongba's gaze turned and he had an idea.

Since you don't have the ability to trigger group tasks now, rub the group tasks of others in the chat group.

Zhang Sanfeng is also the number one in the world, and the next birthday banquet will also change fate, and the probability of triggering the group task is too great.

If he is on the spot, he may have a great probability of participating in the group mission.

Huashan Paiyue was in charge: "@武当百岁老道士, I was a little too much to talk before, but, we are group friends, I have always respected you, a good day of a hundred birthday, why didn't you invite me?" "

Heaven and Earth Association Chief Helmsman Chen: "@武当百岁老道士, Zhang Zhenren, my birthday gifts are ready, I hope to have the honor to participate in your birthday banquet." "

[The Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helmsman Chen sent a picture. 】

In the picture is a huge birthday peach made entirely of gold, which is extremely delicate and atmospheric.

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "I originally thought that it would take two days to find the treasure of Luding Mountain, but I didn't expect to find it just now." "

[The Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helmsman Chen sent a red envelope. ] 】

[Great Qin Zulong snatched 200 taels of gold. ] 】

[The World Society helped the Lord rob 800 taels of gold. 】

[The master of the Shifting Flower Palace snatched 300 taels of gold. ] 】

[Wing Chun Ip Man robbed 2,000 taels of gold. 】


Chen Jinnan directly sent a red envelope of 10,000 yellow gold.

Da Qin Zulong: "Thank you big guy!" "

The world will help the master: "Thank you big guy!" "

Flower Shifting Palace Master: "Thank you, big guy!" "


Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thank you, big guy, if you are willing, you are welcome to come to my birthday banquet the day after tomorrow." "

Zhang Sanfeng agreed without any hesitation.

Since the chatting crowd was willing to attend his birthday banquet, he took the opportunity to make an invitation, and maybe Daxian would also participate in his banquet.

"2000 taels of gold?"

Ye Man looked at the ten large gold ingots in front of him and panicked.

He ordered a red envelope casually, and he snatched such a huge fortune, more than his family property.

However, seeing the calm replies of the others in the chat group, Ye Man was silent.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "@修仙者, is my destiny also a dark future?" "

Ye Man took a deep breath again and again, calmed down his emotions, and plucked up the courage to ask Ye Hao.

Daxian previously revealed part of Zhang Sanfeng's fate, and also revealed part of Xiongba's fate, as if he had forgotten him.

He Ye Man wants to change his life against the sky and be the first in the world!

He asked to rise up!

To cultivate immortals!

Don't be a chat group brat!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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