The world will help the lord: "Brother Ye, don't trouble the immortal, if you encounter any danger or any difficulties in the future, you can find the old man, and the old man is on call." "

Xiongba saw Ip Man's inquiry and was extremely enthusiastic.

After Ye Hao's reminder, Xiongba also understood that he might not be able to participate in several group tasks a year by only publishing group tasks in chat groups to get points.

Therefore, he has to take the initiative.

If he helps Ip Man change his fate, maybe he can trigger a mission.

The world will help the master: "The strength of the old man and grandmaster of the seventh heaven is enough to suppress a country. "

[The World Association sent a video to the Lord. 】

For fear that Ip Man did not know the horror of the martial arts grandmaster, Xiongba directly took a video.

In the video, his Heavenly Frost Fist directly froze a pavilion into frost, his Pai Yun palm directly burst the rockery, and his Fengshen legs made him look like a ghost, which is difficult for ordinary people to capture with the naked eye.

In particular, his three-point return to vitality, a loud drink, directly exploded the pool on the side of the water wave more than ten feet high.

The world will help the lord: "@咏春叶师傅, do you want to be the emperor?" If you want to be the emperor, the old man is willing to bring 100,000 disciples of the Tianxia Association to fight the world for you. "

Master Wing Chun: "...

The corners of Ye Man's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and the hero was overzealous.

He didn't dare to let the hero into his world.

With the strength and means of the hegemon, if he wants to secretly calculate him, he can't detect it at all.

Da Qin Zulong: "What the Xiong Gang Master said is that as group friends, we should help each other." "

Ying Zheng also couldn't help but join in.

The more group tasks he can participate in, the better, not only to trigger the tasks in his own world, but also to find a way to trigger the group tasks of other group member worlds.

Great Qin Zulong: "There are millions of elite Qin troops, including golden fire cavalry, hundred battle armor-piercing, dragon and tiger cavalry, every soldier is not an ordinary person, or a hundred battle elite soldiers." "

Great Qin Zulong: "There are also Luo nets under Xuan, all of them are killers, among which the heaven-level killers have the strength of a grandmaster, and the shadow secret guard is Xuan's personal guard, like maggots appendage, like shadows, each of them is a top master." "

Great Qin Zulong: "Xu can also mobilize the Yin-Yang family, the Taoist Heavenly Sect, and the military masters, among which there are many martial arts grandmasters. "

Great Qin Zulong: "If you have any needs, although you open your mouths, Xu is willing to lend it to you." "

Da Qin Zulong: "Of course, if the group mission is triggered, please invite Xu to participate." "

After Ye Hao's reminder, Ying Zheng also found himself too stupid!

How can passive waiting compare to active attack?

If he had thought about it earlier, I am afraid that he would have already stimulated the group task and traded with the Great Immortal to cultivate immortal exercises.

Da Qin Zulong: "@咏春叶师傅, if there are any difficulties, please say that Xu is very willing to help, asking for money and money, and asking for people." "

The weaker the group members, the easier it is to change their fate.

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Your Majesty is worthy of being the Ancient Emperor who dominates the world and sweeps Liuhe, if I trigger a group mission in the future, I will definitely invite Your Majesty to participate together." "

Yue Buqun has actually never looked down on Ying Zheng.

This is a martial arts chat group, which depends on personal force.

Huan Zheng actually used points to improve his alchemy skills, and in Yue Buqun's opinion, Huan Zheng just wanted to eat the elixir crazy demon.

Now that he had listened to Ying Zheng's introduction, he somewhat understood why Ying Zheng chose to improve his alchemy skills.

On the one hand, Ying Zheng really wanted to refine the elixir on his own.

On the other hand, Ying Zheng did not need to increase his personal strength at all, and he had a large number of masters under his command.

There are even many martial arts grandmasters.

Moreover, if Ying Zheng learned to refine pills, even if he could not refine the elixir of life, he would be able to refine the elixir of Peiyuan and replenish qi, so that he could live a hundred years long.

The master of the Flower Shifting Palace: "@咏春拳叶师傅, if there are any difficulties, the main palace can also help." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "@咏春拳叶师傅, if there are any difficulties, Li is willing to provide some help." "

Tiandi Guild's chief helmsman Chen: "@咏春拳叶师傅, we are all at the lower level of the chat group, we should help each other and make progress together, if there are any difficulties, we can find a way together." "


The chatting masses opened their mouths one after another, and even Chen Jinnan and Yue Buqun of the Houtian Realm were extremely enthusiastic.

They remembered very well that Ye Man had said before that there were no martial arts secrets in his world that could cultivate internal strength.

Ip Man's strength is not in the evaluation of the chat group, but he is first-class in his own world.

Even if the strength of the Houtian Realm enters Ip Man's world, he is definitely an invincible master in the world.

Immortal Cultivator: "You can't help Ye Man." "

Ye Hao shook his head, Ye Man's era was the Republic of China.

Master Wing Chun: "??? "。

Ye Man, who was about to refuse to chat with the kindness of the masses, was like being shocked, his face was bloody, and endless fear surged in his heart.

Can't even Yingzheng help him change his dark fate?

What kind of great horror does his future have?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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