Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Is the world where Ip Man is located so terrifying?" Frightened JPG"

Chen Jinnan's scalp was numb and he was very afraid.

There is a million-strong army under his command, and there are many top masters, and he cannot help Ip Man change his fate, which shows that the water in Ip Man's world is too deep.

If the Great Immortal didn't say it, wouldn't he be in danger of death if he entered the world where Ip Man was?

The world will help the lord: "Ye Man, you have nothing to hide from us, right?" "

Xiongba's gaze became cold and very suspicious.

Da Qin Zulong: "Ye Man, we haven't heard that you believe that you have introduced your world, can you talk to us carefully?" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Ye Man, you can talk about some legends in your world, maybe the martial arts masters and ordinary people in your world are two worlds. "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Chen: "Brother Ye, your era was the Republic of China, and after the Qing Dynasty, after all of us, would you like to introduce us to how the Qing Dynasty perished and what kind of dynasty the Republic was." "

The chat group was full of doubts and doubts.

Some people even suspected that Ip Man was deliberately hiding information about his world.

Ip Man may see that the members of the chat group are all famous characters in their respective worlds, and they are not only low in strength, but also ordinary people in their own world.

Therefore, in order not to make yourself look too wasteful, you can make up lies and say that your world is just a very ordinary world.

However, if it was really an ordinary world, could they not help Ip Man change his fate with their strength?

If Chen Jinnan and Yue Buqun's strength is weak, they can't change anything.

Is the strength of the government weak?

Not to mention the rest, just the assassination organization called Luo Net is extremely terrifying, and there are killers at the level of grandmasters.

And even more than one.

Such a terrifying killer organization, not to mention entering an ordinary world like Ip Man, is to enter Li Xunhuan's world, Zhang Sanfeng's world, that is also a dimensionality reduction strike.

It only takes assassination to bring down a dynasty.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Wait a minute, everyone!" What I said before is true. "

Ye Man looked at the questioning of the chattering masses, his face changed greatly, and he hurriedly went to his study.

[Master Wing Chun Yip uploaded the history book of the Qing Dynasty! ] 】

【Ding-dong! Great Qin Zulong received the history books of the Qing Dynasty! 】

【Ding-dong! The World Society helped the Lord to receive the history books of the Qing Dynasty! 】

【Ding-dong! The Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helmsman Chen received the Qing Dynasty history book! 】


Soon, everyone in the chat group received the documents uploaded by Ip Man, and the contents of the documents all appeared in their minds.

When everyone digested the information in their minds, their faces all became angry, and even filled with a strong killing intent.

Especially Chen Jinnan, he has already made up his mind that he will stop at nothing to destroy the Qing Dynasty.


It's so humiliating!

It was simply the most humiliating era of Kyushu civilization!

In the long history of Kyushu Country, there has never been such a dark and humiliating era.

The barbarian country is actually above the country of Kyushu.

Even a few thousand troops, a few warships can run amok in Kyushu Country.

If it were just that, they wouldn't be so angry yet.

They still understand the truth that backwardness means being beaten.

What really angered them was because the Qing Dynasty was fully capable of changing this humiliating situation.

However, in order to maintain their decadent rule, the Qing Dynasty ignored the development of science and technology abroad, and even if they cut more land and lost more money, as long as they could continue to rule the Kyushu Kingdom, they would be satisfied.

Great Qin Zulong: "@天地会陈总舵主, I borrow you 1 heaven-level killer, 10 kill-level killers, and 100 prefecture-level killers, and I can always lend you for use until all the princes and nobles of the Qing Dynasty are destroyed." "

The world will help the lord: "@天地会陈总舵主, you give the old man a permission, and the old man personally helps you slaughter the dog emperor, such a dynasty must not exist." "

Xiao Li Feidao: "@天地会陈总舵主, if you need a mount, my spirit crane can be lent to you at any time." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "@天地会陈总舵主, your strength is too weak, it is not conducive to your anti-Qing and restoration, give you 1,000 spirit stones, and in the shortest possible time, destroy the Qing Dynasty." Rage JPG. "

[Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist priest sent an exclusive red envelope to the Heaven and Earth Society's Chief Helm Master Chen. 】


The chatting masses had no other thoughts this time, they only had one idea, and they absolutely could not let the Qing Dynasty exist.

Even as long as the world where the group members of the chat group are located has the Qing Dynasty, all of them must be destroyed at the first time.

Such history must not repeat itself!

"Ding-dong! Trigger a special mission, as a martial arts practitioner, you must have ten steps to kill one person, thousands of miles without leaving the courage, kill a dynasty in one day, and get corresponding reward points according to the completion of the task. "

"Everyone can participate in the task, and in the process of completing the task, the greater the contribution, the more task rewards are assigned."

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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