Graphic designer: "Cracked!" I really cracked! 1 trillion points a god-level card, who bought this TM except Daxian? "

Qiao Feng, the leader of the gang: "100 million points is a huge number for us, and the chat group really looks up to us, and even put on the shelves a god-level card with 1 trillion points." "

The world will help the master: "I still want to save points to buy a god-level crossing card, but now it seems that I just saved to death, and I can't make it up." "

Great Qin Zulong: "In a few hundred years, let's consider buying a god-level card." "

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "Alas~ let's still honestly cultivate in Qin Yu's world, this is the most practical." "

In the Great World of Stars, the Imperial City of the Great Qin Empire, Yue Buqun was communicating with Qin Yu's father Qin De with a smile on his face.

Qin Yu has now broken through to the Planet Realm, which is comparable to the Immortal Cultivation Realm Fusion Realm, and his strength is much stronger.

If he contacted Qin Yu and joined forces with Qin Yu, he would definitely be able to collect a large number of immortal cultivation resources in Zixuan Star. 10

And the Star Great World is a world where there is a super strong person like the Hongmeng controller, even if he can't enter the immortal world, the resources of the mortal world are enough for him to cultivate for a long time.

When he has the strength to soar to the immortal realm, I am afraid it will take decades, even hundreds of years.

With such a long time buffer, it may be possible to access other advanced worlds.

"Is 1 trillion points a god-level card?"

The corners of Ye Hao's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The price of 1 trillion points is also a high price for him.

"Ding-dong! Because of the great contribution of immortal cultivators, the points mall was successfully upgraded. "

"Ding-dong! Immortal cultivators' points mall permissions have been improved, and they can get a god-level mission card, a god-level comprehension card, a god-level deduction card, and a god-level crossing card every month. "

At this moment, the prompt of the group system sounded.

Graphic designer: "Great God 666, crying with envy." Crying JPG. "

Huashan sent Yue in charge: "Kneel to the Great Immortal, the price of four god-level cards is 400 million points." "

Yue Buqun felt that he was sour and could almost spray acid water.

Although Daxian can earn hundreds of billions of points per group mission, the price of a god-level card is 1 trillion points.

If Daxian wants to buy a god-level card, he also needs to do several group tasks.

Now Daxian can get four god-level cards for free every month, which is 400 million points.

Space station navigator: "What is this?" Think about the introduction of god-level mission cards, 10,000 times the point reward. "

Space station navigator: "Daxian is a member of the ten-star group, the god-level mission card opens the ten-star group mission, and the reward range of the ten-star group mission is 100 billion ~ 1 trillion points." "

Space station navigator: "Even according to the lowest standard, the mission reward opened by the god-level mission card is 100 billion points, and after the 10,000-fold point reward bonus of the god-level mission card, it is 1,000 trillion points." "

Space station navigator: "Just thinking about it makes people's scalps numb!" "

Liu Peiqiang couldn't help but shake his head repeatedly.

That is, the person who obtained this special permission is a great immortal, otherwise his mentality will really collapse.

In the chat group, the higher the authority, the better the benefits you get, the faster your strength improves, and the higher the permissions you can get.

The gap with ordinary group members will only grow.

Tianxia will be the chief helmsman of Chen: "??? "。

Ninth Uncle: "??? "。

Great Elder of the Tang Gate: "??? "。

Great Qin Zulong: "We previously calculated the point reward of the god-level mission card, which was completely calculated according to its own level, and the higher the group level, the more terrifying the 10,000-fold point reward of the god-level mission card." "

"Fortunately, the strength of the Great Immortal is already far above me, and it is an object that I cannot reach."

"Otherwise, seeing the reward of the chat group, I am afraid that the mentality will explode directly."

Ying Zheng was also in the boundless flood, wantonly capturing all kinds of monster beasts and sending them to the Daqin world.

With the help of Qin Yu, Qin De has already dominated the Hidden Dragon Continent, and for the sake of Qin Yu, the future Hongmeng controller, he cannot move the population of the Hidden Dragon Continent on a large scale.

However, in the boundless flood, there is no such scruple.

Anyway, for the Great Qin Empire at this time, whether it is population growth or the number of demon races growing, the national fortunes of the Great Qin Empire will increase.

Emperor Hongwu: "Let's be honest, or look forward to it, chat with the masses who will be the first to buy a high-end card, we feel that this problem is more practical." "

Princess Changping: "This is not necessarily, hee hee I have reached cooperation with Daqin in this world, and they allow me to spread my faith in Daqin." "

Princess Changping: "The population of the Hidden Dragon Continent is close to ten billion, and there are a large number of Acquired Realm martial artists, Innate Realm martial artists, once my faith spreads, I will definitely be able to obtain a huge amount of faith power." "

Ah Jiu smiled.

The human realm where Qin Yu is located is the purple star of the eleventh universe, and there is no way of belief cultivation on the entire planet. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As her strength increased, she was not only able to spread her faith in the mortal realm of the Hidden Dragon Continent.

It can even gradually spread faith to the immortal cultivation world.

The diameter of the Purple Xuan Star exceeds 10 billion li, and the cultivators of 467 people can cultivate to the Mahayana realm and soar to the immortal realm.

Such a high-level immortal cultivation planet, if her faith is completely spread, then her strength can definitely reach the immortal realm.

If she reaches the immortal realm, the reward for earning points will definitely be much faster.

Xiahou Swordsman: "This world is indeed our place of opportunity. "

Xia Houwei is also in the boundless flood, secretly capturing some demon beasts, and then controlling them to enslave.

The more demon beasts he controls, the stronger his strength becomes.

And there are a large number of demon beasts in the entire Purple Xuan Star, which are not only powerful, but also have top-notch bloodline potential.

The demons and monsters of the Qiannu Ghost World could no longer meet his needs at this time, and the Purple Xuan Star of the Star Great World could just meet his needs.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal, are you using a god-level crossing card now?" "

Xiao Li Feidao: "The last time Daxian used the high-level crossing card, he directly crossed into the super world where Liu Shen and Ara Tianti were. "

Xiao Li Feidao: "If the Great Immortal uses the god-level crossing card this time, I'm afraid he will have to cross to a higher level world, right?" "

However, the attention of the chattering masses was instantly attracted by Li Xunhuan's words.

The god-level crossing card allows the Great Immortal to enter a world that is even higher than the Perfect World?

So how terrifying should the world be at this level?

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