The world will help the Lord: "In the world where Barren Tianti is located, the sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse sacrifices the supreme avenue, burns the rules and order, and destroys the ancient and modern future." "

The world will help the Lord: "What a great power is it to be able to reflect the heavens and resurrect an era?" "

The world will help the Lord: "The transcendent realm above the sacrificial path is even more terrifying, in this special field, all the avenues are like the flow of water, a thought can be evaporated, fate, creation, cause and effect, heaven's way, etc., are just the weakest bubbles, before reaching out to touch, they will collapse"

The world will help the master: "If there is a higher level of the world, doesn't it mean that there is an existence more terrifying than the transcendent realm?" To what extent will a strong person at this level go against the sky? "

Xiongba felt that his imagination was completely insufficient.

Because he couldn't imagine what kind of great power a strong person above the Transcendent Realm would have.

"Perhaps the strong person above the transcendent realm should be an almost all-knowing and all-powerful existence like the Great Immortal."

The hero secretly said.

Because, in his eyes, those great emperors of the Big Dipper Star Domain were all like supreme gods.

True Immortal Realm, the great cultivator of the Immortal King Realm was incomparably against the sky in his eyes, and the strong man above the Transcendent Realm, he couldn't find any words to describe it at all.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "The strong person above the transcendent realm may rely on himself to travel through the heavens and realms and gain insight into the existence of the heavens and realms." "

Zhang Sanfeng also voiced his own speculation.

Although the transcendent realm of the perfect big world is unimaginably powerful, this kind of power is only powerful in its own world, and does not break free from the shackles of the world.

Reincarnator: "In the world where the Barren Heavenly Di is located, there is a heavenly immortal fruit, and one can make people become true immortals, so in the higher level world, isn't there a supreme treasure that can directly make people comparable to the immortal king realm, or even the quasi-immortal emperor realm?" "

Guo Jing: "The territory of the world where Barren Tianti is located has reached unimaginable, so how terrifying should the territory be in a higher world?" "

Space station navigator: "The mission world opened by the god-level mission card is probably not simple, the previous ten-star mission is a life forbidden area to calm the nine heavens and ten lands, at least there are strong people in the true fairyland." "

The chatting masses fell into endless reverie.

However, no matter how they imagined it, they found themselves unable to figure out how vast and heaven-defying level this terrifying level powerhouse had reached.

"Four god-level cards, no matter which kind of god-level card, the effect on me is not small~.."

Ye Hao looked at the argument of the chatting masses with a smile.

"Use the God-level Enlightenment Card!"

Ye Hao communication chat group.


Ye Hao's words fell, and the whole person fell into an incomparably mysterious realm, fluttering, immersed in the endless rules of the avenue.

Previously, his normal state of understanding was comparable to a genius falling into an epiphany, and after using this god-level understanding card, his understanding has once again been greatly improved.

Endless mysteries of the universe emerged in his heart, the origin of heaven and earth was revealed in front of his eyes, thousands of laws were percepted by him, all the mysteries of the universe, all the laws of heaven and earth, all the avenues of the world, that is, existence, that is, understanding.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Hongmeng Avenue Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, the six reincarnation techniques advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme divine power, the origin divine fist. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme power, the art of time and space. "

At the same time as Ye Hao's understanding improved, there was also a dense prompt tone in the chat group on the personal page.

The huge improvement in his understanding gave him a new understanding of the Dao.

"Use god-level deduction cards to deduce the Star Immortal Technique."

Ye Hao then used another god-level card.

"I wonder what level the god-level deduction card will deduce the Star Immortal Technique?"

Ye Hao was looking forward to it.

Last time, I used the advanced deduction card to deduce the Star Trick into the Star Immortal Technique.

There are only seven realms of the Star Immortal Technique, and it can only be cultivated to the Dark Star Realm.

Without using the advanced deduction card, Ye Hao relied on his anti-heavenly understanding to create the realm, the black hole realm and the origin realm.

Only when the original star technique cultivates to the peak, that is, the peak of the universe realm, can he become a Hongmeng master.

The Star Immortal Technique that he has now comprehended is comparable to the Hongmeng Master just by cultivating to the Origin Realm.

Whether it is the mystery of the exercise, or the power, it is far beyond the previous Star Trick exercises, as well as the Star Immortal Technique deduced by the advanced deduction card.

"Ding-dong! The Star Immortal Technique was successfully deduced, and the advanced level was transcendent exercises, the Star Avenue Technique. "

"The Star Avenue is divided into ten realms, Nebula Realm, Meteor Realm, Star Core Realm, Planet Realm, Primordial Realm, Stellar Realm, Dark Star Realm, Black Hole Realm, Origin Realm, and Qiankun Realm."

"Once you reach the realm of Qiankun and open up the Qiankun world, the Qiankun world barrier continuously absorbs the external void source qi, and the void divine power is born in the world, which can mobilize the void divine power of the Qiankun world, break the infinite multidimensional dimension, enter the void sea, and transcend the shackles of the world itself." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Hao's pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't help but gasp.

Against the sky!

After the new technique deduced by the god-level deduction card, the Star Avenue Technique has become strong to an incredible extent.

It is no longer a practice limited to one world, but a supreme taboo exercise that transcends one's own world.

Once you cultivate the Star Dao Technique to the peak, you will be able to control the Void Divine Power, break through the infinite multiple dimensions, and enter other worlds of the heavens and realms.

In other words, Ye Hao no longer needed to rely on martial arts chat groups to enter the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

"Ding-dong! Do you spend 100 billion points to transfer to the Avenue of Stars? "

The group system reminds, Dao.


Ye Hao said without hesitation.

He is now a ten-star group mission, and he can sign in 10 billion points on the sign-in page every day, which he has not used.

"Ding-dong! Deduct 100 billion points, the conversion is successful. "

After the group system sounded, the golden orb the size of Ye Hao's dantian seemed to have not changed at all.

However, Ye Hao could clearly feel that the power of the energy contained in it had increased at least a hundred times.

Especially the golden flame burning on it became extremely terrifying.

Like the Hongmeng controller in the Star World, once he is stained by the golden flame, all the existence related to him will be burned by the golden flame.

Whether it is the past, the future, the present, and everything that exists in the memory of all living beings in the long river of time and space, all will be burned into nothingness and completely disappeared.

"Can the Origin Realm absorb the Void Source Qi?"

Ye Hao looked at a special transparent energy that suddenly condensed around the golden ball, between the tangible and the intangible, and constantly transformed between the void and the real.

The energy contained in this energy seems to be infinite, and it seems to be infinitesimal, as if it is higher than any (good) energy, and lower than any energy, existing in the same space, and seems to be in a higher dimension, infinite change, multiple dimensions.

This is the Void Divine Power born by the golden orb by absorbing the Void Source Qi.

At the same time, at the moment of the birth of the Void Divine Power, the body and doppelganger in the Star Great World, and the two doppelgangers in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, could sense that there were other worlds outside the world.

The distance between the two parties is simply indescribable, it is an infinite distance, existing in infinite multiple dimensions, and can only rely on induction.

If he did not master the Void Divine Power, even if a strong person of the level of Hongmeng Controller spent hundreds of millions of years, he would not be able to rush from one world to another.

"Chrono Art!"

Ye Hao entered the Great Thousand World with a doppelganger, ran the supreme divine power obtained by himself through the comprehension traverser, urged with the void divine power, shook hands into a fist, and the divine light was brilliant, and blasted towards the world he inducted.

He wanted to try the feeling of crossing by his own power.

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