
With the strength of Ye Hao's Origin Realm, it was normal for the entire Great Thousand World to turn into oblivion with one punch.

It's just that after Ye Hao's fist fell, just in front of him, a time-space crack that was several feet long opened.

This time and space crack was extremely familiar to Ye Hao.

When Tang San crossed into the Douluo World, this special time-space rift also appeared.

Ye Hao just moved his mind and saw the situation on the other side of the time and space rift.

"Did Xiao Yan cross the earth before it?"

The world on the other side of the void rift when Ye Hao descended appeared at the location before Xiao Yan crossed over.

A timeline in the 21st century, where there is no Earth of extraordinary power.

Although the world traversed was very ordinary, Ye Hao did not have any disappointment.

Because, now, even if he does not rely on chat groups, he can enter the heavens and realms.

The world connected by the space-time rift that opened this time is an ordinary earth, what if he opens it a thousand times, ten thousand times?

Moreover, as his strength increased and he controlled more and more Void Divine Power, he was able to perceive the world outside the world more and more clearly.

He can completely open the space-time rift that connects to more powerful worlds.

"A god-level mission card, a god-level crossing card."

Ye Hao's gaze quickly turned to the other two god-level cards.

The god-level comprehension card and the 890 god-level deduction card brought him unimaginable gains.

"The god-level mission card can open a ten-star mission and get 10,000 times the point reward."

"The god-level crossing card can open a world of chance, and the time of the chat group has passed for a day, and I have stayed in the world of chance for ten thousand years."

Ye Hao pondered the functions of the two god-level cards and found that there was no problem with which god-level card to use first.

Immortal Cultivator: "Since you are so interested in the god-level crossing card, I will use the god-level crossing card first." "

Graphic designer: "Daisen 666, sit and wait for Daxian to enter a super world." "

Reincarnation: "A world that is more powerful than the world where Ara Tianti is located will not be an infinite world, right?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Incomparable expectations, I don't know what kind of world it will be?" "

Heaven and Earth Society Chief Helm Lord: "In the world opened by the high-level crossing card last time, even the strong people above the sacrificial path are extremely weak in front of the great immortals, and they are not a place of chance at all. "

Tianxia will be the chief helmsman of Chen: "Maybe the place of opportunity for the chat group to recognize is according to the level of the group members, and the world that the great immortal crosses this time, maybe a world that exists comparable to a true immortal and an immortal king, and the world level may not be as high as the world level where Barren Tianti is located." "

Chen Jinnan proposed another line of thought.

Ninth Uncle: "No matter what the judgment basis of the chat group is, the world opened by the god-level crossing card is definitely a super world for us. "

Space station navigator: "Daxian remember to open the live broadcast room!" "

However, the chatting masses were all very curious about the traversing world that the god-level crossing card was about to open.

"I wonder what world the world will be?"

Ye Hao was also a little curious.

The chattering masses thought that it would open a world that was even more advanced than the perfect world, but Ye Hao did not think so.

Because, when he first entered the Perfect World, he was only in the late stage of the Planet Realm.

Not to mention that compared with the sacrificial path, even compared with the Immortal King, the gap in strength is like a chasm.

"What matters is the place of chance, not the world level."

Ye Hao's place of chance to enter the Perfect Great World was Shicun, and now the world opened by the god-level crossing card is likely to be a world that is helpful to the cultivation of Origin Realm cultivators.

He is now the early stage of the Origin Realm, the realm is equivalent to the Heavenly Saint of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, the Hongmeng Master of the Star Great World, and the Sacrifice Dao of the Perfect Great World.

In other words, the world opened by the god-level crossing card will satisfy the god-level crossing card as long as there is an opportunity to improve his current strength.

"Not to mention the world that is advanced than the Perfect Great World, it is a world that is a few levels lower than the Perfect Great World, and it is also a world that meets the conditions of the god-level crossing card."

Ye Hao's heart moved, he opened the live broadcast room, and then the figure disappeared (baee) in place.

[Da Qin Zulong entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[Heaven and Earth Society, Chief Helmsman Chen entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

[The space station navigator enters the live broadcast room. 】

[The master of the Flower Shifting Palace entered the live broadcast room. ] 】

The chatting masses entered the live broadcast room one after another, wanting to know what world Ye Hao entered at the first time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Great World of the Sacred Ruins.


A figure appeared silently.

"This is the world?"

Ye Hao ran the heavenly machine, instantly seeing the world he was traversing, and his expression was stunned.

The Great World of the Sacred Ruins.

This is the era of Emperor Chu Tian.

"However, Emperor Chu Tian at this time is still an ordinary person!"

Ye Hao glanced at Emperor Chu Tiandi, who was traveling in the desert because he broke up with Lin Nuoyi, and withdrew his gaze.


Ye Hao's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of a girl dressed in an urban attire.

This is a long-haired girl, very stunning, can be 170 centimeters, slender figure, smooth hair like satin, white melon face, eyes are very beautiful, as if can penetrate people's hearts.

She is very beautiful and has a very cold temperament.

She is none other than Lin Noi.

"What are you?"

Lin Nuoyi's eyes revealed a hint of shock in the depths, which was quickly suppressed by her, and looked at Ye Hao with her usual face.

As the eldest lady of the Lin family of the Tianshen Group, she knows many secrets of the earth.

In the eyes of most ordinary people, the earth is an ordinary earth, there is nothing special.

In the eyes of the upper echelons of the earth, as well as the chaebol consortium, the earth is no longer the earth it used to be.

The earth has undergone several aberrations, and will soon usher in an even greater abnormality.

The Earth will usher in a huge era.

This is an unimaginable, magnificent era.

Even she, as the eldest lady of the Lin family of the Heavenly God Group, was not sure that she would spend safely in this magnificent era.

However, as one of the top forces on the earth, the Lin family was still able to transcend in the early stage of the transformation of heaven and earth.

Because, the Lin family discovered the small-scale abnormality of heaven and earth decades ago, and there were transcendent beings who had been cultivating for decades behind them.

Moreover, they are also connected to forces outside the earth.

It's just that Ye Hao's appearance broke her cognition, and she could appear in the Lin family silently.

This is definitely not something that an Awakened Realm transcendent can do.

However, on today's earth, the strong people above the Awakening Realm are not allowed to appear at all.

Moreover, she also had a feeling that Ye Hao was not looking at her, but behind her.

Is there something behind her?.

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