"I can't imagine that there is such a powerful existence as you in heaven and earth."

Lin Ruoyi was very curious about Ye Hao's identity, but she hadn't heard Ye Hao's answer yet, and a woman's faint voice came from behind her.


Lin Ruoyi was covered in sweat and stood upside down, her face changed slightly, and her body had ~ some uncontrollable trembling.

She was right about how she felt before.

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared, his gaze was really not on her, but behind her.

A mysterious woman who has been standing behind her, is it a human - a ghost?

How long has this mysterious woman been hiding behind her?

What exactly is the purpose?

"My strength can only be regarded as average."

Ye Hao looked at the figure behind Lin Nuoyi, and said with feeling.

If it was just in the Great World of Divine Ruins, his strength was indeed top-notch, and he could be called the strongest in the world.

However, if it is placed on the infinite platform of the heavens and realms, his strength is still very ordinary.

"I wonder what happened when you came?"

The Pollen Road Ancestor asked directly.

She is the core of the sea of time with a drop of blood, traveling to that extremely tragic era, and taking away a vague shadow of her true body by means against the sky.

Even so, as a former sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse, she still had some special means, and the powerhouses below the Immortal Emperor could not sense her existence.

However, she did not perceive how Ye Hao appeared now, nor did she perceive the slightest breath of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is likely to be a sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse.

As a former sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse, the Pollen Road Ancestor knew very well the terrifying sacrificial Dao-level powerhouse.

She is now just a vague shadow, and with Ye Hao's strength, he can easily kill her.

So, she doesn't hide anything either.

"Luoshen Daoist, I came to help you resurrect."

Ye Hao looked at the cape in front of him, but his appearance was the best in the world, and he was a little more beautiful than the Immortal Emperor Luo Tianxian he had seen in the Perfect World before, and replied.

Roselle is the real name of the ancestor of Pollen Road.

As her name suggests, white clothes and white dresses, three thousand green silks as black as ink fell like a waterfall, hanging down to her slender waist, covering her flawless, delicate and beautiful face.

With Ye Hao's strength, he can naturally see that the stunning face under the three thousand green silk is like a flower fairy in the mountains that does not ask about the world, full of moving ethereal colors, eyes flowing, that refreshing marrow grace and nobility, soft and pure, making people's hearts ripple one after another.

"A sacrificial Dao-level Dao fruit still helps me to a certain extent."

In the process of resurrecting the Pollen Road Ancestor, he can easily gain insight into the Dao Fruit of the Pollen Road Ancestor and fuse and refine.

"Then thank you very much."

Roselle's voice was like a round of clear springs in the mountains.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao ran his divine powers, instantly fusing the sacrificial Dao-level Dao Fruit of Refining Luoshen.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme power, Roselle Breathing! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Life and Death Technique Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme power, the Great Law of Time and Galaxy! "

With Ye Hao's strength at this time, he could easily digest the harvest in the Dao Fruit.

Although his realm has not improved, his foundation has increased.


Ye Hao's attention was quickly focused on resurrecting Luoshen, and the immeasurable divine light of the six reincarnation techniques wrapped Luoshen's blurry shadow.

The originally blurred shadow gradually became clear, and even a trace of soul light was born, giving birth to vitality.

The soul light is becoming more and more brilliant, and Luoshen is recovering rapidly, whether it is vitality or breath, it is growing explosively.

"The strength of Daoist friends is really unfathomable."

Roselle obviously felt her state, and when a glimmer of her soul light was born, she knew that she had been revived.

Even if she doesn't need to resort to anyone's means, she can be resurrected on her own.

It's just that Ye Hao's strength and magical powers are much more against the sky than she thought.

Ye Hao not only intends to revive a trace of her life, but also intends to revive her to the peak.

"Thank you Taoist~"

Luoshen bowed towards Ye Haoying.

Under the acceleration of time controlled by Ye Hao hundreds of millions of times, in Lin Nuoyi's eyes, just a few breaths of time in the past, the figure behind her turned into a stunning woman that could not be described in words.

"I wonder if you are willing to follow me and meet Ara Tiandi and Ye Hei?"

Ye Hao smiled.

At this time, the true bodies of Ara Tianti and Ye Hei turned into seeds and hid in stone jars with the Pollen Road Ancestral Seed, waiting for someone to send them into the strange plateau.

He only needed to find the stone jar to touch the seed and obtain the sacrificial Dao-level Dao fruits of Ara Tianti and Ye Hei.


Luoshen did not have any hesitation and chose to join Ye Hao.

Ara Tianti rescued a wisp of her shadow back then, and later fell into an extremely weak state in order to reflect the heavens, and she also wanted to know if Ara Tianti's state at this time needed his help.

"Great Heavenly Mechanics!"

Ye Hao used his Void Divine Power to operate supreme divine power, and soon locked the location of the stone jar.

"Let's go over~"

Ye Hao quietly descended on Kunlun Mountain with Luoshen, and a three-inch-tall, quaint stone box fell into his hands.


The stone box opened, and inside were three shriveled seeds.

A seed was black, already shriveled, as if it was somewhat deformed, and seriously devoid of life.

One seed is purplish-brown, flattened, as if flattened, and the size of a fingernail.

The last seed is slightly normal, except for the folds of the epidermis, at least it is not shriveled, the whole is round, only a little yellow.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao held the three seeds in his hand, and instantly saw the Dao Fruit of Ara Tianti and Ye Hei.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your understanding of the supreme power, he is free to become a Dafa. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme divine power, Heavenly Emperor Fist. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on comprehending the supreme divine power, the desolate sword technique. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your comprehension of the supreme divine power, the Heavenly Emperor Sutra. "

The strength of Ye Hei and Desolate Tianti is much stronger than the strength of Luoshen, and after fusing and refining the Dao fruits of the two, Ye Hao's harvest is also greater.

"Desolate Heavenly Di, Ye Hei, no need to wait any longer, I already have a way to solve the weird plateau."

Ye Hao threw out the two seeds in his hand.

The two seeds quickly burned, turned into ashes, dissipated cleanly, and then with a bang, two mighty figures suddenly appeared in place, looking at Ye Hao with cold eyes.

"You're actually resurrected?"

Ara Tianti looked at Luoshen behind Ye Hao with a shocked expression.

Originally, according to his expectations, even if everything went well, it would probably take several epochs for Roselle to recover, so how could he recover to the peak now?

"It was this Taoist friend who saved me."

Luoshen looked at Ye Hao.

"I wonder how you solve the weird plateau?"

Ara Tianti and Ye Hei looked at Ye Hao solemnly.

Ye Hao was able to revive Luoshen, a former sacrificial level powerhouse, to the peak, and his divine powers were somewhat beyond their expectations.

The most important thing was that the two of them did not know that there was such a mysterious and powerful existence in heaven and earth.

The other party is likely to be an even more ancient sacrificial level powerhouse, maybe he really finds the power to overthrow the strange plateau.

"Don't rush first!"

Ye Hao said, taking Luoshen, Ara Tianti and Ye Hei into the ancient road of reincarnation.

"Six realms of reincarnation!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With the experience of refining the ancient road of reincarnation in the perfect great world, opening the innate earth mansion, and now that his strength is even stronger, Ye Hao has become easier and easier to refine the ancient road of reincarnation in the Great World of Divine Market into the earth mansion.

"Senior, you opened up this ancient road of reincarnation?"

Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and Luoshen are all sacrificial level powerhouses, and without Ye Hao hiding them, they can clearly perceive the difference in the ancient path of reincarnation, Ara Tianti couldn't help but ask.

The ancient road of reincarnation is like a whole, with the appearance of the innate avenue, containing the supreme reincarnation avenue, and it has terrifying power, as if even the heavens and worlds can be reincarnated.

Moreover, when Ye Hao was refining the ancient road of reincarnation, they felt the arrival of the Supreme Avenue and were assisting Ye Hao in refining the ancient road of reincarnation.

They have the feeling of facing a weird plateau.

"This earth mansion wheel circuit was not opened by me, but now it has been refined by me and has become an innate earth mansion."

"Except for the strange plateau that cannot be intervened inside, the cycle of life and death in other places is under the influence of the prefecture."

Ye Hao explained.

"Can this prefecture compete with the weird plateau?"

Ye Hei was curious.

"As the lord of the prefecture, I can mobilize the origin of the prefecture, and even if ten strange ancestors enter the prefecture, they can be easily suppressed."

"The power level of the prefecture is similar to that of the weird plateau, and both have some power beyond the level of the sacrificial path."

Although Ye Hao said this, he did not intend to use the prefecture to fight against the strange family.


"There are ten weird ancestors?"

Whether it was Luoshen, Ara Tianti and Ye Hei's faces were all shocked.

Especially Barren Tianti and Ye Hei, according to their previous estimates, the weird ancestors of the weird plateau should add up to no more than five.

They never thought that the number of strange ancestors reached the extreme of heaven and earth, and there were ten of them.

"With the presence of the prefecture, we are equivalent to having an absolutely safe place like a strange family."

"We only need to cultivate a few more eras in the prefecture, and our strength is enough to surpass the weird race."

Ara Tianti quickly calmed down, and even felt hot.

His strength is enough to fight against three weird ancestors, and Ye Hei can also fight against two weird ancestors.

Roselle has no problem fighting a weird ancestor.

Ye Hao is mysterious, and now he has become the lord of the prefecture, and his strength may also be able to resist the three strange ancestors, or even more.

In the current situation, their high-end combat power is similar to that of the weird family.

If he could cultivate a few epochs with peace of mind, he alone would have the confidence to fight the five weird ancestors.

"Don't bother!"

Ye Hao smiled faintly, quickly locked the positions of Liu Shen, Ruthless Emperor, and Beginningless Emperor, and moved the three of them in front of him through the prefecture.


Ye Hao stretched out his hand, and the chaos exploded, opening up the heavens and the earth, and a large universe comparable to the Hongmeng universe was formed, controlled by Ye Hao's Hongmeng Avenue.

The heaven and earth energy in the great universe is a high-level energy created by Ye Hao based on the divine qi in the Star Great World God Realm, and the entire universe has a terrifying coercion, and cultivators below the Immortal Dao realm step into it, and they will be crushed into powder in an instant.

Only the cultivators of the True Immortal Realm can walk normally in it.

However, the most terrifying part of the big universe is the law of time, and the time flow rate of the outside world is hundreds of millions of times the difference.

"The time acceleration of this world is hundreds of millions of times that of the outside world, and these three people have a certain potential to break through to the sacrificial realm, and when the three of them break through the sacrificial realm, they can attack the strange plateau."

This time he entered the Great World of Divine Ruins, it was a full ten thousand years, and Ye Hao was not in a hurry at all.


Not to mention the three immortal emperors of Liu Shen, Beginningless Emperor, and Ruthless Emperor, they are the three sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses of Luoshen, Arantianti and Ye Hei, sensing the time flow speed of the great universe opened up by Ye Hao, and also feeling that their scalp is numb.

This is really against the sky!

The great universe territory opened up by Ye Hao is not weaker than the heavens, and the energy of heaven and earth is far above the heavens.

The most terrifying thing for them is the speed of time flow in the entire large universe.

The past breath of time in the outside world, the big universe does not know how many tens of thousands of years have passed.

This magical means has already set foot in the forbidden realm.

"This person is too strong! Too strong! "

Ye Hei looked amazed.

Easily let the fallen sacrificial level powerhouse, the Pollen Road Ancestor Luoshen, resurrect to the peak, which is to master the Dao of Reincarnation.

Now it is easy to open up a large universe, and let it have a terrifying time flow speed, which is the road of mastering time.

Moreover, the realm of these two avenues, whether it was him or Barren Tianti, was far from it.

"If the three of Liu Shen, Ruthless Emperor, and Beginningless Emperor also break through to the Sacrifice Dao Realm, we will win this battle."

Ara Tianti was extremely sure, Dao.

As Ye Hao unleashed more and more magical powers, he became more and more impressed by Ye Hao's strength, and Ye Hao's strength was definitely above him.

The other party mentioned before that the weird plateau and the prefecture are designed to exceed the power above the sacrificial path, maybe even if Ye Hao does not set foot on the sacrificial path, I am afraid that he will have some understanding and reach the peak of the sacrificial path.

He contained three weird ancestors, Ye Hei contained two weird ancestors, and Luoshen contained one weird ancestor.

When the Willow God, the Beginningless Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor break through the sacrificial realm, they will at least be able to contain the three strange ancestors.

Coupled with Ye Hao, whose strength was stronger than him, their combat power was already above the strange family.

Even if the weird ancestors can be constantly resurrected, there is no problem, they can rely on their strong strength to constantly kill the weird ancestors.

As long as the weird ancestor stepped out of the weird plateau, they would kill the weird ancestor and trap them in the weird plateau.

Their strength will only get stronger and stronger, but the strength of the strange ancestor has been fixed.

When they kill the strange ancestor thousands of times, they will definitely be able to explore the secret of the resurrection of the strange ancestor.

"Thank you, senior~"

The Liu God, the Beginningless Emperor, and the Ruthless Emperor bowed respectfully towards Ye Hao and entered the great universe.

Now is not the time to be polite, to fight a decisive battle with the weird clan, of course, the more sacrificial level powerhouses on their side, the better.

"You can get in there, too."

Ye Hao looked at the three of Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, and Luoshen and said.

"Thank you Taoist~"

Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, and Luoshen were not polite, and they also entered the big universe.

Especially Ara Tianti and Ye Hei, Ara Tianti was very weak because of the reflection of the heavens before, and he delayed his cultivation for a long time.

And Ye Hei had not long broken through the Sacrificial Dao Realm, and he lacked time for cultivation.

If he is given enough time, he is also confident that he will fight against three strange ancestors with one against three.

"When the Beginningless Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, and the Willow God break through to the realm of the sacrificial path, the strength of the Ara Tianti should be able to compete with the four weird ancestors, Ye Hei against the three weird ancestors, and Luoshen against the two weird ancestors."

"Coupled with three newly breakthrough sacrificial powerhouses, they are completely capable of suppressing ten weird ancestors."

Ye Hao stood outside the big universe, looking at the six people who had entered the retreat state, and his face couldn't help but show a strong smile.

The ten strange ancestors were handed over to Ara Tianti to deal with.

And he could take the opportunity to use the golden orb in the dantian to absorb the origin of the strange plateau.

This is the power above the sacrificial path.

"If it is possible, if you can refine the continuous sacrifice of the strange race, a black shadow formed by the lord of the copper coffin of the third bronze coffin of the fallen Transcendent Realm powerhouse can obtain a Transcendent Realm Dao Fruit."

Ye Hao's heart was fiery, and he was extremely looking forward to it.

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