"The era of the perfect big world and the era of the Great World of the Divine Ruins are not known how many eras are different."

"It's just right to harvest again."

Ye Hao converged his mind and descended to the strange land.

In an instant, in the strange land, whether it was the weird immortal king, the weird quasi-immortal emperor, or the weird immortal emperor, all of them were planted by Ye Hao under the reincarnation seal.

Ye Hao imitated the model of the perfect big world, and let the weird immortal emperor controlled by him lure out the strange immortal emperor dormant in the strange plateau, which was also secretly controlled by him.

In the absence of any awareness of the ten weird ancestors, in addition to the ten weird ancestors, the weird family has been controlled by Ye Hao.

"When I fuse and refine the Dao Fruits of the Ten Strange Ancestors, I can do it to the Strange Plateau."

In the case of enough time, Ye Hao prefers to play steadily.

"Next, collect the heavenly materials and earth treasures of the Great World of the Divine Ruin."

The Perfect "Five Four Seven" Great World and the Great World of the Divine Market are two different worlds, even if Ye Hao has collected heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Perfect Great World.

In the Great World of the Divine Ruin, it is still possible to collect a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures.

Avenue Tree!

Tree of Destiny!

Time Mother!

Chaos True Water!

Countless heavenly materials and earth treasures flew to the Star World, the Eternal Great World opened up by Ye Hao.

"Time Furnace!"

"Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus!"


However, Ye Hao's main target this time was something related to the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin.

What was once used by a strong man on the sacrificial path, even if it was once an ordinary mundane thing, eventually transformed into a supreme treasure.

When he was perfecting the Great World, Ye Hao was still unable to use the Great Heavenly Mechanic to clarify the location of these treasures.

Now that he controls the Void Divine Power, he is running the Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique, and there is no Heavenly Machine in the Great World of the Divine Market that can hide from him.

"It is worthy of being the lotus flower lit by the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin."

Ye Hao's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus.

A fairy lotus, very thick and holy, rooted in the void, more magnificent than a towering giant tree.

It towers into the white clouds and stands between heaven and earth.

The leaves of the fairy lotus are large, the smallest are several acres in size, and the color varies.

Some are bright red as blood, some are dark as ink, some are gray and dull, and some are silver and white as electricity...

Counting one newborn leaf on the clouds, there are thirty-six in total.

In addition, there are three flower buds, very strangely juxtaposed.

The buds are like mountains, huge and boundless, exuding chaotic qi, and there are fairy light transpiring, rich in vitality.

One leaf and one era, since the last time the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus was destroyed in a great war, it was once again reborn, experiencing thirty-six epochs.

The towering Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus, the thirty-six leaves have different colors, and when the leaves shake, it is like the world is undulating and resonating.

At the top, the three huge buds like mountains, when the petals are slightly opened, there are countless rays of light, rushing into the sky, which is greater than the movement of the heavens and the earth.

It is the three huge buds that sway, stealing the essence of the heavens of the world, turning into a brilliant rain of light and falling on themselves.

This is stealing the heavenly machine and seizing the essence of heaven and earth.

"The Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus will not be such a simple effect."

Ye Hao approached the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus.

A beam of light like a flood of barren rivers and seas, like a cosmic river pouring out, emerged and rushed towards him.

That is heaven and earth, that is time, that is reincarnation, that is the change of the world, it is the unchanging change of eternity, and the rule change that is constantly interpreted alternately.

Ye Hao saw the immeasurable rune beam, vast and vast, like the flood desolate universe rushing over, crashing into his body, which made him gain a lot.

Birth and decline, all things grow and fall, all worlds decay and revival, the interpretation of the nature of the world, everything is just a samsara.

Ye Hao seemed to have been floating in the world for thousands of lifetimes, and in a trance, in the moment he stopped here, he seemed to have experienced many lifetimes of reincarnation. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Billions of runes, turned into a vast ocean, shocking the waves, affecting the survival of ancient and modern times, like the moon and the sun, showing people's hearts.

He seemed to be in the middle of the Dao, listening to the initial sound, and comprehending the source of all laws.

"See the old scenery of the heavens, the vicissitudes of the sea, the ancient history of the former sages, like dust, the great world going back and forth, all the souls and grasses turning into stardust, all the worlds, ancient and modern, are all in the cycle of reincarnation."

Ye Hao had insight into the essence and felt the extraordinary nature of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus.

Although the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus at this time was still far from recovering to its peak, it was also the top immortal root that Ye Hao had obtained.

"Good luck!"

Ye Hao's gaze fell on the root whiskers of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus, where a stone qin with broken strings was wrapped around.

At once, Ye Hao found two targets.


Ye Hao waved his hand, and the stone qin fell into his hand.....


He gently plucked the remaining string.

A faint piano sounded, and a little halo spread, like soft candlelight, rippling in all directions.

That halo was light to him, there was no danger, no signs of abnormality.

However, when the halo touched other things around it, it instantly melted, shattered, and turned into flying ash.

"Shiqin is not a magic weapon, but like an auxiliary prop, it can comb itself, wash the soul light, and purify the Dao bones."

Ye Hao was extremely satisfied and put away the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus and Shi Qin.


Ye Hao began to look for the next target again, descending to the Tongtian Waterfall, from which he fished out a quaint stove with a high fist and the power of time.

Time Furnace.

Ye Hao did not stop and continued to collect other targets.

A stone millstone once used by the lord of the third bronze coffin.

The teapot where the lord of the third bronze coffin drinks tea.

The courtyard where the lord of the third bronze coffin lived.

The reason why Ye Hao looked for these things was because these things contained all kinds of special powers, which could be called the most precious treasures.

On the other hand, it was also because Ye Hao wanted to comprehend the power above the sacrificial path through these items.

"He is at ease with Dafa!"

After collecting the remaining items of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin, Ye Hao used his magical powers and began to enter the long river of time and space, collecting the heavenly materials and earth treasures that existed in the long river of time and space.

From the Perfect Great World era to the 4.0 Great World era, I don't know how many billions of years have been in between.

The weird family doesn't know how many big universes have been shattered, and if it is an ordinary heavenly material and earth treasure, Ye Hao is not interested.

However, a level of immortal medicine immortal root like a realm ancestral root is also very interested.

He only needs to cultivate a little, and it is still very easy to grow to the level of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus in the future.

"I wonder if I can sense the Perfect World?"

Ye Hao had a whim.

At this time, he controlled the Void Divine Power, and he was already able to open up the infinite multidimensional dimension and enter the heavens and realms.

The earth house of the perfect world was created by him, with his imprint, coupled with the incomparable similarity between the two worlds, there is a huge causal relationship.

He may be able to use this mark to find the perfect big world and directly open the time and space crack between the Great World of God and the Perfect World.

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