The Great World of the Sacred Ruins.

Spooky plateau.

The fog is shrouded, the sky and the earth are very dark, and the barren plateau is lifeless.

Edo, so it has been for eternity.

No one knows its origin, and no one can predict its end.

The sky dome is gloomy, the ominous aura is pervasive, and for endless years, the cold frozen soil has been shrouded in strange forces all year round, dull and depressing.

In the edge area, occasionally decaying creatures pass through, and sometimes a small number of strange creatures can be seen walking out of the plateau, but they are all silent and there is no noise.

The entire plateau is vast, even if the world falls, it is difficult to fill a corner, even the Dao ancestor cannot reach its end.

In the depths of the earth, there are corpses of creatures at the end of the road, torn apart, and many eras have passed, still bloody and never dried.

Powerful as a supreme creature, it also ended up in such a miserable end.

Edo, a land of endless darkness and despair!

Since ancient times, the strange plateau has never changed, and the extreme depression and danger have extinguished the flames of countless civilizations and turned into ruins, and no one can fight against them.

The river of time also trembles and breaks here.

"It's even more tragic than the Ultimate Ancient Land of the Perfect Great World Era!"

Ye Hao was faster, descending near the strange plateau one step ahead of Ara Tianti and the others, scanning the scene of the strange plateau, and couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, in addition to the ten weird ancestors in the strange plateau, there were also five weird immortal emperors and thirteen weird quasi-immortal emperors, all of which were secretly controlled by him.

Except for a few places, all of the weird plateaus were used by him to use the reincarnation seal in the depths of these strange cultivators Yuanshen to gain insight.

There are not only the worn out sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses, but also many worn out Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses, as well as the quasi-Immortal Emperor.

They wanted to calm the source of the weirdness, and as a result, they all fell here.


In the deepest part of the earth, at the end of the plateau, creepy ancient syllables sounded, shocking all living beings, and all things were born and died because of them.

It is an ominous ancestral land.

The end of the earth cracked, and one figure after another appeared.

Some are dry as wood.

Some were covered in black blood.

Some are covered in pus.

Rotten clothes were attached to their terrible bodies, like ghosts dormant for another and then revived from their slumber.

The source of ominousness, several strange ancestors were born together.

For a time, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the plateau roared, about to collapse.

The Infinite Avenue turned into one divine chain after another, and then directly exploded into pieces, and the entire time and space were unstable.

Their eyes are either empty, or dead gray, or bleeding, and when they gaze into the void, everything withers and all the dark worlds are silent.

All the dark creatures, all the strange races, were all shocked, and then shivered, and couldn't help but want to bow down.

Ye Hao did not stop it, let these strange races act according to their original identities, and do not expose them for the time being.

Whether in the dim plateau or in other gray universes, the strange race is out of an instinct, like a pilgrimage, and the whole body trembles and worships.

Even the Dark Dao Ancestor-level creatures were kneeling on the ground in all heavens and earths at this time.

The deepest part of the land is like an ancient history separated from the outer area of the plateau, separated by an endless starry sky, and few creatures have been able to reach it for a long time.

Facing the end of the plateau, the supreme ancestral land, even the immortal emperors of the strange race, it was difficult to set foot, and even they bent down towards the deepest part of the earth, did not move for a long time, listening to the admonition.

At the end of the earth, the ancient syllables that made people reverberate, like stone slabs rubbing, like the universe colliding, making all living beings tremble and their hearts throb.


"There is such a huge variable!"

"Six sacrificial Dao-level cultivators appeared between heaven and earth, and even the fallen Pollen Road Ancestor actually avoided our perception, not only revived, but also recovered to the peak."

In the ancestral land, the five strange ancestors stood tall, as if they had stood at the end of the plateau before the opening of the heavens and the earth, looking down on all things.

Among them, the three ancestors have always faced one direction, and they are facing a doppelganger of Desolate Heaven, and they have been searching and fighting fiercely in the river of years for so many years.

At this time, seeing Desolate Tiandi, Ye Hei and the others descending across time and space towards the strange plateau, their faces changed drastically, and their expressions were filled with solemnity and fear.

If it weren't for their hidden strength, at most three weird Dao ancestors would have been born, allowing Ara Tianti and the others to expose their strength in advance, maybe they would have to face ten sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses.

Especially Desolate Heavenly Di, one person can compete with three strange Dao ancestors, and the combat power is too terrifying.

"Variables are born, and they should be extinguished with all their might!"

An ancestor looked extremely gloomy and roared.

Its voice was sonorous and powerful, tearing the edge of the universe beyond the plateau, making the dark creatures tremble.

His words fell, and in the ancestral land, a mysterious avenue tree was shrouded in a rich strange substance, swaying in the wind, branches and leaves rubbing, and there was a sound of ten thousand collisions, and the rules splashed.

Under the tree, silently, a black shadow flashed, revealing in the world.

There was another blurry figure in the deepest part of Edo.

This was just the beginning, and four more thin figures suddenly appeared.

"Ten ancestors?"

When the strange Immortal Emperor saw this scene, his voice trembled.

Although he has been controlled by Ye Hao, he still has his own independent thinking.

After a long time, even the creatures of the strange race's path end have only heard that there may be a sixth ancestor dormant in the ultimate doom.

However, the scene in front of them completely refreshed their cognition.

How can you believe it?

How dare you believe it? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The strange immortal emperor-level creatures were like clay sculptures and wood carvings, motionless, but their hearts were trembling and terrifying, and it was hard to believe what they saw in front of them.

There was... The ten ancestors have never been seen before, let alone seen!

There are a total of ten road-end creatures of the strange race, which shocked the heavens and realms, and defeated all the brilliant evolutionary civilizations without opponents.

But now, the ancestor has actually reached ten statues, which is equal to the Lu Ji level creatures!

This feels counterintuitive.

The powerhouses of the weird race are now petrified, and they can't believe what they sense.

Ten figures stood side by side, allowing the river of time to roll upside down, and letting ten thousand paths disintegrate, all surrendering at their feet.

They were born together, affecting the stability of the ancient and modern future, and shaking the foundation of the present world.

Even if it was a Lu Ji level Immortal Emperor, he felt too strange and a little difficult to accept, and the ancestors in the clan actually exceeded the pole number of nine.

However, if Ye Hao gave an order, they would still not hesitate to kill these strange ancestors.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "Boom! "

Ten terrifying and ancient coffins spread across the plateau, shining behind the ten figures, providing an endless stream of great power for the ten strange ancestors.

At this time, the strange immortal emperor was hairy, his whole body was cold, and he was almost suspicious in a dream.

They were suppressed by unimaginable ominous forces, their bodies were trembling, and they felt that the plateau was dull to the extreme.

Without receiving Ye Hao's order, they all tensed up and were silent.

The cold frozen soil, the barren plateau, the strange power of the avenue trees and a few clusters of ominous flowers and plants, the ancient coffins under the cracked land, everything is so strange, the terrifying atmosphere is pervasive.

"Six sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses, among which the aura of Desolate Tianti and Ye Hei is very disturbing, and today's battle must kill them all."

The ancient coffin trembled, and an ancestor spoke, indifferently glancing at the rapidly descending Barren Tianti and the others.


Barren Tianti and Ye Hei's side are even stronger than the strange Dao Ancestor, Ye Hei's qi and blood condensed big ding in the long sky, three legs and two ears, with the unparalleled power to suppress the ancient and modern future, crushing the river of time, the terrifying power towards the three strange ancestors to suppress the past.


A brilliant sword light appeared in an instant, cutting off the river of time, making everything in heaven and earth static, and the world was vast, only that invincible sword.

The sword light was too fast, ignoring time and space, and landed on a strange ancestor's head, cutting it off.

The skull shattered, and then the body also turned into oblivion, leaving only an ominous blood mist.


The sword light rose again, not only shrouded in this strange ancestor who turned into blood mist, but also fixed time and space, pulling the three strange ancestors under the sword light.

"One thought blooms, reign in the world!"

Seeing this, the ruthless emperor made the endless avenue rune culture flying in the sky, full of endless killing opportunities, carrying immeasurable divine power into a cosmic cage, shrouding a strange ancestor, wanting to wear it out.

There were a total of ten weird ancestors, and Barren Tianti and Ye Hei suppressed the seven weird ancestors, and if they were slow to strike, they didn't even have opponents.


The beginningless bell rings through the long river of time and space, shaking the ancient and modern future, and the beginningless emperor is also killing a strange ancestor.

He had just broken through the sacrificial Dao Realm, and he just needed to kill a strange Dao Ancestor to verify his Dao.

"There is one weird ancestor left to you."

Luoshen humbly gave in and said.

"I was besieged and died by the weird ancestors, just for them to experience the feeling of being besieged."

Roselle said darkly.


Like a mighty shore deity, Liu Shen stepped out, and ten thousand Dao turned into a chain of order gods and passed towards the last strange Dao Ancestral Cave.

Her body surrounds the heavens and the great world, blooming with immeasurable divine light, and in the big world, there are endless gods and demons prostrating, praying, sacrificing, and the endless time and space of Wu (King Zhao Zhao) seems to be her figure.

At this moment, the strange creatures of the strange plateau were all dead silent, and they did not dare to make a sound.

In the great world of the heavens and the heavens, the powerful beings all felt endless suppression, and some Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses were even numb, and their souls were trembling.

The great battle of sixteen sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses, a long ancient history, has never appeared, it is simply unimaginable.

Now that the sixteen powerhouses of the Sacrifice Dao Realm have been killed, there will be a fall of the world's powerhouses, and the most terrifying war since the opening of the heavens and the earth will break out.

That area, the worlds exploded, three thousand avenues, all the rules were dim, as if they could be extinguished at any time.

The avenues are shaking and disintegrating.

Countless great universes are shaking, cracking, and collapsing.

The river of time is diverted here, and the cosmic galaxy dissipates here.


Ye Hao completely concealed his breath, as if he had completely disappeared between heaven and earth, and the golden orb in the dantian began to swallow the origin land of the strange plateau.


At the same time, Ye Hao secretly also operated the Six Reincarnation Techniques, intending to take advantage of those strange ancestors being blasted and fuse and refine their Dao fruits.

An ancestor with long hair all over his body and stained with strange black blood was slashed by the sword of Desolate Heavenly Emperor to reveal that Ye Hao quickly refined a part of the blood mist and fused the Dao fruit in it.

And that's just the beginning.

Ten strange ancestors, but the Dao fruit representing ten sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses! .

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