


Whenever a strange ancestor was burst, Ye Hao secretly refined a wisp of blood mist, silently, and obtained the Dao fruit of this strange ancestor.

Without the knowledge of Barren Tianti, Ye Hei and the others, as well as the ten strange ancestors, Ye Hao successfully fused and refined the Dao Fruits of the ten sacrificial Dao-level powerhouses.

Coupled with the six sacrificial Dao-level Dao fruits that Ye Hao had fused and refined before, after entering the Great World of the Divine Ruin, he refined a total of sixteen sacrificial Dao-level Dao fruits.

Whether it is strength or heritage, all of them have been greatly improved.

"Arashi, you are indeed very strong, if you are allowed to lie dormant for a few more eras, maybe we will no longer be your opponents."

The strange ancestor who was beaten one after another, could no longer calm down at this time, and began to use his hole cards.

The sea of time is like boiling, the stars are shifting, the sea is eternal.

In the roar, the worlds resonate, the great world, the endless universe time and space, are all wailing, all trembling, and the eternity is about to collapse.

In the shocked and terrifying eyes of the world, something vague appeared behind the ten ancestors, setting off 673 them more and more strange and unpredictable, terrifying.

Ten ancient coffins!

Some ancient coffins are vibrant, with branches and brilliant leaves, each leaf can carry a truly complete cosmic starry sky.

Some ancient coffins are made of dozens and hundreds of kinds of mother gold, and the whole system of mother gold is one, transcending the limit and becoming an incredible artifact, so that the avenue is burned in front of it and turned into nothingness.


Ten ancient coffins appeared behind the ten ancestors, their temperament completely changed, becoming more and more unfathomable, and their bodies were exuding the aura of an ominous source.


The ten ancient coffins shook in unison, each opening a corner, and then the heavens and realms wailed, as if they could not carry that mysterious and terrifying substance.

In different coffins, different special mist floated out, and then each poured on the body of the corresponding ancestor.

A mouthful of black ash flowed out of the ancient coffin, which was an incredible substance, and after coming out of the coffin, it gradually turned into black fog, approaching the ancestor's body in front of the coffin, and turned into black blood, melting in, making him invisibly like a metamorphosis, and his strength increased terrifyingly.

In the other coffin, the gray (beff) material was raised, and then the gray mist filled the place, covering the ancestor in front.

There was also a coffin with ashes with a light golden luster floating out, shrouding the ancestor in front of the coffin, making his body golden, making his hideous and thick and long-haired face look much more dazzling, exuding a terrifying brilliance.


In the ten ancient coffins, each overflowed with different ash substances, gathering towards the ten ancestors, making their breath particularly terrifying, somewhat different.

"It's also too rich!"

Ye Hao, who was constantly secretly devouring the strange high origin, his eyes suddenly lit up, staring at the peak state of the ten great ancestors.

The ancient coffin behind them was a special artifact in the sacrificial level.

They still had at least one sacrificial Dao-level magic weapon in their hands, and some weird ancestors even had two sacrificial Dao-level magic weapons.

The strange ancestors don't know how many epochs exist and how many universes have been destroyed, whether it is ancient coffins or their magic weapons, all of them are refined from the top materials in the Great World of Divine Ruins.

Even if Ye Hao searched the Great World of Divine Ruins before, the top materials obtained were not as good as the ten weird ancestors.

The resources he collected were only one era, and the supreme materials collected by the ten strange ancestors spread through countless eras.

Coupled with the erosion by strange substances, these magic weapons are contaminated with strange power, which is much stronger than ordinary sacrificial magic weapons.

"Leave it to me next."

In the face of the changes of the ten strange ancestors, Ara Tianti was extremely calm, he had fought with the three strange ancestors for hundreds of millions of years, and he already knew their methods, and just when he was about to continue to kill, a familiar figure sounded in his ears.

"Golden Divine Fire!"

Ye Hao intercepted the ten golden divine fires on the golden ball in the dantian, and silently flew out from the body of the Barren Tianti, as if this golden flame was the hole card of the Barren Tianti.


The ten strange ancestors screamed, and the moment the golden divine fire fell on them, it wrapped their whole bodies and burned their origins.

No matter what means they use, they cannot get rid of it.

"Soldier secret!"

Ye Hao ran supremely powerful, and collected all the ten ancient coffins and ten strange magic weapons.

"The Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin lived on this plateau, died on this plateau, and his power spilled here to achieve the plateau."

"Can constantly resurrect people related to him, the ten strange ancestors absorb the ashes of the lord of the third copper coffin, are recognized as part of the power of the plateau, and can be constantly resurrected."

While looking at the ten strange ancestors who were constantly burned by the golden flame, Ye Hao explained the strange source to Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others.

"The strange plateau has a hazy consciousness, although he does not know how to fully use this great power, but he can mobilize the power of the third bronze coffin master to change the trajectory of history."

"I'm not fit to be exposed yet."

In the original plot, the consciousness of the weird plateau once changed the historical weirdness, allowing the ten weird ancestors to awaken two eras in advance, and making the plan of Ara Tianti and Ye Hei fail.

"Weird Plateau's own consciousness?"

"The Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin?"

"Change the historical trajectory?"

Ara Tianti, Ye Hei, Liu Shen and the others were suddenly shocked, and their hearts were heavy.

It's scary that the weird plateau can change the trajectory of history.

And the primordial substance that created the ten strange ancestors turned out to be the ashes of the third copper coffin master, which was even more shocking.

How terrifying should the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin be?

How could this unimaginable super strong fall?

Is there a more terrifying, dark existence than the weird plateau?

"The weird plateau is going to make a move, don't be nervous, I won't be affected, no matter what era the history weirdness returns to, I will let you recover to your peak strength in the first time."

Ye Hao found that at the end of the strange plateau, the fog was shrouded, and the history was changing strangely, directly hiding behind Barren Tianti.

The historical trajectory was directly changed by the weird plateau to two epochs ago, and the timeline directly returned to hundreds of millions of years ago. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not only did Ye Hao not have any idea of stopping the weird plateau, but he was even looking forward to it.

Every time the weird plateau changes the timeline, he can obtain the ten ancient coffins of the weird ancestor, as well as their magic weapons.

At the same time, it can also continue to the heavenly materials and earth treasures of the Great World of the Divine Ruin.

The more times the history of the weird plateau changes, the more blood he earns.

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