"Senior, the source of the weirdness should be solved, right?"

After Ye Hao solved the weird plateau, Barren Tianti, Ye Hei and the others also killed the ten strange ancestors, and Ara Tianti quickly asked.

Of all the people, he had been in contact with the strange clan for the longest time, and he knew the most about the terrifying damage that the weird clan had caused to the great worlds of the heavens.

Compared with the sea of sacrifice caused by the strange race, the boundary sea of the chaotic era is simply ~ a shallow puddle.

The boundary sea is also only a huge injury to the cultivators below the Immortal King.

As long as you break through to the Immortal King, if it is not for other Immortal Kings to strike, or encounter a special storm that is difficult to encounter in ten thousand years, ordinary Immortal Kings are enough - to explore in the realm sea.

And the sacrificial sea is terrifying, even if the immortal emperor enters it, there is a danger of getting lost, I don't know how many immortal emperors, quasi-immortal emperors are sacrificed by a strange family.

Among them, the shattered universe is even more difficult to count, spanning endless eras.

Ye Hei, Luoshen, the female emperor and the others also turned their eyes to Ye Hao, looking a little expectant.

"Remember what I told you about the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin before?"

"For whom is the great sacrifice of the weird clan for?"

"It is to pursue the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin."

"Although the strange family has not resurrected the lord of the third copper coffin, after their countless epochs of sacrifice, the lord of the third copper coffin has condensed a shadow."

Ye Hao's gaze pierced through time and space, across the heavens, and entered the depths of the realm sea.

There was a grand black altar, eerie, stained with blood, which had dried up and turned black.

This black altar does not know how many billions of years it has existed, and I don't know how many immortal emperors, how many great universes, and how many great worlds have been sacrificed.

"The Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin actually condensed a shadow?"

The faces of Barren Tianti, Ye Hei and the others changed drastically, and their hearts were shocked.

Whether it is the ten weird ancestors or the power of the weird plateau, all come from the lord of the third copper coffin.

Moreover, Ye Hao had said before that the lord of the third bronze coffin was a powerful man on the sacrificial path, and his divine power was unfathomable and difficult to fathom.

Although the current Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin is condensing a shadow, for a strong person at that level, just a shadow can exert a supreme divine power beyond the imagination of a strong person in the Sacrificial Dao Realm.

Just like the previous Pollen Road Ancestor Luoshen, even if Ara Tianti only resurrected one of its shadows, the power displayed by Luoshen was difficult to match below the Immortal Emperor.

"Senior, how did the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin fall?"

Ye Hei was extremely confused and worried.

The lord of the third bronze coffin is the supreme powerhouse above the sacrificial path, who can kill him, and who can kill him?

"The experience of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin is even more tragic than yours, he has experienced the extinction of the clan, the extinction of the realm, the endless time and space, and the destruction of billions of endless primordial universes, leaving only himself."

"After the extinction of the clan and the destruction of the realm, he experienced the moment when even the enemy was destroyed and nothing ceased to exist, endless time and space, universe, chaos, Dao, rebooted I don't know how many times, was sacrificed by him over and over again."

"Everything loses meaning to him."

Ye Hao introduced.

"Endless time and space are only left with itself?"

Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others were extremely shocked.

Just thinking about it, they know the loneliness and dead silence of this realm.

However, they also became more and more curious about the death of the third lord of the copper coffin.

The Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin was able to sacrifice everything, and how terrifying his realm was, it was unimaginable.

"As he was shattered, reborn, and went on and on, it is impossible to describe what level and height, he calmed down, and then looked back, even if it was a thought, reproduced everything, resurrected relatives and friends, but he could not find the original feeling."

"Those relatives, those old friends, sincere feelings are the same, but for a creature like him, those people and things are like a fragment of historical time and space, a line of text, a touch of information, losing the original meaning that ordinary people can experience."

"The level of life is different, and he can't find the touch he used to have."

"He is above all, he is the only one."

"He's tired of it, everything doesn't mean anything to him."

Ye Hao continued.

"Wouldn't it be getting depressed, world-weary? Committed suicide, right? "

Ye Hei was stunned.

Ara Tianti and the others were also stunned, faintly guessing the reason for the death of the third copper coffin master.

"He beheaded himself, sacrificed himself again, and just wanted to leave an ordinary him and live quietly with those relatives of the past."

"But, in the end, that ordinary him, there was still a problem."

"I don't know how many times I have sacrificed myself, I have experienced from nothing to something, from something to nothing, and so on and so on, and so on, and he is sick."

"No matter what means he uses, his Taoism is inevitably growing, the sealed past, the underlying emotions flow out silently, and some negative emotions appear, becoming the root of ten diseases, and the origin of the ten primordial substances on the plateau."

"In the end, he burned himself, carried his ashes in a triple copper coffin and a stone jar, erased all extraordinary remnants, and buried him on the plateau, and there was everything that followed."

When Ye Hao finished speaking, Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others fell into endless silence and complexity.

They never thought that the strange race that stretched for the endless era and brought destruction to the great world of the heavens and the endless primordial universe came from such a source.

Is the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin to blame?

After learning that he was sick, the lord of the third copper coffin chose to set himself on fire and erase everything about himself, and naturally he did not want to endanger future generations.

Otherwise, the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin was not dead, and with the other party's supreme realm, it was impossible for anyone to defeat the strange family.

"Looks like I'm lucky."

At this moment, Ye Hao noticed a slight fluctuation on the black altar, and his heart moved, and he came with Ara Tiandi, Ye Hei and the others.

He had insight into the existence of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin, and it was obvious that the other party was summoning him.

With the arrival of Ye Hao and his group, on the cold black altar, a figure suddenly appeared, very blurry, and his voice was hoarse, as if a ghost was whispering: "You are here." "

"I have no malice."

In order not to cause trouble, the black shadow took the initiative to say. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, after a period of fluctuations that made Ara Tianti, Ye Hei and the others palpitate, the black shadow's body suddenly grew thick red hair, his eye sockets showed the whites of dead fish, his mouth and nose, and his eyes, black blood began to flow.

His hair began to turn yellow, there was a gray mist in his body, and the whole person exuded the strongest strange aura, which was extremely terrifying.

"What is your purpose in summoning me?"

Ye Hao asked very directly.

After devouring the origin of the strange plateau, although he had some of the power above the sacrificial path, he had not really set foot on the realm above the sacrificial path.

He was still very jealous of the lord of the third bronze coffin.

In order not to cause other variables, he still wanted the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin to cooperate as soon as possible and let him help him extricate himself.

"I am tired of this world, and I have no ill will towards you, and I called you here to ask you to help me liberate."

The Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin replied.


Ye Hao said, directly starting his hand.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Without any hesitation, Ye Hao began refining a trace of the imprint of the Third Bronze Coffin Lord and began to fuse the other party's Dao fruit.

As long as he obtains the other party's Dao fruit, even if there are any variables, he can instantly calm the pressure.

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