Wuxia chat group.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Accident, it's really surprising, I really didn't expect the root of the weird family to be like this." "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I don't know how to describe it, such an invincible powerhouse as the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin would actually make himself sick." "

The world will help the lord: "I don't know what kind of mood the lord of the third copper coffin was when he planned to burn himself, and the old man really wanted to experience it." "

The World Will Help Lord No. 2: "Cracked!" "

Graphic designer: "The strange high reason is that it contains the great power in front of the lord of the third copper coffin, which can change the trajectory of history, I don't know how against the sky when the lord of the third copper coffin is at his peak?" "

The god-level task card opened by Ye Hao, the chat group will pass 10,000 "nine three seven" years in the past day.

In the eyes of the chat masses, the viewing speed of the live broadcast room has been increased by thousands of times.

Even in their realm, they need to watch intently.

It's just that after hearing the true death method of the lord of the third bronze coffin, the chatting masses could no longer calm down.

Endless space-time, universe, chaos, Dao, I don't know how many times it has been restarted, and it has been sacrificed over and over again by the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin.

I don't know how many times I have sacrificed myself, from nothing to something, from something to nothing, and so on and so forth.

For the realm where the lord of the third bronze coffin was located, the chatting masses were completely incomprehensible.

Such a super strong person actually made his cultivation sick, and he was even more world-weary, so he could only choose to bury himself with his own hands.

People like Xiongba, Yue Buqun and others can't wait to replace the lord of the third bronze coffin and experience his invincible and endless time and space, surpassing all supreme quality.

If they really reached the realm of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin, they would not be willing to die.

The lord of the third bronze coffin is too ruthless, and he burned himself to the ground before, erasing his traces in all time and space, and he didn't want to be resurrected again.

As a result, the ashes of the lord of the third copper coffin, as well as residual energy, created a strange plateau consciousness and created a strange family.

The strange family has experienced countless epoch sacrifices, and I don't know how many primordial universes and immortal emperors have been sacrificed, so that the lord of the third copper coffin condenses a shadow.

In this case, the lord of the third bronze coffin actually took the initiative to appear and seek liberation again.

Great Qin Zulong: "I thought that after solving the weird ten ancestors and the weird plateau, I would have to deal with the person who might kill the lord of the third copper coffin, but as a result, I didn't expect this to be the case." "

Emperor Hongwu: "I originally thought that the last mastermind behind the scenes was the lord of the third copper coffin, after all, his ashes created the ten strange ancestors, but I didn't expect that the lord of the third copper coffin was completely innocent, and even a little pitiful." "

Reincarnation: "It's too much to expect." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Ara Tianti and Ye Hei, these sons of destiny are really powerful, and they have all broken through to the realm of the sacrificial path, and they are still the strong ones in the sacrificial path." "

Rainbow Cat Young Man: "When the Great Immortal helps the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin to liberate, the weird clan of the world where Ara Tianti and Ye Hei are located will be completely liberated." "

The eyes of the chatting masses were extremely complicated to look at the lord of the third copper coffin in the live broadcast room, with different expressions.

However, no one had the idea of stopping the liberation of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin.

It was really the appearance of the lord of the third copper coffin that was too strange and terrifying, and the whites of his eyes were like dead fish in his thick red hair eye sockets, and black blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and his eyes.

His hair was yellow, and there was a gray mist on his body, which was much more terrifying than the evil spirits they had ever seen.

Even if the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin had no harmful thoughts, just his appearance, as well as the terrifying and strange power he carried, was a great destabilizing factor.

If the shadow of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin is not completely wiped out, maybe it will create an existence even more terrifying than the weird family in the future.


At this time, after Ye Hao intercepted a trace of the mark of the Lord of the Third Copper Coffin, he also instantly obtained the Dao Fruit of the Lord of the Third Copper Coffin, and began to fuse and refine.

In an instant, the dark golden orb in his dantian became only the size of an egg, and its color turned gray.

However, the energy contained in it has changed substantially, and it is no longer in the same dimension at all.

At a glance, he instantly derived endless time and space, as well as the causal line.........

There is no need to care about disrupting the future, what you see is endless time and space, endless possibilities.

In an instant, he was able to evaporate the endless sea of time and space, smash the worldly space, and the avenue be shattered.

Of course, what surprised Ye Hao the most was the Void Divine Power in the Dantian.

The gray ball that was only the size of an egg was like a huge black hole, and every time the Void Source Qi swallowed could form a large amount of Void Divine Power, it was like a rolling river flowing in Ye Hao's dantian.

The increase in the power of the Void Divine Power gave him a clearer perception of the endless void outside the world.

Like the Xiao Li Flying Dao World, Fengyun World, Daqin World and other worlds where the members of the group are located, Ye Hao at this time can enter these worlds without relying on his own strength without resorting to chat groups.

He has performed group missions before, and he has not left too deep a trace of the world, and he also has a certain perception in the underworld.

Like the previous Perfect Great World, the world of the Shade Heaven, he had a clear feeling that as long as he accumulated enough Void Divine Power, he would be able to open up time-space channels and rely on his own strength to enter these worlds.

"I should be qualified to set foot in the heavens and realms now."

Although Ye Hao was excited, he did not swell. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because, at this time, he still can't understand everything in the 3.0 chat group, which shows that in the infinite multidimensional dimension of the heavens and realms, there is still an existence far more powerful than him.

In the heavens and realms, there must be many existences of the same level as the chat group, and there are even supreme powers above the chat group.

"There are exactly two doppelgangers in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, and now you can send a doppelganger into the heavens and realms."

Ye Hao's strength at this time was already equivalent to the Chaos Great Sage in the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, and he could be called one of the peak powerhouses of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

He only needs to leave a doppelganger in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe now.

"I don't know what kind of existence this infinite multidimensional of the heavens and realms is?"

In the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, Ye Hao's doppelganger disappeared and directly entered the endless void.

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