Endless Void.


As far as the eye can see, the avenue is empty, the light is empty, the boundary is empty, as if everything is empty and nothing exists.

"The three thousand avenues, the six reincarnation techniques, and the Hongmeng Avenue that I realized before, if you don't use the Void Divine Power, in the Endless Void, you can't exert any power."

"Even if the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin is a strong person above the sacrificial path, after entering the Endless Void, it is like an ordinary person falling into the Cosmic Void."

"I can only struggle powerlessly, waiting for death."

Ye Hao sensed the particularity of the Endless Void, and within the dantian, the egg-sized gray ball frantically devoured the Void Source Qi, constantly transforming into Void Divine Power.

In the Endless Void, his combat power relied entirely on the Void Divine Power.

If the Void Divine Power is exhausted, even if he doesn't use other people's hands, he will lose the ability to resist.

"Large Space Technique!"

Ye Hao used the Void Divine Power to operate the supreme divine power, opened a Void Channel, and directly descended into the Perfect Great World.

19 "Meet the seniors~"

In the prefecture, the True Dragon King, the True Phoenix King, the Kunpeng King and other ten fierce people saw the figure that suddenly appeared, their faces respectful, and they bowed together.

"Has more than a million years passed?"

Ye Hao was stunned.

He didn't expect that after the chat group lifted the world time limit, according to the time of the chat group, he had left the Perfect Great World for less than a month, and such a long time had passed in the Perfect Great World.


Ye Hao cast his gaze on the strange plateau and directly took it away.

After his transformation, the weird plateau can become an excellent slave cultivation place.

With the level of a slave of the strange ancestor, the Eternal Continent he created in the Star Great World has become a high-level plane comparable to Hongmeng Space.

Without everyone in the Perfect Great World noticing, the source of the strange family had been solved by Ye Hao.

At the same time, Ye Hao once again found the shadow of the lord of the third copper coffin, fused and refined its Dao fruit, and then burned it to free it.

"Brother Dao~"

After solving the strange family, Ye Hao also moved the small stone of the Liu Shen, who had broken through to the quasi-immortal emperor, the giant level of the immortal king, to his face, and when the Liu God saw Ye Hao, his beautiful eyes flashed with a different look.

"Are you willing to leave this world with me?"

Ye Hao asked Liu Shen.

"Weird Family"

Before Liu Shen finished speaking, Ye Hao mapped the picture of himself solving the strange plateau into Liu Shen's mind.

"Little stone, give you a trial and see if you can break through to the realm above the sacrificial path."

Ye Hao said, directly condensing a parallel time and space in the Perfect Great World.

In this parallel time and space, whether it is the ultimate ancient land at the end of the boundary sea, or the strange family on the weird plateau, all exist.

He hoped that the little stone could break through to the realm above the sacrificial path in this parallel time and space.

Ye Hao not only did this in the Perfect World, but also in the Great World of Divine Ruins and the Great World of Covering the Heavens, Ye Hao did similar things.

He provided different techniques to those who were hopeful of breaking through to the sacrificial path, such as Arantianti, Ye Hei, and the female emperor, so that when they broke through to the realm above the sacrificial path, the Dao fruits of cultivation were different.

Because, the parallel time and space were opened up by Ye Hao, and after these people broke through to the sacrificial path, Ye Hao could easily gain insight into the Dao fruits of these people and fuse and refine.

As for Liu Shen, Ye Hao sent her to the Eternal Great World.

After arranging these, Ye Hao entered the world where he had performed group missions.

After wandering around these worlds, Ye Hao began to enter those strange heavens and realms.

"Wu Zhen World?"

Ye Hao broke through the barriers of the world dimension and entered a very interesting world, the world of Kyushu.

In the world of Kyushu, there are dynasties with the history of Kyushu, such as the Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty and so on.

There are also many martial arts worlds set in these dynasties.

It's just that the power system of the Kyushu world has exceeded the scope of martial arts, and it can be called a martial arts world.

There are six martial arts realms, including the day after tomorrow, the innate, the Dao Xuan Grandmaster, the Celestial Elephant Grand Master, the Martial Saint and the Martial God.

It is rumored that the three emperors and five emperors of the ancients are all legendary martial god realms, thus dominating the Kyushu world.

In today's Kyushu world, emperors such as the Great Qin Emperor, the Great Han Liu Che, and the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin are not only heroic and decisive emperors, but also martial arts masters.

These dynasties are indeed powerful, but there are also super sects with martial saints in the rivers and lakes, or supreme great sects with martial god inheritance, which is enough to be on an equal footing with some dynasties.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao wandered around the Kyushu World for a few days, and then opened a prefecture in it, leaving a mark on it, and then continued to explore the endless void.

With this prefecture imprint, the next time he wants to enter the Kyushu world, he can directly teleport into it.

At the same time, it is also possible to monitor the situation of these worlds at any time.

World in the Snow.

Kung Fu World.

Datang World.

Unless he can carry a world comparable to the strong on the sacrificial road, or there is a special world such as a traverser or system, Ye Hao will stay for a while.

In the ordinary world, Ye Hao opened up the reincarnation of the prefecture in it, leaving a brand, and left in an instant.

"Keep looking." 127

Although no special world, or super large world, was found.

However, Ye Hao did not care.

After all, the Endless Void is too big. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The next focus should be on the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe."

In the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, in the Earth Mansion, Ye Hao's doppelganger suddenly opened his eyes, and his divine power saw every corner of the Earth Mansion.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao operated supreme divine power, refining the prefecture directly.

After refining the prefecture and mastering the reincarnation of the prefecture, Ye Hao's doppelganger began to refine the Buddha realm, the Dao realm, the heavenly realm, and other flood and desolate chaotic universes, and ranked high-ranking worlds.

In the silence, except for Ye Hao's failure to refine the origin of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, the rest of the world was completely under Ye Hao's control.

Anything that happened in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, Ye Hao could see it clearly.

"The Lord of the Earth Mansion has two special Heavenly Saints, the Lord of the Six Realms and the Lord of Reincarnation, and the combined efforts of the two can mobilize the Six Realms of Reincarnation Origin to counter the Great Saint of Chaos."

"Pangu Chaos Great Sage, Hongjun Chaos Great Sage, Yangmei Chaos Great Sage, Demon Ancestor Chaos Great Sage"

Ye Hao also had a clearer understanding of the power of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe.

"This doppelganger of mine, as the lord of the prefecture, come to the front of the stage."

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