
Ye Hao glanced at it, and the ripples of the avenue swept through the heavens and realms of the Immortal World, gaining insight into all the heavens and gods of heaven and earth.

Buddhism is fundamental, claiming that fate is not out, but only honors cause and effect, and the three thousand avenues rank second in the great cause and effect.

The people of Hongmeng Dao have stopped learning, suppressed and subdued all living things, subdued all cause and effect, and the third great wish technique of the Three Thousand Avenues.

The ultimate divine power of the five elements of heaven and earth, after cultivation, can reverse the five element elements, has the supreme power of creation, and the top ten five element techniques of the three thousand avenues.

In an instant, Ye Hao obtained the Three Thousand Avenues of the Immortal World.

Even the General Outline of the Three Thousand Avenues, the number one Great Destiny Technique, Ye Hao also deduced the complete Great Destiny Technique through the Fang Qingxue Dao Fruit reincarnated by the Electric Mother Heavenly Monarch, and the peak Dao Fruit of the Immortal Gate Spirit Reincarnation Fang Old Demon.

Ye Hao became the first existence in the Immortal Great World to control the Three Thousand Avenues.

And taking control of the Three Thousand Avenues is just the beginning.

Where Ye Hao's eyes were located, he had insight into a "seven nine zero" cut, reversed the long river of time and space, looked at the ocean of destiny, prophesied and forespoken, and comprehended the supreme divine power created by countless immortal kings.

Supreme divine power, Hongmeng Heavenly Dao.

The Hongmeng Daoist people meditated at the gate of eternal life for 90,000 years, comprehending the spells of the remaining 2,999 avenues except for the Great Destiny Technique, in an attempt to surpass the Great Destiny Technique, which ranked first in the Three Thousand Avenues.

Supreme Divine Power, thirty-three days of Creation Divine Fist.

Creation Immortal King Peerless, a total of thirty-three moves, each move corresponds to a supreme treasure, cast enough to operate creation, the general outline is the supreme heavenly holy law, each move is a combination of ninety-nine kinds of three thousand avenues, and three thousand kinds of ancient secret methods of the immortal world, and then condensed into a world-wide killing move.

Supreme power, Ragnarok.

Once performed, all the gods will reach the twilight of the end and truly cease to exist, created by the end of the holy king, containing the mystery of the great destruction of the world, divided into death, decay, decay, destruction, destruction, five meanings, the so-called five decay of heaven and man.

Supreme power, Tianyuan one blow.

The supreme divine power, the supreme holy emperor God rules the true law.

Supreme Divine Power, Origin Divine Fist.

The Gate of Eternal Life opened the Three Thousand Chaos Era, and all the brilliant civilization crystals created by all the Immortal Kings through the Three Thousand Avenues were absorbed by Ye Hao and turned into their own heritage and strength.

At the same time that these brilliant civilization crystals were absorbed by Ye Hao, Ye Hao's surrounding body also became extremely terrifying and sacred, as if he had turned into the supreme of heaven and earth, the incarnation of the avenue, and the surrounding was covered with portals condensed by the rules of heaven and earth.

The creation artifact transformed by the mysteries of heaven and earth, the gate of all wonders.

It represents the innate power, has the power to transcend the heaven and earth, and completely precedes the time and space of heaven and earth, the creation artifact, the innate gate.

In the distant mythology, forty epochs ago, the Tai Void Immortal King forged a creation artifact with the Ether Void God Iron, the Gate of the Tai Void.

In addition to the portal where the mysteries of heaven and earth are condensed, there are also creation artifacts forged by supreme powerhouses, and there are more heavenly artifacts.

Although the Gate of Creation, the Gate of Origin, the Gate of Hongmeng, the Gate of Origin, the Gate of Yin and Yang, the Gate of Destruction, and the Gate of Divine are far less powerful than the Gate of Eternal Life, they all control some of the rules of heaven and earth.

Looking at it from afar, Ye Hao seemed to have become the center of heaven and earth, the source of the avenue, and every portal swallowed endless creations and avenues, telling the mysteries of the supreme heaven and earth.

Moreover, with the operation of Ye Hao, these portals are constantly merging, constantly changing, and gradually moving towards uniqueness.

Ye Hao refined Fang Old Devil's Spirit Dao Fruit, as well as the Poisonous Dao Fruit of the Gate of Eternal Life, and he already had a deep understanding of the Gate of Eternal Life.

Ye Hao was trying to condense a supreme artifact comparable to the gate of immortality on his own.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

While Ye Hao condensed the gate of immortality, his other movements did not stop.

The creation artifact, the fragment of the thirty-three days of supreme treasure that was shattered, flew from the heavens and realms to Ye Hao, and under Ye Hao's supreme divine power, it instantly recovered its integrity, turned into thirty-three cave heavens, communicated the power of creation, and launched three hundred times the combat power.

Creation artifacts, mythical realms.

Creation artifact, Nine Nine Supreme God City.

Under Ye Hao's supreme divine power, even if these creation artifacts, only a fragment remained after the heavenly artifacts were shattered, they quickly recovered their integrity, and their power was even better than before.

In addition to these creation artifacts and heavenly artifacts, Ye Hao was also collecting ancient fonts spewed out by the Gate of Eternal Life.

The six-character mantra, Om, Ma, Me, Mi, Mi, Yin.

The thirty-three ancient characters, which correspond to the thirty-three ancient characters of the thirty-three days of the supreme treasure, can be combined into a mantra that expounds the way of heavenly creation.

The nine-character Dao symbol, Lin, Bing, Fight, Er, Both, Array, Column, Front, and Line, have the role of assisting people to transcend heaven and earth.

After these continuous acquisition of these creations and avenues, the portal condensed behind him also became more and more vast and sacred, and as he approached the power of the gate of eternal life, the huge portal shrouded the billions of worlds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, all this, whether it was the cultivators in the heavens and realms, or the immortal kings in the gate of eternal life, were all unaware, and everything happened silently.

"It's time to enter the gate of eternal life."

Under Ye Hao's billion-fold time acceleration, in less than a day in the outside world, Ye Hao absorbed the civilization crystallization of the development of the three thousand chaotic era created by the gate of eternal life, and obtained all creations and avenues...

Even so, the portal power condensed by Ye Hao was not as good as the Gate of Eternal Life, but only had a part of the power of the Gate of Eternal Life.

After all, the three thousand chaotic epochs were all created by the Gate of Eternal Life, and it was impossible to surpass the Gate of Eternal Life itself.

However, if the other immortal kings knew that Ye Hao's condensed portal had part of the power of the Immortal Gate, I am afraid that it would be shocked and incomparable.

Because, although the name of the heaven and earth mysterious portal condensed by the immortal kings of the immortal world is similar to the gate of eternal life, they are all vain, and they only master part of the rules of heaven and earth.

"Good baby!"

Ye Hao entered the gate of eternal life, and as far as his eyes could see, the endless black storms were enough to return all heaven and earth to chaos and return to Hongmeng.

However, after Ye Hao tore through these black storms and entered the depths of the Gate of Eternal Life, his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

Countless divine objects composed of a scene more spectacular than the Heavenly River, in that Tianhe, a huge number of divine objects, what great Yanjin essence, Yin and Yang magic stone, innate divine jade, Taiji divine stone,......... Endless fetish.

The deeper you go, the more fetish you have, the more top, and the more sacred and terrifying the scene becomes.

Ghosts cry and howl, gods resonate, immortals sing, humanoid elixirs, venerable artifact materials, and even ancient texts, floating in the endless void.

Even the strongest world derived from the influence of the Gate of Eternal Life is above the Immortal Realm, and the upper realm that is filled with a large amount of immortal qi and divine objects is extremely barren compared to the creation within the Gate of Eternal Life.

This is also the reason why all the immortal kings in the Great World of Immortality choose to enter the gate of eternal life.

While Ye Hao was checking the divine object, he also encountered an immortal king who had cultivated in retreat and bitter 2.6, quietly refining their Dao fruit.

When Ye Hao approached the deepest part of the Gate of Eternal Life, there were many fewer fetish.

However, each piece is a supreme creation.

A three-life stone the size of hundreds of millions of planets, with the breath of three lives rippling on it, the past life, this life, the next life, the three lives in one, awakening everything.

A huge font surrounded by tens of thousands of ancient characters, Dao, the strokes are simple, but the mystery is unmatched, the first of all characters, can restrain the 10,000 characters, dominate the 10,000 characters.

A divine divine egg, the breath is not weaker than the divine egg that gave birth to the Hong Barren Ancestral Dragon, and the creatures in it have the potential to become immortal kings.

Ye Hao did not immediately collect these divine items, nor did he alarm the Immortal King in the Gate of Eternal Life.

While comprehending the rules and avenues of heaven and earth contained in these divine objects, he fused and refined the Immortal King Dao Fruit in the Gate of Eternal Life.

"When I comprehend all the avenues in the Gate of Eternal Life, it is when I refine the Gate of Eternal Life."

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