
In the Eternal Great World, Ye Hao obtained a world tree from the Gate of Eternal Life to take root in the center of the continent.

Around him are thousands of world trees, forming a forest.


Ye Hao's body operated supremely and began to continuously baptize these world trees.

The leaves and branches of the world tree do not know how many quadrillion trillions of miles long, even if they are replaced by light years, they are hundreds of millions of light years long, spanning ancient and modern times, and the root system radiates continents.

This is a world tree whose strength is comparable to that of the Immortal Great World, the Thirty Chaos Era cultivators are immortal kings.

The World Tree Forest around him is also constantly getting stronger and growing, and each one is already comparable to the Immortal Emperor of the Perfect Great World.


That was a three-born stone comparable to the size of hundreds of millions of planets, and Ye Hao comprehended all the avenues in it, imprinting it on his magic weapon, the six reincarnation bells.

At the same time, there are also six ancient characters full of heaven and earth, such as reincarnation, Dao, soul, hell, and man, imprinted on the six reincarnation bells.

As for Ye Hao's other magic weapon, tens of thousands of ancient characters appeared on the top of the world, and the three thousand avenues of the Great World of Immortality, the supreme god, were imprinted on it.

The Barren Tower controlled by Ye Hao's body, he imprinted the gate of immortality that he had condensed before on the portal of the Barren Tower, and even thousands of special portals with some rules of heaven and earth continued to appear on it.

The Gate of the 24 Heavens, the Gate of Chaos, the Gate of Tai Void, the Gate of Primordial, and the Gate of Hongmeng

"You can control the gate of eternal life."

When Ye Hao refined Fang Lao Demon's Spirit Dao Fruit, Ye Hao felt that he controlled the Gate of Eternal Life.

It was only for the sake of security that he comprehended the crystallization of civilization left by the Three Thousand Ages created by the Gate of Eternal Life, and all the divine objects and various creations in the Gate of Eternal Life.

Now in the Great World of Immortality, except for the Gate of Eternal Life, all other avenues and laws are controlled by him, so naturally there is no need to wait.


The Immortal King in the Gate of Eternal Life glanced at it suspiciously, and suddenly surged up, and quickly calmed down the immortal qi, some doubts.

However, soon these immortal kings calmed down and continued to comprehend the gate of eternal life, hoping that they could refine the gate of eternal life, control the gate of eternal life, and reach the realm of eternal life.

"Is this the power of the Gate of Eternal Life?"

The reason why the Qi of Eternal Life trembled was because Ye Hao's movements when refining the Gate of Eternal Life, and the process of controlling the Gate of Eternal Life, was much smoother than Ye Hao expected.

After Ye Hao refined the Spirit Dao Fruit of the Gate of Eternal Life, in the eyes of the Gate of Eternal Life, the two were one, and there was no rejection for Ye Hao.

"Is this the power of the Immortal Realm?"

Ye Hao sensed the realm behind refining the gate of immortality.

Cut off all fetters, reach the state of self-possession and eternity, omnipotence, omniscience, transcendence of all settings, self-existence and eternity.

"The direction that the gate of eternal life leads to is indeed an endless void."

Ye Hao probed the direction to which the Gate of Eternal Life led, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

He already has a doppelganger exploring the Endless Void.

"It's really fast!"

Ye Hao sighed leisurely.

How long has it been?

In less than a day, he had taken all the creations of the super world such as the Immortal Great World into his pocket.

Even the Gate of Eternal Life was refined by him.

And the time given by the group task is a full year.

"In the great world of immortality, if you want to reach the immortal realm, you can only control the gate of eternal life, and there is only one gate of eternal life."

"Otherwise, being able to reach the limit of the realm is the supreme broken realm."

Ye Hao quickly had an idea in his heart.

The creation of the Great World of Immortality has been obtained by him, and he only needs to leave a reincarnation mark in the Great World of Immortality, and he can enter and exit the Great World of Immortality at any time.

And if the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Great World, such as the Origin Demon Lord, the Mythical Old Man, the Creation Immortal King, and the Hongmeng Daoist, stay in the Immortal Great World, the apex of this life is the Supreme Shattered Realm, which is too wasteful.

"If I send them into the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, with their current background, I am afraid that someone will soon be able to break through to the Chaos Great Sage Realm."

"Especially the Origin Demon Lord and the Mythical Old Man who have reached the Supreme Shattered Realm, the two of them will be able to control the Chaos Demon Dao Law and the Chaos Yin Yang Law immediately."

"As for the Creation Immortal King and Hongmeng Daoist whose strength is close to endless shattering, they only need to adapt to the Flood Barren Chaos Universe to be able to easily control the Chaos Creation Law and the Chaos Hongmeng Law."

Ye Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

He put these immortal kings of the Immortal Great World into the Hongmeng universe he created, and when they broke through to the Chaos Great Sage, Ye Hao could easily refine and fuse their Dao fruits. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He can also easily control the four laws of chaos, plus the law of chaos reincarnation that he controlled before, which is equivalent to controlling the five laws of chaos.

"There are also these people such as Desolate Tianti, Ye Hei, and the female emperor of the Great World of the Divine Ruin, and they can also be sent into the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe."

"With their abilities, they must also be able to control a law of chaos."

"With so many people controlling the Law of Chaos at the same time, it is much faster than I can comprehend it alone."

Thinking of this, Ye Hao immediately took action.

"Buzz~", "Buzz~", "Buzz~"

In the Gate of Eternal Life, the Origin Demon Lord, the Creation Immortal King, the Mythical Old Man, the Hongmeng Daoist and others who were experiencing the Gate of Eternal Life only felt an invisible and irresistible force shrouded them, and they were moved to Ye Hao's face.

"The gate of eternal life is already under my control."

Ye Hao glanced at these immortal kings and said lightly.


Facing Ye Hao's eyes, these immortal kings only felt that their bodies were about to disintegrate and their souls were going to be annihilated, which was a terrifying force that could not be resisted.

"I now give you a chance to break through the shackles."

Ye Hao said, and without waiting for the reaction of immortal kings such as the Origin Demon Lord, the Creation Immortal King, and the Mythical Old Man, he brought them into the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, the chaotic small world he opened.

"This is a world that is higher than your world, and once you leave this chaotic small world, you will be suppressed by the Chaos Universe Origin Will."

"If you want to leave, you must control a law of chaos in this world, so that if you walk out of this world, you will be recognized by the original will of the chaotic universe."

After Ye Hao finished speaking, he waited quietly.

"Who the hell is this person? How could it be so strong? "

"What does he mean when he says this is the other world? Is it the world to which the Gate of Eternal Life leads? "

"Can we reach a higher level in this world?"

Immortal Kings such as the Origin Immortal King, the Truth Immortal King, and the Haoqi Immortal King had too many shocks and too many doubts.

"Boom!" , "Boom! "

At this moment, 890 two terrifying auras erupted, overwhelming them, making them unable to resist surrendering and worshiping.

It was the breath of the Origin Demon Lord and the mythical old man, and after the two entered the small world of chaos, they sensed the laws of chaos corresponding to them.

Without any hesitation, the two of them controlled these two laws of chaos.

Even if the two of them reached the supreme shattered realm before, beyond the realm of immortal kings, their strength was only a little stronger than some immortal kings.

At this time, they felt a terrifying power far above other immortal kings, and they could easily obliterate other immortal kings.

Even the Creation Immortal King, Hongmeng Daoist, whose strength is close to theirs, they can be wiped out with one thought.

At the same time, in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, a chaos law that was like the source of the Demon Dao appeared, and a chaos law of the source of Yin and Yang appeared.

Above these two laws of chaos, there were two blurred figures.

"Since you have broken through to the Chaos Great Sage Realm, you can leave."

Ye Hao waved his hand and directly sent the Origin Demon Lord and the mythical old man out of the Chaos Small World.

At the moment when the two broke through to the Chaos Great Sage, Ye Hao fused and refined the Dao Fruit of the two.

The two of them only controlled one law of chaos, he controlled three laws of chaos, and he fused and refined the Dao Fruit of the Lord of the Third Bronze Coffin, refined the Gate of Eternal Life, and obtained the Dao Fruit of the Immortal Realm, which was much stronger than the two of them.

"Really broken through to a higher realm?"

The eyes of immortal kings such as the Creation Immortal King, Hongmeng Daoist, and Origin Immortal King in the chaotic small world all breathed fire, and instantly found a place and began to retreat and comprehend.


At this time, the entire Flood Desolation Chaos Universe exploded directly.

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