Flood Desolation Chaos Universe.

"How is this possible? Someone broke through to the Chaos Great Sage? "

"It's not one person who breaks through the Chaos Great Sage, it turns out that two people break through to the Chaos Great Sage at the same time, one controls the Chaos Demon Dao Law, and the other controls the Chaos Yin Yang Law."

"Wasn't there a Demon Ancestor before? Isn't he in control of the Chaos Demon Dao Law? "

"I heard that the Demon Ancestor controls the Chaos Killing Law, and now that someone controls the Chaos Demon Dao Law, it can be determined that what the Demon Ancestor controls is definitely not the Chaos Demon Dao Law."

"What the hell is going on? In such a short time, three Chaos Great Sages were born, and none of us knew each other, they seemed to appear out of thin air. "

At this moment, all the cultivators who knew what the movement of heaven and earth represented, all could not calm down.

In addition to Ye Hao, the Origin Demon Lord and the mythical old man, the last time the Chaos Great Sage was born in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, many people who were far away could not remember clearly.

Hundreds of billions of years ago?

Trillions of years ago?

Or are they older days?

However, now three Chaos Great Sages were born one after another, with an interval of less than a day.

This is no longer bizarre, it is simply a myth, a legend.

"How is this possible?"

Hongjun Chaos Great Sage's face was very ugly, and he looked at the Yuan First Demon Lord and the Mythical Old Man with a shocked expression.

Again an existence that he did not recognize.

Similar to Ye Hao, he couldn't deduce where the Yuan First Demon Lord and the mythical old man came from.

In such a short period of time, the birth of so many strange Chaos Great Sages would definitely pose a huge threat to his next plans.

"Someone actually controls the laws of the Chaos Demon Dao?"

The face of the demon ancestor was also very ugly, and his eyes flashed coldly.

He was majoring in the Law of Chaos Demon Dao and the Law of Chaos Killing, and under the conspiracy of Hongjun, he fell into the calamity, and his body was contaminated with endless killing robbery, and he could only choose to control the Chaos Killing Law.

However, he did not give up his control over the laws of the Chaos Demon Dao.

After hundreds of millions of years of hard practice, he had already thoroughly comprehended the laws of the Chaos Demon Dao, and as long as he could resist the coercion of the Origin Will of the Flood Chaos Universe, he would be able to forcibly master the laws of the Chaos Demon Dao.

Now someone controls the Chaos Demon Dao Law in advance, even if in order to monopolize the Dao, the other party will interfere and suppress when he wants to control the Chaos Demon Dao Law.

If nothing else, his path to control the two laws of chaos and become the first powerhouse in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe has been cut off.

"I can't see through the world today, I don't know if it's good or bad."

Yang Mei frowned, and could only sigh deeply.

The more Chaos Great Sages in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, the greater the advantage when it comes to fighting with other Chaos Universes or grabbing resources.

It will become more and more difficult for other cultivators of the Chaos Universe to invade the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe.

However, now all of these newly born Chaos Great Sages seem to have appeared out of thin air, and they don't know the origin at all, and the unstable factors are too great.

In case of any special secret method used by which chaotic universe, he concealed the Origin Will of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe and became a Chaos Great Saint in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe.

Someday in the future, when there is a war with these chaotic universes, the other party should cooperate inside and outside, and the flood chaotic universe is likely to be breached.

In the endless space, there are many chaotic universes that have been breached.

The end of these chaotic universes is generally very miserable, and even some chaotic universes directly become the pastures of some top chaotic universes, which are regularly harvested.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

If it was just Ye Hao who became a Chaos Great Sage alone, the other Chaos Great Sages of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe could still be calm, and after the Yuan First Demon Lord and the mythical old man broke through to the Chaos Great Sage, they could no longer be calm, and they rushed towards the Immeasurable Great World.

Of the three newly born Chaos Great Sages, the place where Ye Hao preached was the prefecture, and the place where he preached was the immeasurable world.

And the place where the Yuan First Demon Lord and the mythical old man preached was the immeasurable world, and it was even more in Ye Hao's dojo, and they had to go to find out the information of Ye Hao and the others.

"Welcome to all Taoists~"

Ye Hao saw Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei and other Chaos Great Sages descending into the Immeasurable Great World, and took the initiative to invite them to enter the chaotic small world they opened.

Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei and other Chaos Great Sages did not have any hesitation and directly entered the Chaos Small World.

With so many Chaos Great Sages together, they were not afraid of any traps at all.

What's more, the place where they are is still in the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, and they don't have to worry about their safety.

"Six realms of reincarnation!"

Ye Hao quietly began refining the Dao Fruit that fused the Chaos Great Sage such as Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, and Yang Mei. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Killing Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Space Technique Advanced. "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Immortal Dao Technique Advanced. "

All the Chaos Great Sages in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, even if they did not come to Ye Hao's chaotic small world, they were also an incarnation into Ye Hao's chaotic small world.

For Ye Hao, there was no difference between the two.

After refining and fusing the Dao fruits of these Chaos Great Sages, Ye Hao once again controlled the Chaos Immortal Dao Laws, Chaos Killing Laws, Chaos Space Laws and other Chaos Law Avenues.

"I don't know how many Daoist friends are honored? Why haven't I seen a few Taoists before? "

Yang Mei sat down and asked very directly.

As long as Ye Hao, the Yuan First Demon Lord and the Mythical Old Man were creatures of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, he would not bother with other things.

The Origin Demon Lord and the mythical old man did not finish speaking, but turned their gaze to Ye Hao.

After they became Chaos Great Sages, they also instantly gained insight into the situation of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, except for Ye Hao, other Chaos Great Sages, they were not afraid at all.

When they finished digesting their own heritage, their strength would soon be able to compete with these veteran Chaos Great Saints.

"I am a creature of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, because I am good at Heavenly Mechanics, so you don't know me, which is very normal."

Ye Hao didn't lie.

"As for the two of them, the Yuan First Demon Lord (Zhao Lihao) and the mythical old man, they are not creatures of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, they come from other worlds."

"I brought them here."

"It is also my induction of the Heavenly Mechanic Technique to cover the Origin Will of the Chaotic Universe and let them preach."

"However, they have cut off all ties and causes and effects from the past, and now belong to the living words of the Flood Chaos Universe."

Ye Hao introduced.

He could be very sure that now that he opened the passage to the Great World of Immortality, the Origin Demon Lord and the Mythical Old Man would not leave the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe.

"The Heavenly Mechanic Technique obscures the induction of the will of the Chaotic Origin Universe?"

Hongjun, Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei and the others no longer cared at the moment whether the Origin Demon Lord and the mythical old man were creatures of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, but were more concerned with the other situation mentioned by Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's Heavenly Mechanic Technique is so terrifying, is it possible that the other party has already controlled the Chaotic Heavenly Machinery Avenue?

In this case, wouldn't the other party already control the two Chaos Law Avenues?

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