"He is not a simple Chaos Great Sage."

The Yuan Shi Demon Lord and the mythical old man had unchanged faces, but their hearts were secret.

"This person controls at least two Chaos Laws and also refines the Gate of Eternal Life, and his strength is much stronger than that of ordinary Chaos Great Sages."

The Yuan First Demon Lord and the Mythical Old Man had sensed the power exerted by Ye Hao before, and they were much stronger than them.

"Since the other party can enter our world, I am afraid that he can also enter other worlds, maybe he controls many supreme artifacts similar to the gate of immortality, and his strength is definitely the most powerful existence in the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe."

After the two became the Great Sages of Chaos, they also had insight into the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, and they also knew the situation of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

In the eyes of other cultivators, Hongjun was the number one powerhouse in the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

However, the two of them knew very well that Hongjun's strength was not as good as Ye Hao's, and the strength gap between the two was probably crushing.

"I've seen Daoyou, I don't know if your Heavenly Mechanic can cover the Origin Will of other Chaotic Universes?"

A brilliant light flashed in the eyes of the Demon Ancestor, and he couldn't help but ask Ye Hao.

He controls the law of killing, and if Ye Hao can help him cover the original will of other chaotic universes and let him enter other chaotic universes, he can completely slaughter the creatures of one chaotic universe.

Or you can transform all the creatures of a chaotic universe into demonic creatures.

This was a huge help to his cultivation.

"I wonder if you can do it?"

The expressions of the Chaos Great Sages such as Hongjun, Yang Mei, and Buddha Lord were also shocked, and they were extremely expectant.

Each chaotic universe is a unique existence in endless space, they have traveled in endless space, they have seen many chaotic universes, and they have seen opportunities that help them.

It's just that if they enter the Heterogeneous Chaos Universe, the Chaos Universe Origin Will will reject them, and the Chaos Great Sage in the Chaos Universe will also come to stop them.

For the Chaos Great Sage, if he is not fully prepared, if he enters other Chaos universes, even if he does not fall, he is likely to be hit hard.

"Of course you can."

Ye Hao nodded.

His Great Heavenly Mechanic was able to cover the perception of the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, and naturally it could also cover the perception of the Origin Will of other Chaotic Universes.

"I want to enter the Abyss Chaos Universe, I wonder if you can help me cover up the perception of the Origin Will of the Abyss Chaos Universe?"

"I'm willing to take out the endless space territory map I made."

The Demon Ancestor said, pulling out a drawing that was filled with an ancient chaotic aura, with mysterious ancient runes on it.

This is the map of the territory drawn by the Demon Ancestor by exploring the endless space.

For most of the cultivators of the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, they only knew that there were Heber Chaos Universe, Black Fool Chaos Universe, and Abyss Chaos Universe near the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

And the innate chaos demon gods such as Demon Ancestor, Yang Mei, and Hongjun did not stop exploring endless space after breaking through to the Chaos Great Sage.

Each of them has their own map of the endless space territory.

This kind of territory map is also extraordinary in endless space.


Ye Hao nodded gently.

The Flood Desolate Chaos Universe will definitely honor him in the future, and after the strength of the Chaos Great Sages such as Demon Ancestor and Yang Mei becomes stronger, he can completely hold a Dao Conference every once in a while.

He could easily fuse and refine the Dao Fruits of these Chaos Great Sages.

"Thank you."

The Demon Ancestor forcibly endured the excitement in his heart and said.

The creatures in the Abyss Chaos Universe are all Abyss Demons, and the entire Chaos Universe is filled with terrifying demonic qi and has a huge amount of Demon Dao Supreme Treasures.

However, the one who has the greatest attraction to the Demon Ancestor is the Abyss Origin Demon in the Abyss Chaos Universe.

The Abyss First Demon is an abyss demon at the level of the Chaos Great Sage, they cultivate the bloodline, and the bloodline contains the supreme avenue, relying on the powerful bloodline to reach the Chaos Great Sage level.

If he can hunt an Abyss Ancestor, or severely damage it, and obtain the other party's flesh and blood essence, it will be of great help to him in comprehending the Demon Dao.

"If the Heavenly Mechanic Technique can really completely conceal the perception of the Origin Will of the Abyss Chaos Universe, I can use the Secret Technique to refine a (CGEH) Dao incarnation in the Abyss Chaos Universe and complete the Abyss Chaos Universe."

Demon Dao also has ambition in his heart.

After seeing that the Yuan First Demon Lord and the Mythical Old Man, two creatures who were not in the Flood Barren Chaos Universe, broke through to the Chaos Great Sage level in the Flood Barren Chaos Universe.

He also wanted his avatar to break through to the Chaos Great Sage level in the Abyss Chaos Universe.

In this way, he would be able to control the Dao Fruits of the two Chaos Great Sage levels and absorb the civilization essence of the two Chaos Universes.

Beyond Ye Hao, he no longer dared to hope for luxury.

In his opinion, Ye Hao no longer knew how many chaotic universes he had secretly entered and how many layouts he had. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, surpassing Hongjun should be a very easy thing.

"Great Space-Time Art!"

Ye Hao ran supreme divine powers, opening the space-time channel of the two chaotic universes.

"Great Heavenly Mechanics!"

Ye Hao put another divine light on the Demon Ancestor, so that the Origin Will of the Abyss Chaos Universe could not sense the existence of the Demon Ancestor.

"Thank you Taoist~"

The Demon Ancestor separated an avatar and directly entered the Abyss Chaos Universe, revealing a trace of ecstasy in the depths of his eyes.

If it was before, when his avatar entered the Abyss Chaos Universe, the Abyss Chaos Universe Origin Will would suppress his doppelganger at the first time.

Now there is no reaction.

Without the interference of the Origin Will of the Chaos Universe, he could completely cast a secret method and reincarnate as a creature of the Abyss Chaos Universe.

Even if there is no Ye Hao's Heavenly Mechanic in the future, he will be able to survive in the Abyss Chaos Universe.

"Daoist, this is the map of the endless space territory I drawn, and I want to enter the black foolish chaotic universe."

When the Buddha Lord saw that the Demon Ancestor had successfully entered the Abyss Chaos Universe, he couldn't bear it.

The cultivation system of the Black Fool Chaos Universe is a refining system, and the wisdom of living beings is generally not high, and he can easily cross a large number of cultivators in the Black Fool Chaos Universe.

Seeing this, Hongjun, Yang Mei and the others also couldn't bear it, and they all took out the endless space territory map they had drawn and said the chaotic universe they wanted to enter.

"Qingtian Chaos Universe, Hongmeng Chaos Universe, Innate Chaos Universe, Totem Chaos Universe"

Ye Hao soon obtained the endless space territory map controlled by the Flood Desolate Chaos Universe, looked at the Chaos Universe above, and fell into deep thought.

He may be able to imitate the pattern of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe, use Hongmeng Avenue to open up a chaotic world, preach in it, and attract the Chaos Great Sages in these Chaotic Universes to enter it.

In this way, he can obtain a lot of Chaos Great Sage-level Dao fruits.

"Maybe it won't be long before you can refine the Origin Will of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe and become the master of the Flood Desolation Chaos Universe."

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