"Who the hell is it?"

An old man with flowery green clothes, slippers on his feet, and bare toes frowned.

He is one of the seven enlightened Dao Lord-level Hun Source beings in the infinite source space, Yuan.

The years of existence are the oldest, the most comprehensive means, and even able to create the source world.

At this time, his expression was also very heavy, his eyes were deep, staring at the infinite source space.

Although the Innate Hunyuan Life Ancestor does not have the essence of the Dao, it does not mean that all the Innate Hunyuan Life Ancestors are weakened by the Enlightenment Lord-level Hunyuan Life.

Almost all of the more than two hundred innate source life ancestors in the infinite source space have been in contact with Yuan.

Some of them were born with the Origin Life Ancestor, and even he was very jealous.

Now these innate Hunyuan life ancestors were sneak attacked, not only did they not stop the sneak attackers, but they didn't even know who sneaked attack.

This method is too amazing, too weird.

"Every new Enlightened Dao Lord-level Hunyuan Life, the moment they are born, other Lord-level Hunyuan Beings will perceive it, so this mysterious Lord-level Hunyuan Life is definitely not a newly born Lord-level Hunyuan Life."

"Could it be the new means of controlling the life of some veteran lord-level Hunyuan?"

Another enlightened lord-level Hunyuan life, the astral face was slightly ugly.

He has always been recognized as the best at sneaking up on hidden Lord-level Hunyuan Lives, but now there is a Lord-level Hunyuan Life that is far superior to him in stealing 583 attacks and hiding, which makes him very humiliated.

When many innate Hunyuan ancestor lives were sneak attacked, many innate Hunyuan ancestor lives and enlightened lord-level Hunyuan beings asked him if he did it.

How Astral wanted to answer that it was he who did it.

Unfortunately, he simply couldn't do it.

"This lord-level Hunyuan life is too dangerous."

A Dao Lord-level Hunyuan Life Gold covered in white-silver scale armor, with twelve white silver horns on the top of his head, and a white-silver scale armor tail, revealed a thick jealousy in his white and silver eyes.

An existence that can conceal the lives of more than two hundred innate Hunyuan ancestors can definitely conceal the Hun Yuan life of the Enlightenment Dao Lord.

In other words, in the future, what Ye Hao wanted to do in the infinite source space, they could not stop it.

"Will you do it?"

The gazes of more than two hundred Innate Hunyuan Ancestor Lives who were sneaked up on were also on the seven Enlightenment Lord-level Hunyuan Beings at this time.

They also expected Ye Hao to make a move, and they expected Ye Hao not to make a move.

If Ye Hao made a move to sneak up on the Enlightenment Dao Lord-level Hunyuan Life, then they would not be ridiculed.

If Ye Hao hadn't sneaked up on the Enlightenment (AGBH) Dao Lord-level Hunyuan Life, it meant that Ye Hao was at least afraid of the Enlightenment Dao Lord-level Hunyuan Life.

In the infinite source space, it is not possible to do whatever you want.


Yuan was still thinking about who might have made the move, and found that he was missing a hair, and Ye Hao's figure was not found at all.

"It is worthy of being a Enlightenment Lord-level Hun Source Life."

Ye Hao was surrounded by Void Divine Power and stood in front of Yuan.

Yuan is one of the peak powerhouses in the starry sky world.

However, with his strength at this time, he still couldn't step into the endless void and touch the infinite multidimensional dimension.




The seven Dao fruits of the Enlightenment Dao Lord-level Hunyuan Life, Ye Hao all easily obtained.


At the same time, Ye Hao's egg-sized gray ball instantly swelled, forming a huge Qiankun world.

The area of the world is even larger than the area of hundreds of millions of earths, and the world film constantly absorbs the void source qi in the endless void, forming a rolling void divine power.

The area of the Qiankun world is not to say that compared with the size of the starry sky world, even the area of the primordial universe is not comparable.

However, the world of Qiankun is a world of multiple prototypes, a superposition of endless planes, a truly self-owned, original, eternal, beginningless and endless world.

As long as Ye Hao's mind moved, he could open up an infinite pluralistic world, which could accommodate hundreds of millions of worlds comparable to the level of the perfect world.

Once the Qiankun world is opened, even if it enters other infinite multiverses, it will not be suppressed.

This realm is completely beyond imagination, even if it is weak, it can blow away the heavenly path with a breath, reverse life and death at will, and travel through the endless void.

"Great Heavenly Mechanics!"

Ye Hao operated supremely powerfully, instantly locking countless worlds related to the Starry Sky Great World in the Endless Void.

In a starry sky world, there is a traverser who crosses to become Luo Hua, the younger brother of the protagonist Luo Feng.

In a starry sky world, there is a traverser who crosses through Wei Wen, a classmate who becomes the protagonist Luo Feng.

In a starry sky world, there is a traverser awakening infinite check-in system.

"Kind of interesting."

Ye Hao soon discovered an infinitely diverse world.

Zhou Yuan, a young man who was originally just an ordinary earth, accidentally obtained a mysterious ring, which opened a world every once in a while.

Through this mysterious ring, Zhou Yuan was able to enter these worlds.

And this mysterious ring is the entrance to an infinite multi-world, not only the ordinary martial arts world, but even the perfect world, the top world such as the Flood Barren World.


Ye Hao's heart moved, and thousands of rings appeared on his hand that were identical to the rings on Zhou Yuan's hand.

With Ye Hao's realm at this time, he instantly gained insight into the essence of this special ring, and he could easily create it.

"If you can become a supreme existence of an infinite multiverse through this special ring, then the realm will be able to reach the king-level void life level."

After the realm broke through to the Qiankun realm, Ye Hao also had a certain understanding of the information of the Endless Void through the Great Heavenly Mechanic Technique.

Lower Void Life.

Median Void Life.

Upper Void Life.

King-level void life.

Emperor-level Void Life.

God-level void life.

Directly in the dantian, Ye Hao, who opened up the Qiankun world, directly stepped into the god-level void life in the realm.

This realm, even in the endless void, belongs to the strong.

"Continue to speed up the use of god-level mission cards, earn points, buy god-level understanding cards, and improve your understanding."

After Ye Hao found that his strength had been upgraded to a god and demon level void life, he still couldn't understand the essence of the martial arts chat group, and couldn't help but continue to speed up his understanding.

Although the god and demon-level void life belongs to the strong in the endless void, there are also abyss-level void life, chaos-level void life and ancestor-level void life on top of this.

In a single large universe world, it is difficult to obtain the opportunity to quickly improve its strength.

His future range of action may be in the Endless Void.

With his current strength, he couldn't deduce all the heavenly machines of the Endless Void. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this case, the more transcendent one's own understanding, the faster the strength will improve.

"唰~", "唰~", "唰~"

Ye Hao's mind moved, infinite avatars appeared, and each avatar used a god-level task card to start performing group tasks.

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