Complete ten missions!

Complete a hundred missions!

Complete a thousand missions!

With every breath, Ye Hao used thousands of god-level task cards at the same time, completing these tasks in an instant and obtaining trillions of points rewards.

"Half buy god-level mission cards, and half buy god-level understanding cards."

Ye Hao changed the way he used to use points rewards.

One day!

Two days!

Three days!

I don't know how long this mode lasts, and Ye Hao doesn't know how many tasks to open and how many tasks to enter with the god-level task card~ world.

At the same time, there are millions of god-level understanding cards used, and the understanding has reached a taboo height.


System owner!

Navy owner!

In these worlds, Ye Hao encountered many special existences.

There are even chat group owners.

It's just that the scope of that heavenly chat group is just an infinite multiverse, and with Ye Hao's strength realm at this time, he can also create a similar heavenly chat group at will.

"Now that the improvement of understanding has been very rapid, we need to find a channel to quickly improve our strength."

Ye Hao's original doppelganger who was exploring in the endless void stopped and looked.

After the body broke through to the Qiankun realm, the strength of this doppelganger also reached this level, and the speed of exploring the endless void was also much faster.

In the Endless Void, Ye Hao also encountered the lower Void Life, the middle Void Life, and the upper Void Life, and there were very few king-level Void Lives encountered.

As for the stronger emperor-level void life, god and demon-level void life, Ye Hao has not encountered it yet.

In the memories of those few king-level void lives, Ye Hao also found some useful information.

Sea of Time.

Holy Abyss.

Polar Magic Mountain.

These forces gather a large number of Void Life.

These forces are unfathomable.

In the endless void, king-level void beings that are difficult to encounter can be seen everywhere in these forces.

Emperor-level void life can be regarded as a strong person.

God-level Void Beings are qualified to serve as middle and high-level beings in these forces.

Being able to establish the existence of a force in the endless void is at least an abyss-level void life.

"Go to the Extreme Magic Mountain."

Ye Hao quickly made a decision.

Extreme Magic Mountain belongs to the dark camp forces, and likes to devour and destroy the multiverse and play with the life of the multiverse.

"It is worthy of being a force in the endless void."

It took Ye Hao more than a hundred years to reach the Extreme Demon Mountain.

Although the Extreme Demon Mountain is said to be a mountain, any small stone on it is larger than a large world, and even a speck of dust on it is more than 100 million light years.

The entire magic mountain is filled with endless darkness, full of unimaginable negative emotions, and tens of thousands of multiverses are buried.

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Darkness Technique Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Killing Technique Advanced! "

"Ding-dong! Congratulations on your supreme power, Great Death Technique Advanced! "

When Ye Hao looked at the Extreme Demon Mountain, the personal page of the chat group sounded with the prompt sound of the group system.

The forbidden understanding made Ye Hao's divine power never end.

"First sneak into the Extreme Demon Mountain and refine the Dao fruits of these dark void lives."

Ye Hao directly controlled an emperor-level void life, entered the Extreme Demon Mountain, and then operated the supreme divine power, and the six reincarnation techniques continued to refine the Dao fruits of dark void life.

"The Dao Fruit below the Emperor-level Void Life is of almost no help to me."

However, Ye Hao still did not let go of refining these dark void life Dao fruits.

These Dao fruits of dark void life may not be of any help to Ye Hao, but the years of survival of these dark void life are terrifying for a long time.

Some of the lower Void beings have even survived for more than a million billion years.

In the memories of these dark void lives, Ye Hao might be able to obtain some information that he had, or some secrets that other void beings did not know.

Blood River God Demon.

Ice Bone God Demon.

Light Eater.

What made Ye Hao gain the most was the god and demon void life of the same level.

Refining these gods and demons could not only improve Ye Hao's strength realm, but also obtain a lot of information about the Extreme Demon Mountain and the Endless Void.

In the memory of the Ice Bone God and Demon, Ye Hao even knew that an abyss-level void life in the Extreme Demon Mountain, the Scarlet Moon Lord gave a drop of his essence blood to his heir, an emperor-level void life.


Ye Hao silently sneaked into the cave mansion of this emperor-level void life, quietly refining the essence blood of the Scarlet Moon Lord and fusing the opponent's Dao fruit.

After fusing and refining the memories of this Scarlet Moon Lord, Ye Hao also had a clear understanding of the strength of the Extreme Demon Mountain.

The Extreme Demon Mountain is in the Endless Void, belonging to a third-rate force, with five Abyss-level Void Beings.

Lords of the Scarlet Moon.

Bone Demon Lord.

Yuan Blood Lord.

Lords of the Killing Realm.

Lords of the Nine Eyes.

The five Abyss-level Void Beings had no heirs except for the Killing Realm Lord, and the other four Abyss-level Void Beings all had their own heirs.

Some give their blood to outstanding heirs, and some give their scales or fur to their outstanding heirs.

For Ye Hao, as long as it was something on the body of an abyss-level void life, he could all fuse and refine the other party's Dao fruit from it.


After refining the Dao Fruits of the four Abyss-level Void Lives of the Extreme Demon Mountain, Ye Hao silently appeared behind the Self-Killing Realm Lord, slapped him on the skull, slapped it up, swept away the essence blood in it, and fled directly.

"The next target is the Sea of Time."

The Sea of Time and the Extreme Demon Mountain are similar in strength, and they do not belong to the dark camp, nor the order camp, but also to the chaos camp.

There are five abyss-level void beings, who like to study time, often change the time of the multiverse, and manipulate the timeline of the multiverse.

Ye Hao also refined an emperor-level void life, and then secretly fused the Dao fruit of refining all the void life in the Sea of Time.

Polar Magic Mountain.

Sea of Time.

Holy Abyss.


In order to prevent exposure, the targets Ye Hao chose were all third-rate forces of the Endless Void.

In the Endless Void, the division of strength is very simple.

The forces with abyss-level void life sitting in the town are third-rate forces, the forces with chaos-level void life sitting in the town are second-rate forces, and the forces with ancestor-level void life sitting in the town are first-rate forces.

As for the strength of forces of the same level, they are generally distinguished according to the number of corresponding void lives. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

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